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81. Lib_t1 tahir verses. tahir/Arberry. The Poems of a Persian Sufi Baba tahir. CambridgeUni. Press. see references in Andalus Sufis. ibn Arabi/Austin. Sufis of Andalusia. http://www.zahuri.dircon.co.uk/lib_t1.htm | |
82. Imam Ibn Majah - Arsip Profil / Tokoh Islam - 11/05/2001 Ulama pertama yang memandang Sunan ibn Majah sebagai kitab keenam adalah alHafizAbul-Fardl Muhammad bin tahir al-Maqdisi (wafat pada 507 H) dalam kitabnya http://www.alislam.or.id/profil/arsip/00000006.html | |
83. Sobaka Dossier Tahir Yuldashev tahir Yuldashev is often characterized as the political leader or spokesman ofIMU who fought in Tajikistan's five year civil war, including ibnul-Khattab http://www.diacritica.com/sobaka/dossier/yuldashev.html |
84. [Tariqas] A Reading Of Ibn Arabi alKalam), Jajalu-d-Din as-Suyuti (Karasatu-t-Tanwir), Sulayman ibn = 'Abdi-l al-Hind),Qadi Habib al-Haqq Permuli = (Tanqid wa Tardid), tahir Muhammad (Zahirat http://stderr.org/pipermail/tariqas/1997-January/000778.html | |
85. IslamOnline - Contemporary Section 47. AlQaradawi, op. cit., p. 286. 48. Isma`il Al-Hasani, NazariyyatAl-Maqasid ` ind Al-Imam Muhammad Al-tahir ibn `Ashur, p. 16. http://www.islamonline.net/english/Contemporary/2002/08/Article02e.shtml | |
86. In Defense Of Sidi Muhiddin Ibn Arabi alKalam), Jajalu-d-Din as-Suyuti (Karasatu-t-Tanwir), Sulayman ibn Abdi-l al-Hind),Qadi Habib al-Haqq Permuli (Tanqid wa Tardid), tahir Muhammad (Zahirat al http://digilander.libero.it/islamic/ibnarabi.html | |
87. Miftahul Jannah (The Key To Paradise) of the great alImam al-Habib 'Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Sumeit. The first to schoolthe author was his own mother, as-Sayyidah Safiyyah binti tahir al-Haddad. http://www.iqra.net/Our-Shaykh/jannah.htm | |
88. Deviated Beliefs more famous for falsehood than the Raafidite Shi`ites. ibn Taymeeyah, Minhaaj InReply to Mirza tahir Ahmad Whenever Qadianis are disappointed over something http://www.alinaam.org.za/library/dbeliefs.htm | |
89. TAHIR Translate this page tahir *Feb. 1997. Imperial Imdal, Ansata Imperial, Ansata ibn Sudan. Ansata Delilah.Dalia, Morafic. Romanaa II. Tiffaha, Jamilll, Madkour I. Hanan. Taghreed, Shaarawi. http://de.geocities.com/s0130469/Gemein/Tahir.HTM | |
90. The Qarmatians In Bahrain Reproaching Abu tahir, alMahdi had written a letter to him committed today. It mustbe pointed out that the letter of al-Mahdi as cited by ibn Khallikan (1st http://ismaili.net/histoire/history05/history510.html | |
91. Biography-center - Letter I ibn Sina, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Avicenna.html; ibnTahir, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html; http://www.biography-center.com/i.html | |
92. IBN TAYMIYYA by Dr. G.F. Ahmad ibn `Abd alHalim ibn `Abd Allah ibn Abi al-Qasim ibn Taymiyya, Taqi al-Din Abu al-`Abbas ibn Shihab al-Din ibn Majd al-Din al-Harrani al-Dimashqi al-Hanbali (661-728). http://www.sunnah.org/history/Innovators/ibn_taymiyya.htm | |
93. Kashan Lustre: Tiles The two prominent figures in this development are the potters Muhammad ibn Abu Tahirand Abu Zaid, who are known through signatures to have worked together on http://islamicceramics.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/Kashan2/tiles.htm | |
94. Clm97-46. 43 Titles From Saudi Arabia. Cairo Library Of Congress - Monographs ISBN 9960314448 36 LCN 97965919 Maashir, Abd al-Razzaq ibnTahir ibn Ahmad. al-Jahl bi-masail al-itiqad wa-hukmuh / talif http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/97/046.html | |
95. Traces Of Civilization In Iran Before The First Half Of The Fifth Millenium B Gilan and Deylamestan in 201/8167. When the caliph al - Mamun appointedTahir ibn Husayn to rule over the eastern regions of Iran, the first. http://www.adinehtravel.com/storia.htm | |
96. INDICE Num. 6 vida y persecución de un filósofo . MISCELÁNEA. ESTUDIOS http://fyl.unizar.es/SOFIME/INDICE7.HTML | |
97. AnábasisDigital. Portal Bibliográfico De Filosofía. http://www.anabasisdigital.com/h/h5b.htm | |
98. HAMBURG About 220 A.}1. he betook himself to Khorasan, then ruled by Abdallah ibnTahir, whom he praised and by whom he was rewarded; on his journey home to http://1.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HA/HAMBURG.htm | |
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