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81. SpringerLink: Neuroradiology - Abstract Volume 42 Issue 11 (2000) Pp 852-855 855. historical note Neuroradiological history sir joseph Larmorand the basis of MRI physics. N. Tubridy (1), CS McKinstry (2). http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00234/bibs/0042011/00420852.ht | |
82. Kiyoshi Shiraishi:N\ Translate this page 1859, Pierre Curie, 1906. 1858, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, 1947. 1857, Sirjoseph larmor, 1942. 1857, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, 1894. 1856, joseph John Thomson,1940. http://ha2.seikyou.ne.jp/home/Kiyoshi.Shiraishi/nemp.html | |
83. 1D NMR Basics Here is the larmor frequency. This frequency is named after the British scientistSir joseph larmor (18571942). The solution of this equation is. http://www.chem.arizona.edu/~shokhirn/nikolai/abc/nmrtut/NMRtut1.html | |
84. Cavendish Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, FRS címen; az 1. kötet (sir joseph Larmorgondozásában) az elektromos kutatásokat tartalmazza, a 2. kötet (szerk http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/cavend.html |
85. Biography-center - Letter L Larini, Nicola www.grandprix.com/gpe/drvlarnic.html; larmor, sir Josephwww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/larmor.html; http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
86. l¼Xgpg` Lillie ?(18561929)?LankestersSir Edwin Ray?(1847-1929)?larmorsSir joseph ?(d.1942 http://www1.kcn.ne.jp/~hiromi-k/namedic/Ename_02.htm | |
87. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 290*) Finck, Pierre-joseph (367) Fincke, Thomas (213) Fine, Henry (486*) Fine, Oronce(204) Finsler, Paul (529*) Fischer, Ernst (128*) Fisher, sir Ronald (361 http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
88. PAN BÓG JEST WYRAFINOWANY... - Abraham Pais - Biblioteka - Wirtualny Wszech¶wi Autor pisal Temat ten byl przedmiotem ozywionej dyskusji w Izbie Gmin, gdziesir joseph larmor, FRS, MP z Uniwersytetu Cambridge powiedzial, ze http://www.wiw.pl/biblioteka/einstein_pais/03.asp | |
89. The Letters Of The Hon. Sir Charles Parsons on my experimental staff'. 2p. 7 A. LL. s., from Parsons to sir JosephLarmor. With typescript transcripts. 1. ALs, dated 31 October http://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/Library/special collections/ppapers/msparsons.html | |
90. SpringerLink: Neuroradiology - Table Of Contents Vol. 42 Issue 11 N. Tubridy, CS McKinstry historical note Neuroradiological history sir JosephLarmor and the basis of MRI physics Neuroradiology 42 (2000) 11, 852855 http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00234/tocs/t0042011.htm | |
91. Liens Biographiques Translate this page Pierre-Simon marquis de Laplace, (1749-1827), recherche google. sir JosephLarmor, (1857-1942), recherche google. Robert B Leighton . . . . . http://perso.club-internet.fr/moririyo/physique/biolinks.html | |
92. Professor Stephen Hawking sir George Stokes, 18191903, 1849-1903, Physics Fluid Mechanics. sir JosephLarmor, 1857-1942, 1903-1932, Physics. Paul AM Dirac, 1902-1984, 1932-1969, Physics. http://www.hawking.org.uk/about/lucasian.html | |
93. 1850 Tyrone * John Joly (geologist and physicist) in Co. Offaly (1/11) * (sir) JosephLarmor (mathematician, physicist and politician) in Magheragall, Co. http://www.chirl.com/1800/1850.html | |
94. Quake.stanford.edu/~phil/Hale/proposal/txt/cvs/gough.text 1982); William Hopkins Prize (Camb. Phil. Soc., 1984); sir JosephLarmor Lecturer (Camb. Phil. Soc., 1988); Morris Loeb Lecturer http://quake.stanford.edu/~phil/Hale/proposal/txt/cvs/gough.text | |
95. 8.03 Home Page 8.03 Physics III Vibrations Waves. Spring 2002. MWF 2 3 pm; Rm 6-120. LecturerProf. A. van Oudenaarden. Announcements * Final grades were posted on-line. http://web.mit.edu/8.03/vanOudenaarden/ | |
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