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61. History 181B - Course Reader Clerk Maxwell's Electric Ideas as Described in Familiar Letters to William Thomson,ed. sir joseph larmor (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1937), 3435. http://history.berkeley.edu/faculty/Carson/spring03/181B/reader.html | |
62. Stokes which Stokes edited himself in 1880, 1883 and 1891. The last 2 wereedited by sir joseph larmor in 1887 and 1891. JOC/EFR Nov 94. http://www.sci.hkbu.edu.hk/scilab/math/stokes.html | |
63. Science Topics By Hisaaki Shinkai William Burnside 1906 Alfred G Greenhill 1907 Ernest W Hobson, 1909 Augustus EH Love1911 George Chrystal 1914 Ernest W Brown 1915 sir joseph larmor 1916 Hector http://atlas.riken.go.jp/~shinkai/science/topics.html | |
64. Stokes in 1880, 1883 and 1891. The last 2 were edited by sir joseph larmor in 1887and 1891. Welcome page Instructions Birthplace map Mathematicians http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/physicist/Stokes.html | |
65. Fy Energia ja Sähkö Sähkömagnetismi. Internetix, Sähkömagnetismi;Nikola Tesla; sir joseph larmor Moderni fysiikka. FYSIIKKA 6; Albert http://kotisivu.mtv3.fi/elot/fy.htm | |
66. Magnetic Dynamos With Dynamics This process was originally suggested by sir joseph larmor in 1919 and astrophysicistsand mathematicians have been investigating it ever since. http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/rcfta/anrep95/anrep95/node9.html | |
67. La Vita Di Joseph John Thomson larmor è il sposò Rose Elisabeth, figlia di sir George E http://digilander.libero.it/sofiasabatti/thomson/JJThomson.htm | |
68. Mathematics At TCD 1592-1992 Another Irishman, sir joseph larmor, who became Lucasian Professor of Mathematicsin Cambridge in 1903, also worked at Mac Cullagh's aether. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/official/400Hist/15.html | |
69. Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page 1762) Lamb, Horace (1849-1934) Lamé Lapp, Ralph (1917-) larmor, joseph (1857-1942 1838-1910)Thomae, Johannes Karl (1840-1921) Thomson, sir joseph John (1856 http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/blank-entries.html | |
70. IP8 Fluid Dynamos: An Ongoing Challenge To Applied Mathematicians The directional property of the magnetic compass needle has been known for over 4000years, but it was only in 1919 that sir joseph larmor gave the explanation http://www.siam.org/meetings/an98/ip8.htm | |
71. ACM Guide Subject Index 6, 78, Precession and sir joseph larmor Michael Meadows MagneticResonance an Educational Journal June 1999 Volume 11 Issue 4, 79, http://portal.acm.org/subjects.cfm?row=B&idx=Biographies/autobiographies&part=su |
72. Results 180, Precession and sir joseph larmor Michael Meadows Magnetic Resonancean Educational Journal June 1999 Volume 11 Issue 4, 77%. http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?query=Biographies/autobiographies |
73. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Georg (1865 - 1912) van Lansberge, Philip (1561 - 1632) Laplace, Pierre Simon Marquisde (28.3.1749 - 5.3.1827) larmor, sir joseph (1857 - 1942) de La Roche http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
74. FUSION 2/1998: Für Die Menschenrechte Der Relativitätskritiker Translate this page grundsätzlichen Zweifel an ihr äußerten, gehörten ua solche bekannten Namen wieAA Michelson, Walther Ritz, Frederick Soddy, joseph larmor, sir Oliver Lodge http://www.solidaritaet.com/fusion/1998/2/relativ.htm | |
75. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers 17971868) Antiquary (3) Larkins, Roy (fl 1940-1945) Officer In The Royal Air Force,Lowestoft (1) larmor, sir joseph (1857-1942) Knight Physicist (10) Larpent http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personLA.htm | |
76. STOLBERG, FRIEDRICH LEOPOLD, GRAF ZU first three (Cambridge, 1880, 1883, and 1901) under his own editorship, and thetwo last (Cambridge, 1904 and 1905) under that of sir joseph larmor, who also http://34.1911encyclopedia.org/S/ST/STOLBERG_FRIEDRICH_LEOPOLD_GRAF_ZU.htm | |
77. Tim Chilcott - Silversmith. Commissions larmor Plate. Cambridge awards it's highest achieving students each year with itemstaken from the collection of silver known as The sir joseph Lamor Plate. http://www.tjcsilver.co.uk/commissions.htm | |
78. PSEWEB: Professor Peter Excell - Sir Edward Appleton Trust Cambridge at that time was an exciting place for physics in additionto Bragg, the staff included sir JJ Thomson and sir joseph larmor. http://www.inf.brad.ac.uk/~psexcell/personal/appleton.htm | |
79. On The Geodynamo The idea that planetary magnetic fields might result from a dynamoprocess was first put forward by sir joseph larmor in 1919. He http://www.tim-thompson.com/geodynamo.html |
80. A Breief History Of The Electron The electron was first discovered in 1898 by sir John joseph Thomson. In thissense joseph larmor, JJ Thomson's Cambridge classmate, used the term. http://www.egglescliffe.org.uk/physics/particles/electron/electron.html | |
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