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81. SEJARAH FALSAFAH SAINS MODEN West Jabir ibn Hayyan, alKindi, al-Khwarizmi, al-Farghani, al-Razi, Thabit ibnQurra, al-Battani, Hunain bin Ishaq, al-Farabi, ibrahim ibn sinan, al-Masudi http://el.usm.my/academic/sploo/PLG333/333t11.htm | |
82. Untitled said The Substitutes in this Community are thirty like ibrahim the Friend of inIraq? He said Yes, Muhammad ibn Wasi`, Hassan ibn Abi sinan, and Malik http://www.sunnah.org/publication/salafi/salafi_unveiled/p14.htm | |
83. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page ibrahim, ibn sinan Kaestner, Abraham Kochin, Nikolai Ingham, Albert Kagan, BenjaminKoebe, Paul Ivory, James Kalmár, László Kolmogorov, Andrey Kaluza http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
84. Salaam Knowledge sinan ibn Sabit ibn Qurrah, 943, A Chief of sinan Kwhaja Mimar, 1489 - 1578, Thegreatest Muslim Sinasi ibrahim Effendi, 1826 - 1870, The Turkish journalist, known http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/biography/bio_letter.php?letter=s |
85. H Z . ÝBRAHÝM A.S. Firavunu çok zâlim ve cebbâr, sinan bin Ulvân gayet güler yüzlü birer´gençsuretinde ibrahim aleyhisselam in as) ve Israfil (as) oldugu ibni Abbas http://www.menzil.net/ptarih/ibrahim.html | |
86. Muslim Hadith Page 2 in resemblance with him was Urwah ibn Mas'ud, and I saw ibrahim (blessings of NarratedSuhayb ibn sinan arRumi The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said http://www.rizla.freeserve.co.uk/Hadith htm/muslim hadith page 2.htm |
87. Contenidos Iniciacion Translate this page Carta del Emir de los Creyentes Ali ibn Abu Talib. sinan, genio de la arquitecturaislámica por RH Shamsuddín Elía. Tiempo de ayuno por Hashim ibrahim Cabrera. http://www.webislam.com/Cont/cont_iniciac.htm | |
88. List Of Electronic Texts Available At LETRS: Al-Hadith Database Title ABU DAWUD No.2293 Author Furay'ah, daughter of Malik ibn sinan Title AL ofMu'awiyah Title ABU DAWUD No.5221 Author Hassan ibn ibrahim Title SAHIH AL http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/text-tools/textlists/alhadithb-i.html | |
89. Ammar Ibn Yaser O fire be cool and peaceful on Ammar as you were on ibrahim peace be Abu sinan AlDuali, the Companion of the Prophet says I saw Ammar ibn Yaser (on http://www.ummah.net/islam/taqwapalace/stories/ammar-ibn-yaser.html |
90. Khayyam Umar ibn ibrahim Khayyami He lived in the middle of this period of eclipseof ibn sinan philosophy, between ibn Sina's students and Tusi, and must be http://www.cis-ca.org/voices/k/khayyam.htm | |
91. Medical Giants the scientific team of the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakirat He left his legacy with sons (ibrahim and sinan), grandsons (Thabit http://www.unaniremedies.net/med9.htm | |
92. Las Matemáticas En El Islam Medieval Translate this page ibrahim ibn sinan (n. 908), que introdujo un método de integración más generalque el de Arquímedes, y al-Quhi (n. 940), fueron figuras relevantes en el http://www.transoxiana.com.ar/0105/Article.html | |
93. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics Suleymania Complex, Istanbul, 15501557, sinan's master piece. mosque of Aleppo, builtby Hasan ibn Mufarraj al father Adam and restored by Prophet ibrahim and his http://www.muslimheritage.com/virtual_civilization/monument_across.cfm | |
94. Science And Technology In Islam Jabir ibn Haiyan, Hunain ibn Ishaq, alKhwarizmi, al Kindi, Al-Asma'i, al-arghani,al-Razi, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Battani, al-Farabi, ibrahim ibn sinan, al-as http://www.fam.aust.com/helal/alhaqq/newslttr/nl_11a.html | |
95. 7 Translate this page 159. JAOUICHE, K. Aperçu sur le problème des cercles tangents chezIbrahim ibn sinan, ibn al-Haytham et Viète p. 179. KOELBLEN http://www.ashm.ass.dz/cahier8f/derpub8f.htm | |
96. Uczony Heretyk - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat W historii matematyki zapisali sie jeszcze jego syn sinan ibn Tabit oraz wnukIbrahim ibn sinan ibn Tabit, choc nie ciesza sie slawa ojca i dziadka. http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/matematyka/200102/20010219-001.asp | |
97. Mathematicians 900. Sridhara (c. 900). Ahmad ibn Yusuf (fl. c. 900905) *SB. ibrahim ibn Sinanibn Thabit ibn Qurra (909-946) *SB. Manjula (c. 930). Abu Sahl al-Kuhi (c. 950). http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
98. Ulema,Alim Ve Evliyalar Sivâsi Abdülmecit Efendi; ibrahim Hakki Efendi; Said Pasa Hazretleri. MütefekkirlerIbni Haldun; Süleyman Çelebi; Mimar sinan; Mehmet Akif Ersoy; Muhammed Ikbal http://www.enfal.de/ulema.htm | |
99. Harran'lý Bir Bilim Hanedaný: Sabit Bin Kurra Ve Ailesi yüzyilda arkadas canlisi sayilarla ugrasmis bir diger müslüman bilginIbn Haldun'a göre, tilsimla sinan'in kizi ile ibrahim bin Zahrun http://www.araf.net/dergi/sayi07/tane196m/tane196m.shtml | |
100. The Math Forum Trig/Calc Problem Of The Week Archive The most common answer was Archimedes; however, another possible answer is Ibrahimibn sinan, a tenthcentury Arab mathematician born in Baghdad (now in Iraq). http://mathforum.org/calcpow/solutions/solution.ehtml?puzzle=45 |
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