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41. The Garden Of Archimedes: Pythagoras scheda3_1.gif, The demonstration of thabit ibn qurra. The following demonstrationis attributed to the Arab mathematician thabit ibn qurra (826901). http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede_inglese/pitagora/exh_pitagora/sched | |
42. Il Giardino Di Archimede: Pitagora Translate this page scheda3_1.gif, La dimostrazione di thabit ibn qurra. La dimostrazione seguenteè attribuita al matematico arabo thabit ibn qurra (826-901). http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede/pitagora/exh_pitagora/scheda3.html | |
43. Manuscripts Of Astrological Image Magic Catalogue 1497. De imaginibus. thabit ibn qurra. CAT. Canterbury, St Augustine'sAbbey, 1275. pp. 7191. s. xvi, 1510. Liber prestigiorum. thabit ibn qurra. MSS. http://duke.usask.ca/~frk302/MSS/images.html |
44. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Pythagorean Theorem Proof (thabit ibn qurra). It's the second of the proofsgiven by thabit ibn qurra. The first one is essentially the 2 above. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/55457.html | |
45. The Math Forum Trig/Calc Problem Of The Week Archive To find out more about him, visit the MacTutor History of Mathematics archivesIbrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra. Highlighted solutions http://mathforum.org/calcpow/solutions/solution.ehtml?puzzle=45 |
46. QURRA thabit ibn qurra. (836901 AD). thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harraniwas born in the year 836 AD at Harran (present Turkey). http://hahsim.s5.com/scientists/qurra.html | |
47. Loq-Man Translations above. There they worked with Hunayn and later also with thabit ibn qurra.Hunayn became thabit ibn qurra (836 901). thabit ibn qurra http://www.loqmantranslations.com/ArabicFacts/ArabTranslators.html | |
48. Islam Translate this page Elles sont l'oeuvre de mathématiciens comme thabit ibn qurra (826-901) et suscitéespar les besoins de la nouvelle société, en astronomie, en optique, en http://www.sfrs.fr/e-doc/islam.htm | |
49. The University Of Illinois At Chicago Department Of Classics And Mediterranean S Forthcoming Publications With Amos Bertolacci, thabit ibn qurra's Concise Expositionof Aristotle's Metaphysics Text, Translation, Commentary, in thabit http://www.uic.edu/las/clas/David_Reisman.html | |
50. Biography-center - Letter T thabit_ibn_QAYS.html; thabit ibn qurra, Abu'l wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/thabit.html;Thackeray, William http://www.biography-center.com/t.html | |
51. Arabic Numerals Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra (908946) who introduced a methodof integration in studying the quadrature of the parabola. http://www.arabicnumerals.cwc.net/ | |
52. Muslim Contribution To Science 826 901 ibn qurra, thabit; mathematician. 865- 923 Razi, al- (Rhazes); alchemist,philosopher, physician. 839- 923 Tabari, al-; historian, theologian. http://www.umr.edu/~msaumr/reference/articles/science/contributors.html |
53. Encyclopædia Britannica Abu Said Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra University of St.Andrews Brief introductionto the life and works of this Iraqi mathematician known for writings in http://search.britannica.com/search?query=ibn battutah&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6&sh |
54. Encyclopædia Britannica thabit ibn qurra Arab mathematician, astronomer, physician, and philosopher, arepresentative of the flourishing ArabIslamic culture of the 9th century. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=ibn battutah&fuzzy=N&ct=eb&start=8&sho |
55. Muslim Scientist And Thinkers -- INDEX Jabir ibn Haiyan died 803 Mohammad Bin Musa alKhawarizmi died 840 Yaqub ibn Ishaqal-Kindi 800 thabit ibn qurra 836 Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari 838 Abu Abdullah http://www.princeton.edu/~humcomp/scholars.html | |
56. The Time Of Al-razi IBRAHIM ibn SINAN Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra.Born in 9089, died in 946. Grandson of thabit ibn qurra (qv http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam15.html | |
57. The Time Of Al-razi thabit ibn qurra Abu Hassan thabit ibn qurra Marawan alHarrani, that is, from Harran,Mesopotamia, born 826-27 (or 835-36), flourished in Bagdad, died in 901. http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam14.html | |
58. Ayman's Home Page Khaldun ibn Sina Jabir ibn Haiyan Jalal alDin Rumi Mohammad Bin Musa al-KhawarizmiMohammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi Omar al-Khayyam thabit ibn qurra Yaqub ibn http://ahram.org/islamic/muslim_scientist.htm | |
59. UK Moon Sighting Home Page Contents Jabir ibn Haiyan died 803 Mohammad Bin Musa alKhawarizmi died 840 Yaqubibn Ishaq al-Kindi 800 thabit ibn qurra 836 Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari 838 Abu http://www.ummah.net/moonsighting/scholars.htm |
60. Biblioteca Translate this page 890 DESCRIPCION DE LAS FIGURAS FORMADAS POR thabit ibn qurra. 891 LIBROSOBRE EL INSTRUMENTO QUE INDICA LAS HORAS thabit ibn qurra. 1239? http://es.geocities.com/soliombra/biblioteca.htm | |
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