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61. Some Contemporaries Of Descartes, Fermat, Pascal And Huygens robert hooke, born at Freshwater on July 18, 1635, and died in London on March3, 1703, was educated at Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford, and in 1665 http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/17thCentury/RouseBall/RB_Math17C.htm | |
62. Hooke, Robert Translate this page hooke, robert (Freshwater, isola di Wight 1635 - Londra 1703), scienziato britannico,fornì importanti contributi in diversi settori scientifici, ma è noto http://digilander.libero.it/gibovo/hooke.html | |
63. Hooke Translate this page hooke, robert (1635-1703), científico inglés, conocido por su estudiode la elasticidad. hooke aportó también otros conocimientos http://www.geocities.com/fisicaquimica99/hooke.htm | |
64. Hooke: Biography By John Sutton click here. Back to my home page. robert hooke. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFESCIENCES. hooke, robert Biographies. Keywords Microscope http://www.phil.mq.edu.au/staff/jsutton/Hooke.htm | |
65. Robert Hooke Translate this page hooke, robert (1635-1703), englischer Wissenschaftler, der durch seine Untersuchungenüber den linearen Zusammenhang zwischen Dehnung und Normalspannung in http://winnetou.lcd.lu/oinet/sciencesnat/physique/physiciens/hooke_robert.htm | |
66. Hooke hooke, robert (b. July 18, 1635, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, Eng.d. March 3, 1703,London), English physicist who discovered the law of elasticity, known as http://www.spaceship-earth.org/Biograph/hooke.htm | |
67. Robert Hooke 1635 - 1703 - The Inspirational Father Of Modern Science hero robert hooke In tribute to his genius and dedication to experimentalscience and creative thought reserved). robert hooke Facts. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artmar00/hooke1.html | |
68. Robert Hooke 1635 - 1703 - The Inspirational Father Of Modern Science hero robert hooke In tribute to his genius and dedication to scienceand creative thought and rights reserved). robert hooke Facts. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artmar00/hooke3.html | |
69. Isle Of Wight History: The Life Of Robert Hooke. The Life of. robert hooke. If I have seen further it is by standing on the shouldersof giants . Isaac Newton in a letter to robert hooke, 5 February, 1676. http://freespace.virgin.net/ric.martin/vectis/hookeweb/roberthooke.htm | |
70. The Tragedy Of Robert Hooke's Brother. And so robert obviously continued contact with Island society other than hisimmediate family. robert hooke's servants. Web sites on robert hooke http://freespace.virgin.net/ric.martin/vectis/hookeweb/sggg.htm | |
71. BBC - History - Robert Hooke, Natural Philosopher robert hooke, Natural Philosopher. By Rod Beavon. Although a portraitof External Web Links. University of California robert hooke. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/discovery/revolutions/hooke_robert_beavon_01.shtml | |
72. Robert Hooke And His Microscope robert hooke (16351703) robert hooke believed the cells had served as containersfor the noble juices or fibrous threads of the once-living cork tree. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blroberthooke.htm | |
73. Hooke hooke, robert (szül. 1635. júl. 18. Freshwater, Wightsziget, Anglia? megh. 1703. márc. 3. London), angol fizikus, ô fedezte http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh2/hooke.html |
74. Robert Hooke . robert hooke anticipated some of the most significant discoveries andinventions of his time, but was unable to implement them himself. http://www.zeiss.com/C12567A100537AB9/InhaltWWWIntern/B7671FB3B85B5390C125693600 | |
75. No. 183: Robert Hooke No. 183 robert hooke by John H. Lienhard robert hooke was in the deadcenter of this movement. He was a generalist of astonishing range. http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi183.htm | |
76. No. 839: A Christian Gentleman (Theme music) Shapin, S., Who was robert hooke, robert hooke New Studies (M.Hunter and S. Schaffer, eds.). Wolfeboro, NH The Boydell Press, 1989.). http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi839.htm | |
77. Natur Des Lichts Translate this page robert hooke. robert hooke (1635 - 1703) wurde auf der Isle of Wightgeboren und studierte an der Universität Oxford. Später wurde http://members.aol.com/mblicht1/hooke.htm |
78. CyberSpace Search! SEARCH THE WEB. Results for robert hooke. Computing Homelife EBusinessTravel Gambling Electronics Entertainment Shopping Education http://www.cyberspace.com/cgi-bin/cs_search.cgi?Terms=robert hooke |
79. War Robert Hooke One Of The First Proponents Of A Theory Of hooke, robert (b. July 18, 1635, Freshwater, Isle of Wrightd. March 3, 1703,London), physicist who discovered the law of elasticity, known as hooke's law http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~loennig/Hooke.html |
80. Robert Hooke's Micrographia users only. Please Note robert hooke's Micrographia is a commercialproduct held by us under a licensing agreement with Octavo. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/helpsheets/Micrographia.html | |
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