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21. Biografía De Gaston Maurice Julia El matemático gaston Maurice julia nació el 3 de Febrero de 1893 en Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/5889/julia.html | |
22. FractSurf - Biographies Of Benoit Mandelbrot And Gaston Maurice Julia Benoit Mandelbrot. gaston Maurice julia. Benoit Mandelbrot http://www.fractsurf.de/e_bios.html | |
23. De Juliagalerij noemen we de juliaverzameling, genaamd naar de Franse wiskundige gaston julia (18931978). gaston Maurice julia http://www.kubrussel.ac.be/geometry/julia.html | |
24. Julia Biography of gaston julia (18931978) gaston Maurice julia. Born 3 Feb 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Julia.html | |
25. References For Julia Translate this page References for gaston julia. M Hervé, L'oeuvre de gaston julia, Cahiersdu Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques 2 (Paris, 1981), 1-8. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Julia.html | |
26. FRACTALES.ORG Fractales. Gaston M. Julia. Translate this page La teoría fractal de Mandelbrot es un estudio basado en el conjunto de julia creadopor gaston julia, al que Mandelbrot le dio un aspecto visual, generando http://www.fractales.org/fractales/gastonmjulia.shtml |
27. Fall 2002 Vertical REGISTER and safety training for business, industry, and the community. The gaston College EMS Program holds Email payne.julia@gaston.cc.nc.us http://www.gaston.cc.nc.us/PDFfiles/Fall2002Schedule/page%2051.pdf |
28. FRACTALES.ORG Fractales. Conjuntos De Julia. Translate this page Los comienzos. gaston M. julia y Pierre Fatou, trabajaron a principiosde siglo (1918) en funciones de variable compleja. Iterándolas http://www.fractales.org/fractales/conjuntosjulia.shtml |
29. Gaston Maurice Julia Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. geboren am 3. Februar 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbès(Algerien) gestorben am 19. März 1978 in Paris (Frankreich). http://www.katharinen.ingolstadt.de/chaos/gaston.htm | |
30. References For Julia References for the biography of gaston julia J Coulomb, Obituary gaston julia, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris Vie Académique 287 (16) (1978), 9192. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/References/Julia.html | |
31. Eliana Argenti E Tommaso Bientinesi - Caos E Oggetti Frattali - Insiemi Di Gasto Gli insiemi di julia sono frattali che hanno preso il nome da gaston julia per il suo lavoro in questo campo. http://space.tin.it/computer/eargenti/FRATTALI/njulia.htm | |
32. Twin Dragon, Gaston Julia, Fractal Tiling For Home Decoration, Julia Set It was discovered 80 years ago by gaston julia without the use of computer or image.The paper was forgotten for 50 years because it had no illustrations. http://www.geocities.com/wenjin92014/java/dragon.htm | |
33. Eliana Argenti E Tommaso Bientinesi - Caos E Oggetti Frattali - Vita Di Gaston M Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. Nato 3 Febbraio gaston julia dimostrò, fin dallagiovinezza, uno spiccato interesse per la matematica. A soli 25 http://www.webfract.it/FRATTALI/nvitaJulia.htm | |
34. Eliana Argenti E Tommaso Bientinesi - Caos E Oggetti Frattali - Insiemi Di Gasto Translate this page GLI INSIEMI DI julia. Gli insiemi di julia sono frattali che hannopreso il nome da gaston julia per il suo lavoro in questo campo. http://www.webfract.it/FRATTALI/njulia.htm | |
35. FractSurf - Biographien Von Benoit Mandelbrot Und Gaston Maurice Julia Translate this page gaston julia war einer der Vorväter der Theorie des modernen dynamischen Systemsund ist bekannt geworden durch das, was wir heute die juliamenge nennen. http://www.fractsurf.de/bios.html | |
36. Gaston Julia gaston MAURICE julia (18931978) gaston Maurice julia died in Paris the 19th dayof March 1978 at the age of 85. Juan Luis Martínez 2003.03.13 (Monday). http://www.fractovia.org/people/julia.html | |
37. Third.apex.to.fractovia Following those ones, which date from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, camethe works of gaston julia and Pierre Fatou on julia set fractals (191819 http://www.fractovia.org/what/what_ing4.html |
38. Club-Internet Encyclopédie Translate this page Titres (1-8 / 8) julia (gaston) julia (gens) julia (les ensembles de) Cameron (juliaMargaret) Daudet (julia), née Allard fractales détail de l'ensemble de http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/h?Julia |
39. The Fractory: Julia Sets gaston julia established the idea that the entire boundary (the julia set)could be regenerated from an exceedingly small piece of the boundary. http://hyperion.advanced.org/3288/julia.html | |
40. A Translate this page 56. julia, gaston Exercices d'analyse Vol. *****.58. julia, gaston Principes géométriques d'analyse Vol. http://www.unil.ch/ima/Bibliotheque/frame/page/catalogue/acqui_neuves_2.2001.aut | |
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