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Kaluza Theodor: more detail | |||||
81. Der Polnische Parteistaat Und Seine Politischen Gegner 1944-1956 Kaluza Andrzej Translate this page Titel Der polnische Parteistaat und seine politischen Gegner 1944-1956. AutorKaluza Andrzej. Baustein Lyrik I/2. Lyrik Storm theodor Pole Poppenspäl http://www.kinderbuch-fux.de/Kaluza-Andrzej-Der-polnische-Parteistaat-3465027698 | |
82. Never.ever.org.uk/junk/farah.txt Introduction The concept of extra dimensions originated in the 1920s as a seriousapproach to unifying electromagnetism and gravity by theodor kaluza and Oscar http://never.ever.org.uk/junk/farah.txt | |
83. G.O. - Wissen Online / Hyperraum - Das Elegante Universum Translate this page Bereits 1921 hat der deutsche Mathematiker theodor kaluza behauptet, dasssich die Gravitation und Elektromagnetismus in der fünften Dimension http://www.g-o.de/kap4/40cc0006.htm | |
84. Forces And Unification In 1919 theodor kaluza showed how to derive electromagnetism from general relativityby using five dimensions. Unfortunately we only observe four dimensions. http://www.schoolsobservatory.org.uk/study/sci/cosmo/internal/fifth.htm | |
85. Seven Dimensional (and Up) Einsteinian Hyperspherical Universe - Supplemental Ma doctoral thesis in 1851, the feasibility of another dimension was taken more seriouslywhen an unknown Prussian mathematician, theodor kaluza, wrote a letter http://www.fm/7-sphere/supp/supp15.htm | |
86. Physics Post :: Daily Physics And Science Articles In 1919 a relatively unknown Polish mathematician named theodor Kaluzachallenged the obvious. He attempted to unify the General http://www.physicspost.com/articles.php?articleId=43 |
87. Piêkno Wszech¶wiata - Brian Greene - Biblioteka - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Niemniej w 1919 roku malo znany matematyk polskiego pochodzenia, theodor Kaluzaz Uniwersytetu w Królewcu, mial czelnosc podwazyc to, co oczywiste. http://www.wiw.pl/biblioteka/piekno_greene/01.asp | |
88. Unificación De Fuerzas Fundamentales Translate this page Esta idea no es nueva, ya que en los años '20 fue introducida por Oscar Klein yTheodor kaluza en un intento por unificar la GR con el Electromagnetismo de http://exaphysics.tripod.com/Artikelvetenskapen/GUTS.html | |
89. Oskar Klein 1926 yilina dogru kaluza klein kuramina kasmistir kendileri (theodorkaluza'nin kuramina kuantum mekaniginden ögeler katmistir). http://sozluk.sourtimes.org/show.asp?t=oskar klein |
90. RKOM -> RKOM TECH -> ARTIKEL -> Subraum Translate this page Obwohl das so unumstößlich scheint, wagte es dennoch der polnische MathematikerTheodor kaluza, im Jahre 1919 diese Selbstverständlichkeit in Frage zu http://www.sfg-rkom.de/rkomtech/artikel/data_stringtheorie.htm | |
91. TOE Bibliography Publication copy for YGGDRASIL The Journal of Paraphysics Copyright © 1998 Abbott, Edwin A. A. Flatland A Romance of Many Dimensions. New York Barnes Noble, 1963 Reprint of the 2nd edition, Oxford Blackwell, and London Seeley, 1884. http://members.aol.com/yggdras/paraphysics/toebib.htm | |
92. Curled-Up Dimensions One of the first suggestions for closed cylindrical dimensions was made by TheodorKaluza in 1919, in a paper communicated to the Prussian Academy by Einstein http://www.mathpages.com/rr/s7-04/7-04.htm | |
93. Untitled The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://quanta.kyunghee.ac.kr/physics/98Undergraduate_Theses/sys/string09.htm | |
94. Felix.unife.it/Root/d-Quellen/b-Quellen-05001-6000 Translate this page and contrasts. 5028 Chatterji/, 167-178. 5038 Detlef Laugwitz TheodorKaluza 1885-1954. 5028 Chatterji/, 179-187. 5039 Pesi Masani http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Quellen/b-Quellen-05001-6000 |
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