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61. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Imre Lakatos And Theories Of Scientific Change Books » imre lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change. imre lakatos and Theoriesof Scientific Change. Add to cart. edited by Kostas Gavroglu Dept. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/90-277-2766-X | |
62. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Essays In Memory Of Imre Lakatos Books » Essays in Memory of imre lakatos. Essays in Memory of imrelakatos. Add to cart. edited by Robert S. Cohen Boston University http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/90-277-0655-7 | |
63. Imre Lipschitz Lakatos Translate this page imre Lipschitz lakatos. Kongisberg, 1922 - 1974. Nato in Ungheria, a Debrecen,nel 1922, imre Lipschitz lakatos partecipò alla resistenza anti-nazista. http://www.emsf.rai.it/biografie/anagrafico.asp?d=27 |
64. Imre Lipschitz Lakatos: La Metodologia Dei Programmi Di Ricerca Scientifici Translate this page Brani. imre Lipschitz lakatos. imre lakatos, La metodologia dei programmi di ricercascientifici I. Scritti filosofici, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 1985, pp. 7-10. http://www.emsf.rai.it/brani/brani.asp?d=374 |
65. Imre Lakatos 1984 Translate this page Pour la nombre d'entre nous, imre lakatos était un épistémologue et historiendes sciences attachant, successeur de son maître K. Popper à la London http://www-didactique.imag.fr/preuve/Resumes/Lakatos/Lakatos84.html | |
66. Imre Lakatos, Lakatos En Wetenschapsfilosofie, Popper-Kuhn Controverse, Tuten imre lakatos (19221974), de ratio-ridder De Hongaar lakatos wil Popper's falsificatieredden van Kuhn's kritiek, en nuanceert daarom deze falsificatie. http://huizen.daxis.nl/~henkt/lakatos-nl.html | |
67. Imre Lakatos, Lakatos And Science Philosophy, Popper-Kuhn Controverse, Tuten imre lakatos (19221974), the ratio-defender The Hungarian lakatos tried to savePopper's falsificationism from the criticism inherent in Kuhn's paradigms, and http://huizen.daxis.nl/~henkt/lakatos-eng.html | |
68. Filosofia Das Ciências Translate this page lakatos, imre Paul Feyerabend, For and Against Method Including lakatos'sLectures on Scientific Method and the lakatos-Feyerabend Correspondence, Ed. http://web.letras.up.pt/jmeirinh/filociencias/Programa-FiloCiencias-Dois.html | |
69. IMRE LAKATOS Translate this page A EPISTEMOLOGIA DE imre lakatos. lakatos é um dos seguidores de Popper.A teoria epistemológica de lakatos diz que o conhecimento http://www.fortunecity.com/campus/biology/752/lakatos.htm | |
70. Imre Lakatos "Falsification And The Methodology Of Scientific Research Programs, by imre lakatos. Science Reason or Religion? ( imre lakatos, Criticism andthe Growth of Knowledge, New York Cambridge University Press, 1970, pp. http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/lakatos_prediction.html | |
71. Volume 47 January - December 1996 Review. Matteo Motterlini (ed). imre lakatos. Paul K Feyerabend. Sull'orlodella scienza pro e contro il metodo. (On the threshold http://www3.oup.co.uk/phisci/hdb/Volume_47/Issue_03/470476.sgm.abs.html | |
72. Bob's Links imre lakatos, lakatos. xrefer lakatos, imre (1922 - 1974), KM, OrganizationalLearning and Knowledge Management, Volume II Number 2 Kearins Article. http://www2.tpgi.com.au/users/banno/rjb.htm | |
73. Imre Lakatos Translate this page imre lakatos. La logica della scoperta matematica 1976, Feltrinelli, Milano,1979 imre lakatos - Paul Feyerabend, Sull'orlo della scienza. http://www.ildiogene.it/EncyPages/Ency=Lakatos.html |
74. Imre Lakatos: La Metodología De Los Programas Científicos De Investigación Translate this page Primavera 1985. imre lakatos La metodología de los programas científicosde investigación. imre lakatos nació en Hungría en 1922. http://www.hemerodigital.unam.mx/ANUIES/itam/estudio/estudio02/sec_13.html | |
75. TecaLibri: Imre Lakatos: Dimostrazioni E Confutazioni Translate this page b) Variazione limitata, 189. - c) La definizione di Carathéodory di insieme misurabile195 197 Nota sulla vita e le opere di imre lakatos 201 Bibliografa http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/L/LAKATOS-I_dimostrazioni.htm | |
76. TecaLibri: Imre Lakatos: Dimostrazioni E Confutazioni Translate this page imre lakatos Dimostrazioni e confutazioni scheda opere TecaLibri. http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/L/LAKATOS-I_dimostrazioniC.htm | |
77. Biography-center - Letter L lakatos, imre wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/lakatos.html;Lake, Veronica peek-a-boo-bang.wyrdweb.com/biography02.html; http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
78. Imre Schlosser-Lakatos - Goals In International Matches imre Schlosserlakatos - Goals in International Matches. The outstandingHungarian player, who scored 60 international goals for http://www.rsssf.com/miscellaneous/schlosser-intlg.html | |
79. Encyclopedia References: L-Ld lakatos, imre (1968). Changes in the Problem of Inductive Logic,II. Amsterdam North Holland, 315417. lakatos, imre (1970). http://www.encycogov.com/B14References/ReferencesL_Ld.asp | |
80. FOLIO CD POSTA - Szakcsi Lakatos Béla, Kôszegi Imre, Jackie Orszáczky -> Jorn Szakcsi lakatos Béla, Kôszegi imre, Jackie Orszáczky Jorney In TimeCD rend. sz 641591 ár 2500 Ft. 1. Roots In Hungary 11.26 http://www.folio.hu/info/064000/I641591.HTM | |
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