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Heyting Arend: more detail | ||||
41. AL Seminar (1994) Franchella () Abstract This talk presents the contentof the unpublished notes that the Dutch mathematician arend heyting wrote in http://www.jaist.ac.jp/is/labs/ono-ishihara-lab/ono-lab/ALseminars/al-seminars94 | |
42. Www.phil.uni-passau.de/dlwg/ws03/22-1-95.txt EGBERT JAN(003) 9 BETH,EVERT WILLEM(003) 9 heyting,arend(003) 9 http://www.phil.uni-passau.de/dlwg/ws03/22-1-95.txt | |
43. MathComp Database - Short View Of Documents 4, 1040568, 1971, heyting, A. (arend), INTUITIONISM. 5, 1040569, 1956,heyting, A. (arend), INTUITIONISM. 6, 1060175, 1982, HOEVEN, GF VAN DER http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/FIND-ACC/0224674 | |
44. MathComp Database - Browse - List 10, HEYER, HERBERT. 5, heyting, A. (arend), 1898. 5, heyting, arend, 1898- Seeheyting, A. (arend), 1898-. 4, HEYWOOD, JG (JOHN GROVES), 1940-. 1, HEYWOOD,TR. http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/SCAN-F/0245460 | |
45. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Georges Hartley, Brian Hesse, Otto Humbert, Pierre Hartree, Douglas Heuraet, Hendrikvan Hunayn ibn Ishaq Hasse, Helmut heyting, arend Huntington, Edward http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
46. Finitism Now jump to arend heyting and Abraham Robinson in the 20th century. The latter wasthe genius at Yale responsible for most of modern aerodynamic wing theory. http://www.ccir.ed.ac.uk/~jad/vantil-list/archive-Sep-2000/msg00030.html | |
47. FOM: Re: Constructive Mathematics The following is an extract of what arend heyting wrote in his 1956 IntuitionismAn Introduction (This is part of an excellent dialogue, between the http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2000-May/004051.html | |
48. FOM: Re: Constructive Mathematics The following is an extract of what arend heyting wrote in his 1956 IntuitionismAn Introduction (This is part of an excellent dialogue, between the http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2000-May/004040.html | |
49. Intuitionism. (in VSCCAT) Intuitionism. Title Intuitionism. An introduction. By A. heyting. Author heyting,A. (arend), 1898. Published Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1971. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT/AAN-7226 | |
50. INTUITIONISTIC MATHEMATICS (in VSCCAT) INTUITIONISTIC MATHEMATICS. Record 1 of 1. heyting, A. (arend), 1898 Intuitionism.An introduction. By A. heyting. Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1971. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT?S=INTUITIONISTIC MATHEMATICS |
51. IPM - Homepage direct proofs. In 1930, Brouwer's student arend heyting gave thefirst axiomatization of intuitionistic logic. Kripke semantics http://www.ipm.ac.ir/IPM/activities/ViewProgramInfo.jsp?PTID=206 |
52. Niet Schieten! Nadat in 1994 arend Edel, Maarten Hennis en Erik Jobben het Cameretten Festival wordtvanaf het programma Taboe (augustus 1997) door Hetty heyting gecoached en http://www.finkers.nl/artiesten/nietschieten_kwaadbloed.html | |
53. Rivales De La Lógica Clásica 2, 152-158. heyting, arend. (1956) Intuitionism An Introduction. http://www.filosoficas.unam.mx/~Tdl/rivales.htm | |
54. Untitled heyting, arend. (1956)Intuitionism An Introduction. North-Holland, Amsterdam. Hintikka, Jaako. http://www.filosoficas.unam.mx/~morado/Papers/Uam-i.htm | |
55. Intuitionistic Logic Research / Miscellaneous Constructive Mathematics Voce della Stanford Encyclopaediaof Philosophy. CSLI Homepage. arend heyting. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/logica/lgint_lo.htm | |
56. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 355) Herschel, Caroline (188*) Herschel, John (143*) Herstein, Israel (295*) Hesse,Ludwig (165*) Heuraet, Hendrik van (170) heyting, arend (62*) Hilbert http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
57. H Index Herschel, Caroline (1760*) Herschel, John (2821*) Herstein, Yitz (295*) Hesse, Otto(165*) Heuraet, Hendrik van (170) heyting, arend (62*) Higman, Graham (751 http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/H.html |
58. HISTOIRE DE LA LOGIQUE- LA LOGIQUE MATHÉMATIQUE Translate this page preuve ou de justification jouent un rôle fondamental. arend heyting(1898-1980). On développera donc dans les années 1930 une http://logique.uqam.8m.com/histoire10.htm | |
59. Yamada heyting, arend. Intuitionism; an introduction. Amsterdam, NorthHolland,1956. viii,132 p. 22 cm. (Studies in logic and the foundations http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/yamada.htm | |
60. AAS Database - Browse - List 1, Heynderickx, D. 2, Heyrovsky, Jaroslav. 1, Heys, Howard. 4, heyting, arend. 1,Heytler, Peter. 1, Heywang, H. 1, Heywood, JG (John Groves), 1940. 1, Heywood,John B. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/SCAN-F/2016701 | |
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