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Heraclides Of Pontus: more detail | ||||||
61. Annotated Bibliography For Catastrophism: Astronomy, Archaeoastronomy, And Ethno of classical authors on the subject of astronomy, including Thales, Anaximander,Plato, Aristotle, Eudoxus, heraclides of pontus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus http://www.pibburns.com/catasbib/astro.htm | |
62. Untitled Document Euthyphro, the son of heraclides of pontus, declares that he was a Cretan,Eteia being a town in Crete. Anaxilaus makes him an Arcadian. http://www.wbenjamin.org/nc/diogenes.html | |
63. Faith And Reason In The Middle Ages Aquinas also considered the heliocentric theories of heraclides of pontus andAristarchus of Samos, only to reject them by Aristotelian arguments. (131). http://www.drury.edu/ess/philsci/faithreason.html | |
64. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 97.2.12 1074 + 1081 may well be Heracleodorus, and she sheds considerable light on Philodemus'betterknown opponents heraclides of pontus, Neoptolemus of Parium http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1997/97.02.12.html | |
65. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.12.04 Iamblichus' pagan sources may have been Peripatetic vitae or collectionsof dicta from the pen of Aristoxenus and heraclides of pontus. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2002/2002-12-04.html | |
66. Summary heraclides of pontus records that Pythagoras taught that happiness is thescientific knowledge of the perfection of the numbers of the soul (15). http://philos.nsu.ru/classics/pythagoras_eng.html | |
67. History Of Biology heraclides of pontus, a pupil of Plato, lived from 388 to 315 BC.He was one of the first people to say that the apparent daily http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/hist_sci.htm | |
68. The Soul (No. 92) incarnation. (On Heraclides Ponticus, see Burkert, Lore and Science,pp. 366ff; and Gottschalk, heraclides of pontus, pp. 98ff.). http://www.logon.org/english/s/p092.html | |
69. Two Day 305 Syllabus Plato 427347 BC. Eudoxus of Cnidus 409-356 BC. heraclides of pontus c. 390-c.322 BC. Calippus of Cyzidus c. 370 - c. 300 BC. Aristotle 384-322 BC. http://www.csubak.edu/~doswald/2D305SYL.htm | |
70. | Table Of Contents | The American Historical Review, Volume 87, Issue 4. | The Reviewed by WR Connor, 1057. HB Gottschalk. heraclides of pontus. Reviewedby Ronald H. Epp, 1058. Kenneth Sacks. Polybius on the Writing of History. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jstor/ahr/ahr-87-4-toc.html | |
71. Lovers1 in Sicily the same was shown by the mutual love of Chariton and Melanippusof whomMelanippus was the younger beloved, as heraclides of pontus tells in his http://users.bigpond.net.au/bstone/lovers1.htm | |
72. Philosophy &Psychology Gill,C. 1996, \4,000. 88, n, heraclides of pontus. Gottschalk,HB, 1980,\4,000. 89, n, Inroduction a la Psychologie. 14e ed. Guillaume,P. 1968,\3,000. http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/t2book/y/y_n.htm | |
73. Nymfs Philosophy systeem van bollen om de beweging van hemellichamen te verklaren.(zie hieronder). heraclides van pontus 388 315 v Chr. http://groups.msn.com/NymfsPhilosophy/aristoteles.msnw | |
74. Heraclides Of Heraclea Pontus (ca. 388-315 BC) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of heraclides of Heraclea pontus (ca. 388315 BC), Greek philosopher whowas the first to suggest that the rotation of the Earth would http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Heraclides.html | |
75. HERACLIDES PONTICUS heraclides PONTICUS, Greek philosopher and miscellaneous writer, born at Heracleain pontus, flourished in the 4th century BC He studied philosophy at Athens http://53.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HERACLIDES_PONTICUS.htm | |
76. Het Universum Van Ether En Vuur? (Metaphysics 1073 b 13 ff). heraclides. heraclides van pontus (388 315 vC)was ook een leerling van Plato. Zijn ideeën waren ronduit revolutionair. http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~lla015/Astronomie/Vuurenether2.php | |
77. Heraclides Ponticus - Wikipedia heraclides Ponticus, Greek philosopher and miscellaneous writer, bornat Heraclea in pontus, flourished in the 4th century BC. He http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraclides_Ponticus | |
78. Astronomia Na Antiguidade Translate this page heraclides de pontus (388-315 aC) propôs que a Terra gira diariamente sobreseu próprio eixo, que Vênus e Mercúrio orbitam o Sol, ea existência de http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/antiga/antiga.htm | |
79. Meilensteine Vor 1500 Translate this page 390, Äther wird als fünftes Element eingeführt, Plato. -365, Erklärung dertäglichen Bewegung des Himmels durch die Erdrotation, heraclides von pontus. http://mrge.de/lehrer/beuche/pitty/meilev16.htm | |
80. O Planetário - Astronomia Na Antiguidade Translate this page heraclides de pontus (388-315 aC) propôs que a Terra girava diariamente sobreseu próprio eixo, que Vênus e Mercúrio orbitavam o Sol, ea existência de http://www.oplanetario.hpg.ig.com.br/antiguidade.htm | |
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