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61. Colloquium - DM, IST: I. Gohberg INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMATICA COLLOQUIUM Infinite systemsof linear equations israel gohberg (Tel Aviv University) Abstract Infinite http://listas.math.ist.utl.pt/pipermail/cold/2002-March/000025.html | |
62. Editorial Board Moscow, GSP1 / Russia / gam@ips.ac.msk.su I. gohberg Tel-Aviv Mathematical Analysisand Operator Theory / Ramat-Aviv / 69978 Tel-Aviv / israel / gohberg@math http://www.heldermann.de/GMJ/gmjebo.htm | |
63. Www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/ATNET/54.fixed Multilinear Algebra Recent Applications 211 Robert L. Ellis (College Park, Maryland),israel gohberg (Ramat Aviv, israel), and David C. Lay (College Park http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/ATNET/54.fixed | |
64. Www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/ATNET/55.fixed Graph 27 Ra l Andrade and Alicia Labra (Santiago, Chile) On a Class of Baric Algebras49 I. gohberg (TelAviv, israel), MA Kaashoek, and J. Kos (Amsterdam, The http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/ATNET/55.fixed | |
65. Contents, Linear Algebra And Its Applications Portugal) Multilinear Algebra Recent Applications Robert L. Ellis (College Park,Maryland), israel gohberg (Ramat Aviv, israel) and David C. Lay (College Park http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET96-3/msg00061.html | |
66. Contents, Linear Algebra And Its Applications of Rayleigh Quotient Matrix Pencils of a Definite Pencil 471 Daniel Alpay (BeerSheva,israel), Joseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia), israel gohberg (Tel-Aviv http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET94/msg00524.html | |
67. Announcements September 1997 - July 1998 Hoofdsprekers zullen zijn JA Ball (Virginia Tech, USA); I. gohberg (VU en TelAvivUniversity, israel); dr. I. gohberg (VU en Tel-Aviv University, israel), dr. http://www.cs.vu.nl/vakgroepen/analyse/announcements97.html | |
68. Wetenschappelijk Verslag Wiskunde En Informatica 2001 L. Lerer $J$symmetric factorizations and algebraic Riccati equations, Recent Advancesin Operator Theory, The israel gohberg Anniversary Volume, OT 124, eds. http://www.cs.vu.nl/~vanmill/jaarverslag2001/wis.htm | |
69. ITU Library Services Gokel, George W, 1990, 1. Gokhberg, I. TS. (Izrail TSudikovich), 1928 Bakinizgohberg, I. (israel), 1928-, 1. - Bakiniz gohberg, I. (israel), 1928-, 1. http://divit.library.itu.edu.tr/search*tur/aGold, Bela/agold bela/-17,-1,0,B/bro | |
70. Untitled Numerical approximation of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws SpringerVerlag,1996.1861.20533.201515353 N96158734 gohberg, israel. http://math.iisc.ernet.in/~nbhm/515.html | |
71. Subject: Introductory Pages On The IMCPseries S. Gelbart, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, israel. I. gohberg, TelAviv University,Ramat-Aviv, israel. B. Pinchuk, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, israel. http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~eni/IMCPseries.html | |
72. Math Theory Of Networks/Systems Conference, Kobe Japan June 91, And Site Visits The other plenary lectures were given by professors BDO Anderson of AustralianNational University, israel gohberg of TelAviv University, israel and A http://www.cs.arizona.edu/japan/www/atip/public/atip.reports.91/dattab.html | |
73. IMUCC 102, June 1997 IMUCC 102 gohberg, israel. To receive an honorary doctorate from theTechnische Hochschule Darmstadt, 1997. IMUCC 102 GOLDSTEIN, Martin. http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/other/imu/102/imucc102.html | |
74. English Books > Mathematics > Algebra - Linear 3790813001 Partially Specified Matrices and Operators gohberg, israel; Karshoek,Marinus; Van Schagen, Frederik; Hardback; Book ISBN 3764352590 Pisierfactor http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbma205O.shtml | |
75. English Books > Mathematics > Functional Analysis Spaces Perez Carreras, P.; Bonet, J.; Hardback; Book ISBN 044470129X Basic OperatorTheory gohberg, I. (TelAviv University, Ramat Aviv, israel); Goldberg, S http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbma701.shtml | |
76. School Of Mathematical Sciences Prof. Efim Gluskin, pure, gluskin, x8816, x9357, 307. Prof. israel gohberg, pure,gohberg, x8033, 6428570, x9357, 205. Prof. Dan Haran, pure, haran, x8849, x9357,203. Prof. http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~larisan/faculty/faculty_members.html | |
77. School Of Mathematical Sciences x8816, x9357, 307. Prof. israel gohberg, pure, gohberg@post.tau.ac.il,gohberg@math.tau.ac.il, x8033, 6428570, x9357, 205. Dr. Assaf Goldberger, http://www.math.tau.ac.il/school/faculty_members.html | |
78. First Announcement The scientific committee consists at the moment of israel gohberg (Tel Aviv, chairman),Joe Ball (Blacksburg), Michel Fliess (ENSCachan), Bill Helton (San http://bugs.unica.it/iwota2003/firstannouncement.html | |
79. [Suchen Und Finden] Lesen.ch - Bücher & Mehr - Schweiz Translate this page Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related Topics. Umschlag grösser,Autor Alpay, Daniel gohberg, israel Vinnikov, Victor, CHF 276.50. http://www.lesen.ch/lex/biblio/biblio.asp?nMode=5&sQuery=eraseallstichwortTop |
80. Editors Of The ELA - Postal Addresses Shmuel Friedland Mathematics Department University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago,IL 60680 USA, israel gohberg School of Mathematical Sciences Tel Aviv http://www.ras.ru/EMIS/journals/ELA/editors-postal.html | |
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