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1. Ernst Kummer's Life Ernst Eduard kummer eduard Kummer's father, Carl Gotthelf Kummer was a physician. However he died when Eduard was only three years old and Eduard and his elder brother were brought up by their mother. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma0dmp/Kummerlife.html | |
2. Kummer Eduard Kummer's father, Carl Gotthelf Kummer was a physician. However he died when Eduard was only three years old and Eduard and his elder brother were brought up by their mother. http://www.wactc.wo.k12.ri.us/../csstudents02/kyleb/math/kummer.html | |
3. Kummer Eduard Kummer's father, Carl Gotthelf Kummer was a physician. Ernst EduardKummer (1810 1893) introduced the theory of ideal complex numbers. http://www.wactc.wo.k12.ri.us/csstudents02/kyleb/math/kummer.html | |
4. Inhalt_katalog_19 Translate this page kummer eduard Leipzig. 1867, 2. Aufl., 502 S., ein Lehrbuch fuer denkende Frauenund zum Gebrauche in weiblichen Erziehungsanstalten (Einriss auf S. 269). 198. http://www.staeuble-reiden.ch/inhalt_katalog_19.htm | |
5. Inhalt_katalog_8 Translate this page Dithmar Gerhard. 434 S., Exemplar Nr. 766, Leinen mit Umschlag. 204. 90.00. KlenckeHermann, Dr. med. Das Weib als Gattin. kummer eduard. Leipzig. 1910, 17. http://www.staeuble-reiden.ch/inhalt_katalog_8.htm | |
6. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With K Küller, Rosina (). kummer, Alfred (-). kummer, eduard (EST 1870-). kummer, Gottfried (EST 1860-) http://www.adam-family.ch/ged2www/idxk.html | |
7. Kummer Ernst eduard kummer. Born 29 Jan 1810 in eduard kummer's father, CarlGotthelf kummer was a physician. However he died when eduard http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Kummer.html | |
8. Kummer Biography of eduard kummer (18101893) eduard kummer's father, Carl Gotthelf kummer was a physician. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Kummer.html | |
9. References For Kummer References for eduard kummer. Biography K Hensel, Gedächtnisrede auf Ernsteduard kummer, Nachrufe auf Berliner Mathematiker des 19. Jahrhunderts http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Kummer.html | |
10. References For Kummer References for the biography of eduard kummer K Hensel, Gedächtnisrede auf Ernst eduard kummer, Nachrufe auf Berliner Mathematiker des 19. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Kummer.html | |
11. KUMMER, Eduard - Www.matematik.dosyasi.com MATEMATIKÇILER. Edaurd kummer (1810 1893) kummer, Gaussla birliktemodern aritmetigin kurucularindan kabul edilir. Çalismalari http://user.domaindlx.com/matematikdosyasi/matematikciler/kummer.htm | |
12. Matematikçiler - Www.matematik.dosyasi.com Carl Friedrich GÖDEL, Kurt HERMITE, Charles HILBERT, David HUYGENS, Christaan JACOBI,Carl KLEIN, Felix KRONECKER, Leopold kummer, eduard LAGRANGE, Joseph http://user.domaindlx.com/matematikdosyasi/matematikciler/ | |
13. VEDA 26.8. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII Ernst eduard kummer Jirí Svrek narozen29. ledna 1810 v Sorau, Brandenburg, Prusko (nyní Nemecko) zemrel 14. http://pes.eunet.cz/veda/clanky/14771_48_0_0.html | |
14. A Quotation By Kummer A quotation by eduard kummer. It is greatly to be lamented that this virtue of the real integers that they can be http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Quotations/Kummer.html | |
15. VEDA MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII Ernst eduard kummer Jirí Svrek kummerova popularitajako profesora byla zaloena nejen na jasnosti jeho prednáek, ale také http://pes.eunet.cz/veda/48_0_0/1000677600.html | |
16. Kummer, Ernst Eduard kummer, Ernst eduard (18101893). German mathematician who introduced'ideal numbers' in the attempt to prove Fermat's last theorem. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/k/Kummer/1.html | |
17. Punkterangliste Feldschiessen 2002Punkterangliste Feldschiessen 2002 Dieterswil- Ernst eduard kummer (1810 1893) Matemático e professor alemão nascido em Sorau, criador da teoria aritmética dos ideais. Órfão de pai aos três anos de idade foi levado pela mãe para estudar na Universidade de Halle, onde se doutorou aos 21 http://www.seelandschuetzen.ch/resultate/FS02_Punkterangliste.htm |
18. Ernst Eduard Kummer Translate this page Ernst eduard kummer (1810 - 1893). Matemático alemán recordado por sus trabajossobre series hipergeométricas, teoría de números y funciones algebraicas. http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/kummer.htm | |
19. Kummer Translate this page kummer Ernst eduard allemand, 1810-1893 Après des études à l'universitéde Halle, kummer commence sa carrière comme professeur de lycée. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Kummer.html | |
20. FLThistory complex numbers. Ernst eduard kummer. The next person to make a largecontribution to Fermat's last theorem (FLT) was eduard kummer. In http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma0dmp/FLThist.html | |
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