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61. BeHukotai - D. Landau Dov landau. Department of Jewish Literature. The Holy One, blessed be He, is kadosh for I am holy (lev. 1144; 192; 2026; 218); Holy, holy, holy! http://www.biu.ac.il/JH/Eparasha/bechuko/lan.html | |
62. Neuerwerbungslisten 05/2002 / Zentralbibliothek Der landau, lev D. Course of theoretical physics ; 5 landau, lev D. Course of theoreticalphysics / LD landau and EM Lifshitz. Oxford ua Pergamon Pr. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/PY/2002_05_90.html | |
63. Untitled Imprint Bologna Zanichelli Author landau, lev Davydovich; Title http://weblib.cern.ch/share/missing_books/miss1900.html | |
64. 1962 L.D.¶õ´Ù¿ì(Lev Davidovich Landau:1908~1968, ¼Ò·Ã) . 1962 LD.? (lev Davidovich landau 1908~1968, ) ? ? . Copyright ?1999 Newton Korea. http://www.newtonkorea.co.kr/newton/magazine/novell/h1962.htm | |
65. Untitled lev Davidovich landau. Click here for full size picture. (b. Jan. 22,1908, Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empired. April 1, 1968, Moscow http://www.phy.bg.ac.yu/web_projects/giants/landau.html |
66. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books ISBN 0080181767 . landau, lev Davidovich EM Lifshitz, TranslatorStatistical Physics Pergamon Press, 1974. ISBN 0080091032 . http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/l.html | |
67. Untitled Displacement Lagrangian Formulation Lagrangian Frame landau Contour landau Dampinglandau Form landau Growth landau Integral landau, lev D. landau Length http://www.pppl.gov/~rfheeter/fusion-faq/glossary/l_wordlist.html | |
68. ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü ? landau, lev Davidovich 1908.1.22 ~ 1968.4.1. ? .? landau, lev Davidovich 1908.1.22 ~ 1968.4.1. ? . http://biodic.encyber.com/category_n.php?cd=1703&p=4 |
69. Bollettino Nuove Accessioni Translate this page 2.ed. New York Chelsea, 1966. Collocazione 512.72 LAN-E 1966 landau,lev Davidovic Fisica teorica / lev D. landau, Evgenij M. Lifsits. http://aleph.caspur.it/~master/sct022.html | |
70. Biographie.net - Lettre L landau, lev www.pourlascience.com/numeros/pls-238/presence.htm; http://biographie.net/l.html | |
71. Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Fyzika GoeppertMayer, Maria VII. Jensen, JHD. 1962. landau, lev DI; landau, lev D.II. landau, lev D. III. 1961. Hofstadter, Robert; Mossabauer, Rudolf L. 1960. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=697 |
72. Korteles Translate this page 10. 11 landau, lev and. LifshLtz,Evgueni»{- Curso abreviado de fisica teoricai.12 landau, lev, Lifshitz, Evgueni, Curso dbreviado de fisica teorica. http://vaizdai.lnb.lt/Uzs/Korteles.asp?skirtukas=Landau |
73. Author, L Librarian Reference Services. Authors Ladd , MFC; Laidler , KeithJ. Laidler , Keith J. Lalanne , JR; Lambert , JD; landau , lev D. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/reserves/chemistry/author/L.html | |
74. QuantumChemPage 3. landau, lev D.; Smorodinsky, Ya. 4. landau, lev D. Encyclepedia BritanicaEntry http//www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=48133 (Accessed 5/03). http://inst.augie.edu/~eaenglun/LandauPaper.html | |
75. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : LAN Photo 1; landau (David) Photo de groupe 1 (A-1932, avec Paul MUNI); http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/lan.htm | |
76. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : LAN LANCI (Michelangelo) Painting 1; LAND (Edwin Herbert)(19091991)Photo 1; landau (David) Group photo 1 (E-in 1932, with Paul MUNI); http://www.onlipix.com/personages/lan.htm | |
77. Plasma Dictionary Plasma Dictionary Header. Term, Submitted. landau Damping, 11/1/1999. landau, LevD. 11/1/1999. Langmuir frequency, 11/1/1999. Langmuir, Irving (18811957), 11/1/1999. http://plasmadictionary.llnl.gov/list.lasso?ABC=L |
78. Descripteur - Crystallography Translate this page Descripteur crystallography, 7 documents trouvés. Ajouter au panier,Imprimer, Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage Cours de http://bib.iota.u-psud.fr/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051913513919530 | |
79. Descripteur - Collision Processes http://bib.iota.u-psud.fr/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051912546919430 | |
80. ? ? The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.postech.ac.kr/mse/ferro/landau1.html |
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