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41. Karl Menger Just a few years earlier eduard helly had also been called to IIT but he died shortly after he accepted his position in 1943. http://www.iit.edu/~am/Menger/menger.html | |
42. Register Der Artikel Des Jahresberichts Der DMV Translate this page Nessel, RJ, Butzer, PL, Gieseler, S., Kaufmann, F., Stark, EL eduard helly(1884-1943). Eine nachträgliche Würdigung, 82, 128-151 (1980). http://www.matha.rwth-aachen.de/dmv/register.php?page=n |
43. Register Der Artikel Des Jahresberichts Der DMV Translate this page Gieseler, S., Butzer, PL, Kaufmann, F., Nessel, RJ, Stark, EL eduard helly(1884-1943). Eine nachträgliche Würdigung, 82, 128-151 (1980). http://www.matha.rwth-aachen.de/dmv/register.php?page=g |
44. June 2002 1 eduard helly. 2 Tibor Radó, 3 Paul Mansion, 4 John Henry Pratt, 5 JohnMaynard Keynes, 6 Max Zorn, 7 Edward Van Vleck, 8 Charlotte Angas Scott. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/June2002.html | |
45. Dirk J. Struik (A Discussion In Alt.obituaries Newsgroup) By Antreas P. Hatzipol Franz Mertens, and later Wilhelm Wirtinger, Philipp Furtwaengler and Hans Hahn workedwith the students and Dozenten Kurt Goedel, eduard helly, Witold Hurewicz http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/mouskendspeld | |
46. Navegants Envia'ns Un E-mail Amb Les Teves Dades A Catcentre@ Translate this page es Joan L. Aymerich jllaymer@minorisa.es Jaume Bacardit helly@minorisa.es Antoni hotmail.comMitjanit orquestra mitjanit@hotmail.com HOMEPAGE eduard Molner edus http://www.minorisa.es/portal/directoris/navegants.html | |
47. Gästebuch Von Stan George - Comedy Translate this page www.helly-kumpusch-band.com Name eduard Habsburg Email tcc@tccologne.de Datum Mittwoch,19 Januar, 2000 um 110146 Kommentar Stan - Du bist das beste, was http://www.stan-george.de/gaestebuch/ |
48. Documento Sin Título Translate this page 085856, 1. P, 49, eduard BARCELÓ, ESP, Purina Pro Plan, 095741,2. P, 50, KARINE BRUNNERQ, FR, helly Hansen, 123629, 3. P, 48, FRANCISCOCEBRIÁN, http://www.pirena.com/2003/pirena/english/pirena03/historic.htm | |
49. Neue Galerie Graz - Jenseits Von Kunst / 4 Mathematik Und Physik Translate this page Wilhelm Frank schildert einige der bedeutendsten Mathematiker und Logiker Österreichsua Wilhelm Wirtinger, Philipp Furtwängler, eduard helly, Abraham Wald http://www.stmk.gv.at/verwaltung/lmj-ng/97/jvk/04.html | |
50. Life And Work Of Kurt Gödel _ A Brief Sketch; Resonance - July 2001 At the University of Vienna, Gödel came in touch with several eminent mathematiciansincluding Hans Hahn, Karl Menger, eduard helly, Walter Mayer and Leopold http://www.ias.ac.in/resonance/July2001/July2001p2-3.html | |
51. Clasificaciones Pirena'2000 Translate this page 085856. 1. P. N. 49. eduard BARCELÓ. ESP. Purina Pro Plan. 095741. 2.P. N. 50. KARINE BRUNNERQ. FR. helly Hansen. 123629. 3. P. N. 48. FRANCISCOCEBRIÁN. ESP. http://edicionesdesnivel.com/nieve/nieve001.htm | |
52. Überblick 1900 N. Chr. - 2000 N. Chr. Translate this page 1953 1956 1957 1960 1979 1981, Satz von Kurt Gödel Bartel vd Waerden (Moderne Algebra)Nicolas Bourbaki Emanuel Lasker Issai Schur eduard helly Garett Birkhoff http://members.tripod.com/sfabel/mathematik/zeit_2000.html | |
53. Untitled eduard helly, convexity and functional analysis (Czech) (with I.Netuka),Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29 (1984), 301 312. (MR 86e http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~jvesely/publ.html | |
54. Seznam Publikaci 120; eduard helly, convexity and functional analysis (Czech) (withJ. Vesely), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29 (1984), 301 312; On http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~netuka/publikace.html | |
55. Hugo Schuchardt eduard u. Ida Heinsen,GW 4541; Heinze, Rudolf 4542; Heinzel, Richard 4543-4553; helly, Richard 4554 http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ub/sosa/nachlass/person/schuchardt/schuchardt_kp.htm | |
56. Výsledky Mistrovství Svìta - Durban 1997 - Veteránská Atletika Translate this page M40 M45 Herbert H Kreiner, AUT 14.57 eduard Longauer, SVK 16.23 Michael Coker, GBR15.40 Jean G Horne, CAN 551.12 Inkeri Janhunen, FIN 518.39 helly C Visser http://veterani.b2w.cz/asp/MS/XII.asp | |
57. ANOTHER JEWISH VIEW EH NagelOssendrijver, Yoeke Nagel, Florie Neter-Polak, Raymond Nethe, Erga Netz,LB van Nierop, eduard Nusselder, Helena van Oers, helly Oesteicher, Astrid http://www.xs4all.nl/~sivmo/ander2.htm | |
58. Mode & Schuhe Translate this page ecco, Schuhe, NN, NN. eduard Dressler, Herrenmode, Dressler (Familie), Dressler. Hassia,LORENZ (at), Hassia Schuhe. helly Hansen, Segelkleidung, NN, helly Hansen. http://www.wer-zu-wem.de/marken/modeschuhe.html | |
59. Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names 1965) Jacobsthal, Ernst Erich (18821974) Moore, Robert Lee (1883-1960) Bell, EricTemple (1884-1915) Torelli, Ruggiero (1884-1943) helly, eduard (1884-1972 http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names |
60. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... 18831941) *MT. Charles Albert Fischer (1884-1922); eduard helly (1884-1943)*SB; George David Birkhoff (1884-1944) *MT; Leon Chwistak http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
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