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81. References 2 S.lie, sophus lie's 1880 Transformation Group Paper, Translated by M.Ackerman,comments by R.Hermann, Mathematical Sciences Press, Brookline, (1975). http://www.uni-koeln.de/REDUCE/3.6/doc/applysym/node22.html | |
82. Sophus Lie Translate this page sophus lie. Nordfjordeide 17.12.1842 - Oslo 18.2.1899. Figlio di unpastore norvegese, studia le materie scientifiche e nel 1868 nasce http://www2.enel.it/home/enelandia/storia_nj/person/lie.htm | |
83. CAMDEN BOOKS: CONTENTS PAGE Book ID PHILC670, Author- lie, sophus/ SCHEFFERS, Dr. G (ED.),Price- £ 150. Title- VORLESUNGEN UBER DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN http://www.camdenbooks.com/indpage/PHILC3.html | |
84. Kultur: Matematikken Tok Ham Men biografen er mest opptatt av å gjøre ferdig biografien over vår nestestore matematiker, sophus lie.bakgrunn ARNHILD SKRE. Nipped in the bud. http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/kultur/d134311.htm | |
85. A Short Course On The Lie Theory Of Semigroups I - Hofmann (ResearchIndex) A short course on the lie theory of semigroups I (1990) (Make Corrections) (1 citation)Seminar sophus lie (1990) 3340 Karl H. Hofmann This group of three http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/hofmann90short.html | |
86. Marius Sophus Lie gdzie zaprzyja?nil sie z Kleinem. W 1871 roku lie objl stanowiskoasystenta na Uniwersytecie w Christianii. W tym samym czasie http://www.mat.uni.torun.pl/~cichy/Marius Lie.htm | |
87. Mathematik.de/dmv Translate this page Bücher. The Mathematician sophus lie It was the Audacity of my ThinkingArild Stubhaug Springer-Verlag 2001, 600 Seiten, 42.75 EUR. http://www.mathematik.de/02anregung/s2_1/s2_1_1/buch/stubhaug2.htm | |
88. Sophus Lies Vei sophus lie var prestesønn, født i Eid i Nordfjord den 17. desember 1842. Dettepasset godt for sophus lie's sterkt geometriske fantasi og skaperevne. http://www.kongsberg.kommune.no/kultur/gater/data/sophus_lies_vei.htm | |
89. Encyclopædia Britannica lie, (Marius) sophus sophus lie, detail of an engraving c. 1885.Norwegian mathematicianwho founded the theory of continuous groups and their applications to http://search.britannica.com/search?ref=B04319&query=lie |
90. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs Translate this page LEVY Jacques. LEVY L. LEVY Paul. LIAPOUNOFF Alexandre. LICHNEROWICZ André. LIESophus. LIEBISCH Th. LINDELOF Ernst. LIOUVILLE Joseph. LIOUVILLE R. LOEVE Michel. http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Auteurs.asp?Lettre=L |
91. Ce Serveur Est Désormais Dans La Zone AppleTalk Math-Admin Et http://www.ufrp7.math.jussieu.fr/doc/selecteur.html | |
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