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Heegaard Poul: more books (16) | ||
21. AU: Tel., email and addresses (nat\molbiol\) 8942 5037, Hartvigsen, Gitte Kaiser, gh@imsb.au.dk (F.B06107). 89422690, heegaard, poul Christian, pch@mb.au.dk (1.130-318). 8942 http://www.au.dk/en/nat/molbiol/staffdir.htm | |
22. AU/Årsberetning 1997 (nat/molbiol) Sørensen, Birthe Marie Hother Vesterager. Teknisk ACpersonale poulChristian heegaard. Teknikere Mogens Dannemann Bentzen, poul http://www.au.dk/da/nat/molbiol/arsb1997.htm | |
23. Norsk Matematisk Forening Utløsende årsak var, som det fremgår nedenfor, at poul heegaard ble ansattsom professor. 19281935, poul heegaard. 1935-1946, Ingebrigt Johansson. http://www.math.uio.no/~elow/nmf/historikk.html | |
24. Norske Matematikere Based on the University of Oslo.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... løses ved hypergeometriske rekker. gå til tabell . poul heegaard,f. 2/11 1871, København, d. 7/2 1948. heegaard var dansk, tok http://www.math.uio.no/~bentb/Oslomat/Oslomat.html | |
25. Telenor: Forskning Og Utvikling State of the art in performance monitoring and measurements/ Tønnes Brekne, MariusClementsen, poul heegaard, Tone Ingvaldsen, Brynjar Viken, Fornebu http://www.telenor.com/rd/publisering/publ02.shtml | |
26. Biography-center - Letter H history/Mathematicians/Hedrick.html; heegaard, poul wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/heegaard.html;Heeger, Alan J http://www.biography-center.com/h.html | |
27. Norsk Matematisk Forening poul heegaard (18711948) var dansk, hadde vært professor i København fra 1910,og var nettopp i 1918 utnevnt i et nyopprettet professorat i geometri i Oslo http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/nmf.htm | |
28. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Thomas (199*) Heaviside, Oliver (1209*) Heawood, Percy (596*) Hecht, Daniel (117)Hecke, Erich (69*) Hedrick, Earle (490*) heegaard, poul (380*) Heilbronn http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
29. Poul Henric Winding poul Henric Winding * Omk 1841 10 Feb 1850. Andreas Winding *16 Feb 1802 . Hedvig heegaard * Omk 1815 -. Andreas Winding - -. http://www.havrebjerg.dk/Havrebjerg2.web/per00170.htm | |
30. Hedvig Heegaard Omk 1832 Andreas Winding, Omk 1841 - poul Henric Winding Omk 1843 - Johan NicolaiWinding Omk 1848 - Helene Sophie Winding 06 Jan Hedvig heegaard * Omk 1815 -. http://www.havrebjerg.dk/Havrebjerg2.web/per00168.htm | |
31. Seminarer Torsdag den 12. marts 1998 kl. 14 i lokale E3109. Hans J. Munkholm, OdenseUniversitet poul heegaard (1871 1948) hans matematik og hans person. http://www.biostat.au.dk/meddelelser/1998/med1/semaab.htm | |
32. Publications - BibTEX Entries INPROCEEDINGS{HeegardHelvik1999, AUTHORS = {poul heegaard}, TITLE = {On the useof likelihood ratio as indicator of the accuracy of importance sampling http://www.comnets.uni-bremen.de/data/res/BibTEX.html | |
33. Publications - Sorted By Date poul heegaard On the use of likelihood ratio as indicator of the accuracyof importance sampling estimates., pp. 2938, 1999, Workshop http://www.comnets.uni-bremen.de/data/res/date.html | |
34. FAMILY HISTORY LITERATURE 13VI-1958 s. 25-37. PHT. A. heegaard heegaard, poul Anker Bidragtil Familien heegaards Historie. DK Frdbg. 1952. 204pp. fb. http://home.online.no/~cfscheel/SL-HE.HTM | |
35. Colloquium Translate this page Professeur Hans Jorgen MUNKHOLM, SDU - Université Odense, Danemark. ``Thelife and mathematics of poul heegaard (1871 - 1948)''. Résumé http://www.obs-besancon.fr/obs/colloq.html | |
36. Publications - Sorted By Authors poul heegaard A Scheme for Adaptive Biasing in Importance Sampling. In InternationalJournal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 52, pp. 172182, 1998. http://www.comnets.rwth-aachen.de/res/alpha.html | |
37. Rare Event Simulation S1.1 Survey. poul heegaard. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept. S4.4poul heegaard. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept. http://www.comnets.rwth-aachen.de/~cg/workshop.html | |
38. IP-serier Net Mask Statisk route fra B540 til AKHrouter 130.225.130-127 Molekylær biologi og zoofysiologi (poul heegaard, 2690) Bygn http://www.nf.au.dk/ipserier.html | |
39. Superbrugere poul Bang Pedersen Fysik og Astronomi pbp@ifa.au.dk 3796 Kurt Hangaard MarcussenFysik og Astronomi khm@ifa.au.dk 3790 poul Christian heegaard Mol. og Struk. http://www.nf.au.dk/super.html | |
40. BioZoom: BioVision A/S – Innovationsmiljøet For Bioteknologisk Forskning Selskabets direktør er Palle Høy Jakobsen, og bestyrelsen består af Palle HøyJakobsen og Peter heegaard udpeget af initiativtagerne og poul Andersson fra http://www.biokemi.org/biozoom/2002_3/bz_0302k.htm | |
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