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Hudde Johann: more detail |
21. History Of Astronomy: Persons (H) Hubble Constant; Hubble Space Telescope (HST). hudde, johann Janvan Waveren (16281704) Biographical data and references; Short http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_h.html | |
22. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Hardy, Claude Heron of Alexandria Horner, William Hardy, GH Herschel, Caroline Hoüel,Guillaume Harish-Chandra Herschel, John hudde, johann Harriot, Thomas http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
23. Mathematicians Of The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries Accounts of their lives and works, adapted from "A Short Account of the History of Mathematics" Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... 1661); Grégoire de SaintVincent (1584 - 1667); Evangelista Torricelli(1608 - 1647); johann hudde (1633 - 1704); Bernard Frénicle http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/RBallHist.html | |
24. Some Contemporaries Of Descartes, Fermat, Pascal And Huygens hudde. johann hudde, burgomaster of Amsterdam, was born there in1633, and died in the same town in 1704. He wrote two tracts in http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/17thCentury/RouseBall/RB_Math17C.htm | |
25. Death And Statistics johann hudde was burgomaster (mayor) of Amsterdam for 30 years, from 1672 to 1702.To raise funds, the Amsterdam city government took to selling annuities. http://plus.maths.org/issue12/features/annuities/ | |
26. Ancient Mathematicians Evangelista Torricelli, John Pell, Renee Descartes. johann hudde, Pierre Varignon,Albert Einstein. Pierre Raymond de Montmort, Gabriel Cramer, Brook Taylor. http://www.seaford.k12.ny.us/Sites/Seaford_Web_Site/Middle/math/MS_Math_WebPages | |
27. Ulearn Today - Magazine Later, Dutch mathematician johann hudde discovered a simpler method,known as huddes Rule, which basically involves the derivative. http://www.ulearntoday.com/magazine/physics_article1.jsp?FILE=calculus |
28. Matematiikan Historia; Muun Maailman Matemaatikot Translate this page William Oughtred Wilhelm Schickard, John Pell Pierre de Fermat Blaise Pascal ** GilesPersonne de Roberval John Wallis William Neil johann hudde René François http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/mathist/muumaa.html | |
29. Differentiaali- Ja Integraalilaskennan Esivaiheet Descartesin esittämiä komplisoituja tangentinmääritysmenetelmiä yksinkertaistivathollantilainen johann hudde (16281704) ja flaamilainen René François http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/mathist/html/diffint/ | |
30. Untitled johann hudde (16281704). Early Probability. However, johann hudde (1628-1704)and René François de Sluse (1622-1685) found easily used algorithms. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/precalc/precalc.html |
31. A Hubble, Edwin P. (18891953), BM; Hubble, Edwin P. (1889-1953), STSCI,USA; hudde, johann (1633-1704), 17th and 18th C Mathematicians; http://members.aol.com/jayKplanr/images.htm | |
32. Www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt Metrica 151 Hilbert, David (18621943) Königsberg,Göttingen 719 lecture Paris 1900med 23 problemer Grundlagen der Geometrie 1899 719 hudde, johann (1628-1704 http://www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt |
33. Full Alphabetical Index Grace (1729*) Hörmander, Lars (799*) Horner, William (207) Hoüel, Jules (421*)Householder, Alston (1122*) Hubble, Edwin (591*) hudde, johann (264*) Hui Yang http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
34. So Biografias: Britanicos Em H Alberto Howe, Elias Huáscar, Inti Cusi Huallpa Hubbard, Bernard Rosecrans Hubble,Edwin Powell Hubel, David Hunter Huber, Robert hudde, johann Hudson, Henry http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraHB.html |
35. Some Short "biographies" (55). Jan (or johann) hudde (16331704) was a Dutch mathematician. Workedon maxima and minima and the theory of equations. Pupil of van Schooten. http://www.hifm.no/~matematikk/ansatte/bjorns/biographies.htm | |
36. Matematicieni Ai Secolelor 18 Si 19 1785) Edmund Halley (1656 1742) Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792 - 1871)Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703) johann hudde (1633 - 1704) Christian Huygens http://stoner.phys.uaic.ro/DEPE/CURSURI/TM/web_matematicieni/Matematicieni/All_I | |
37. Wikipedia:Rouse History Of Mathematics - Wikipedia 1703) status not done; johann hudde (1633 1704) status not done;Christian Huygens (1629 - 1695) status not done; Sir James Ivory http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouse_History_of_Mathematics | |
38. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page de L' (204*) Hopkins, William (53) Hopper, Grace (117*) Horner, William (207)Hoüel, Guillaume (421*) Hubble, Edwin (591*) hudde, johann (264*) Humbert http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
39. Famaj Matematikistoj 1628, Jan, hudde, 16281704 (76), teorio pri ekvacioj. 1667, johann I, BERNOULLI,1667-1748 (81), diferencialaj ekvacioj; ekstremalproblemoj de la geometrio. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/2389/famajmat.htm | |
40. Jakob Bernoulli Jacob Bernoulli was the brother of johann Bernoulli and the uncle of Bernoulli travelledto the Netherlands where he met many mathematicians including hudde. http://www.mathematik.ch/mathematiker/jakob_bernoulli.php | |
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