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121. Biomonitoraggio Controllo della qualit dell'acqua del torrente Terzolle ad opera dell'Istituto leonardo da vinci di Firenze organizzazione del lavoro, risultati, conclusioni. http://sisf.comune.fi.it/iti-ipiaLeonardodaVinci/osservatorio/biomonit/biomonit. |
122. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519) Italian Renaissance Artist Biography and image collection of this genius of the Italian Renaissance.Category Arts Art History Artists D Da Vinci, Leonardo......leonardo da vinci (1452 1519) Italian Renaissance Artist - is rivaled by fewartists in history as painter, sculptor and architectural theorist . . . http://www.theartgallery.com.au/ArtEducation/greatartists/DaVinci/about/ |
123. Surfing The Net With Kids Leonardo Da Vinci The Best Leonardo The best leonardo da vinci sites on the Web for families (from the UnitedFeature Syndicate), rated, and reviewed. leonardo da vinci. http://www.surfnetkids.com/davinci.htm |
124. MSTN Aerei Milano Presenta il padiglione dedicato ad aerei ed aereoplani nel Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica leonardo da vinci, che raccoglie alcuni modelli storici. http://www.museoscienza.org/AEREO/ |
125. Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes - The Quotations Page leonardo da vinci (1452 1519) Italian architect, engineer, painter, sculptormore author details. leonardo da vinci - More quotations on Death http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Leonardo_da_Vinci/ |
126. Weirdo Leonardo About the stranger side of leonardo da vinci his drawings, inventions, and speculation on his sexuality, religious beliefs and psychology. http://www.bradleystoke.co.uk/leo/ |
127. Tempus Közalapítvány - Leonardo Da Vinci június 4. Leonardo értékelés. Magyarország 1997ben kapcsolódott beaz Európai Bizottság leonardo da vinci szakképzési programjába. http://www.tpf.iif.hu/leonardo/ |
128. Leonardo The Controversial Replica of leonardo da vinci's Adding Machine. On page 3 I sawan unusual picture of a calculator titled leonardo da vinci's Calculator . http://www.webcom.com/calc/leonardo/leonardo.html |
129. Loadstar - Leonardo The Man, His Machines Extensive information centre on the life and works of leonardo da vinci and his machines. http://www.loadstar.prometeus.net/leonardo/ |
130. Uffizi - Leonardo Da Vinci Room leonardo da vinci ROOM. leonardo da vinci Adoration of the Magi. PERUGINO Virginand Child with Saints. PERUGINO Pietà. PIERO DI COSIMO Incarnation. http://www.televisual.it/uffizi/room_15.html |
131. Nuotare Giovane Un sito prodotto dagli studenti dell'ITIS leonardo da vinci di Lucca sul nuoto e il salvamento. http://www.comune.lucca.it/itis/progetto/menupri.htm |
132. Incunabula Museum Series Model kits based on the ideas of leonardo da vinci and the Wright Brothers. http://museumseries.com |
133. Deanna's World Reflections Of The Renaissance Underlines the creativity of the Renaissance by including artwork, literature, historical facts, and specific biographical information. Featured artists include leonardo da vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. http://www.dworldonline.com/ren.htm |
134. Program Leonardo Da Vinci Informacje o programie leonardo da vinci oraz dofinansowaniu projektów edukacyjnychi wymianowych realizowanych z krajami Unii Europejskiej. http://www.cofund.org.pl/bkkk/plwin/leonardo.htm |
135. Istituto Tecnico Industriale Leonardo Da Vinci Tutte le informazioni sull'istituto con orario delle lezioni, calendario scolastico, circolari. http://www.fausernet.novara.it/~itisleon/ |
136. Leonardo Da Vinci E Legnano (proff. Augusto Marinoni) ch'i' ti porto restaorata fossi - (Leonardo, Windsor f. 12699, cfr. pag. 77). http://www.nemo.it/leon/ |
137. National Museum Of Science One of the main attraction of the museum is its display of models illustrating the work of leonardo da vinci. 40 of them can be seen through the site, along with a virtual Leonardo 3D section, developed by the museum and Milan's Polytechnic. http://www.museoscienza.org/english/Default.htm |
138. Hotel Leonardo Da Vinci Presentazione dell'albergo a 3 stelle con fotografie ed informazioni su struttura, servizi offerti e sale convegni, tariffe, mappa guida, form per prenotazioni ed area dedicata alla citt . http://www.leonardodavincihotel.it/ |
139. Bildung Und Kultur Leonardo Da Vinci Sokrates Translate this page Bildung und Kultur leonardo da vinci Sokrates, Mit Wirkung von Juli 2000 hatBildung für Europa, die Nationale Agentur beim BIBB, weitere Aufgaben bzw. http://www.bibb.de/leonardo/ |
140. Pioneers Of The Machine Tool Industry Features biographies of industry pioneers from the Egyptians, leonardo da vinci to modern times with entrepreneurs such as Alfred Herbert and Axel Wickman. http://www.gsn.uk.com/ |
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