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81. Physics Time-Line To 1799 of Earth 1155 Bhaskara first description of a perpetual motion machine 1225 JordanusNemorarius, mechanics of lever and composition of motion 1250 Albertus http://www.weburbia.com/pg/hist1.htm |
82. Algebra In The Renaissance The use of letters for numbers is already found in the work of JordanusNemorarius (13th century). But his work lacks the combination http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/university/scit/modules/mm2217/ar.htm | |
83. Il Giardino Di Archimede http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede/CD_rom/elenco_CD.html | |
84. Leonardo Fibonacci. Matematica E Società Nel Mediterraneo Del Secolo XIII Translate this page ore 11.00 Intervallo Christian Houzel (Università di Parigi 7) JordanusNemorarius. Luigi Pepe (Università di Ferrara) La riscoperta http://www.sismelfirenze.it/attivita/ita/fibonacci.htm | |
85. Converted From "C:\FactualSite\CriaPaises\astronomia.txt" astrorum caelestium natura et motus ,etc. ANO 1252 G. Conclusao http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3367/astronomia.html | |
86. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Jones, William (231) Jonquières, Ernest de (239) Jordan, Marie (318*) JordanusNemorarius (109) Jourdain, Philip (181) Juel, Sophus (55*) Julia, Gaston (269 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
87. Untitled Document http://www.sosmatematica.com/curiosidades.htm | |
88. SEU. Lecture 02. The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.polarcom.ru/~vvtsv/s_doc2.htm | |
89. Seyed Gegrüsst, Wanderer, Der Ihr Den Weg Zu Tabula Gefunden Habt! Translate this page Es stirbt Neidhart von Reuenthal. Es stirbt der deutsche Gelehrte JordanusNemorarius, der mechanische Bewegungsprobleme untersucht hat. http://www.tabula-libertatis.de/geschichte1.htm | |
90. 5º CONTINUACIÓN DE LAS CREENCIAS MÁGICAS MÁS REMOTAS Translate this page Mientras Federico II de Hohenstaufen luchaba por Sicilia, el sabio teutón JordanusNemorarius iniciaba la investigación de los problemas de la mecánica en http://www.thaisyjosef.com/lareligion/creenciasremotas/continuacion2/continuacio | |
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