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1. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Charles Hermite hermite charles (18221901), matematyk francuski, profesor uniwersytetu i politechniki paryskiej, czonek Akademii Nauk, autor wielu prac http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07279a.htm | |
2. Hermite Includes a biography comparing him with other contemporaries of his, references and quotations.Category Science Physics Mathematical Physics People......Charles Hermite. Born 24 Charles Hermite's father was Ferdinand Hermiteand his mother was Madeleine Lallemand. Ferdinand Hermite http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Hermite.html | |
3. Quotation By Charles Hermite Charles Hermite (1822 1901). Analysis takes back with one hand whatit gives with the other. I recoil in fear and loathing from http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations2/114.html | |
4. HERMITE hermite charles (18221901). Matemático francés nacido en Dieuz y fallecido en París. http://almez.cnice.mecd.es/~agos0000/Hermite.html | |
5. HERMITE Translate this page hermite charles (1822-1901). Matemático francés nacido en Dieuz y fallecido enParís. Su paso por la escuela no fue brillante, ni siquiera en matemáticas. http://almez.pntic.mec.es/~agos0000/Hermite.html | |
6. Recherche : Auteur hermite charles , CertificationIDDN. Dans les fiches. 1 fiche trouvée http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/cgi-bin/publimath.pl?r=auteur=Hermite Charles |
7. Hermite Translate this page hermite charles français, 1822-1901 Ce grand mathématicien plus tard(1882). Pour en savoir plus le mémoire de Charles Hermite. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Hermite.html | |
8. WIEM: Hermite Charles (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl H...... http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00dd64.html | |
9. Editions Jacques Gabay - Charles HERMITE Translate this page Charles HERMITE. Charles HERMITE. 1822 - 1901. Au catalogue des EditionsJacques Gabay RIEMANN uvres mathématiques, 1898, Reprint http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=HERMITE Charles |
10. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs Translate this page HEIBERG Johan Ludvig. HEISENBERG Werner. HELMHOLTZ Hermann von. HEMERY Corentin.hermite charles. HILBERT David. HINRICHSEN FW. HOCHARD E. HOCQUEMILLER J. HOUGHSS. http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Auteurs.asp?Lettre=H |
11. Hermite Charles Hermite. Dec 24 1822 Jan 14 1901 Born Dieuze, France. Died Paris,France. Welcome page Instructions Birthplace map Mathematicians http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/physicist/Hermite.html | |
12. Hermite Charles Hermite. Born 24 Dec 1822 in Dieuze, Lorraine, France Died 14 Jan 1901in Paris, France. G Darboux, Charles Hermite, La revue du mois 1 (1906), 3758. http://tam.cornell.edu/courses/310Sp97/Lec12Feb/Hermite.html | |
13. Charles Hermite Charles Hermite. Nascut24 Decembrie 1822 în Dieuze, Lorena, Franta.Moare 14 Ianuarie 1901 în Paris, Franta. Charles Hermite http://www.liis.ro/html/pages/MateWeb/10.htm | |
14. Einige Der Bedeutenden Mathematiker Translate this page Hamilton William Rowan, 1805-1865. Hausdorff Felix, 1868-1942. hermite charles,1822-1901. Heawood Percy, 1861-1955. Heron von Alexandrien, ~60 n.Chr. http://www.zahlenjagd.at/mathematiker.html | |
15. Supélec - Stéphane Vialle ( Publications ) Translate this page Journée 2001 du Centre Charles Hermite (Annual meeting of Charles HermiteCenter) pdf program, ps program Charles hermite charles Hermite Center. http://www.ese-metz.fr/metz/personnel/vialle/seminars.html | |
16. Centre Charles Hermite Centre lorrain de comp©tence en mod©lisation et calcul hautes performances. Pr©sentation du centre et du projet, membres et rapports d'activit©s. http://cch.loria.fr/ | |
17. Hermite Includes a biography comparing him with other contemporaries of his, references and quotations. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Hermite.html | |
18. Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica. hermite, charles. Encyclopædia Britannica Article http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=41028 |
19. Origin 2000 de l'Origin 2000. du Centre charles hermite. La machine, son réseau et ses disques http://www.loria.fr/CCH/documentation/O2000 | |
20. Hermite, Charles (1822-1901) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra hermite, charles (18221901), French mathematician who did brilliantwork in many branches of mathematics, but was plagued by poor http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Hermite.html | |
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