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Lighthill Sir James: more detail | ||||||||
61. Intelligent Machine Post - Artificial Intelligence - 08/02/98 sir james lighthill. Here are some excerpts from an obituary printedin The Times of London July 7 sir james lighthill, mathematician http://www.mikiko.net/library/weekly/1998articles/aa080298.htm | |
62. James D Kelly Jr - ResearchIndex Document Query Scott Kelly (1998) (Correct) (1 citation) and Decision Conference, Kobe,Japan, 1996. 7 sir james lighthill. Mathematical Biofluiddynamics. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=James D. Kelly Jr. |
63. SOLID MECHANICS - DCAMM sir james lighthill of University College London, died on the 17th of July 1998by drowning, while swimming around an island in the English Channel. http://www.fam.dtu.dk/dcamm_html/aarsrap98.html | |
64. Information For Authors Stress Valery M. Tsaplev. Volume 3, Number 1, March 1998. A Century ofShock Wave Dynamics sir james lighthill. The Influence of Geometric http://www.rcom.ru/IJAV/articles.htm | |
65. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CHAMBER PERFORMANCERS Etemadnia, Amirali, piano, Yes, Yes, Yes. Hoida, Zoe, Laws, piano, Yes, Yes, Yes.lighthill, sir james, Mathematics, piano, Yes, Lindon, John, Italian, piano, Yes,Yes, Yes. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/UCCMC/performers.html | |
66. Contact Points Dr C Ball (USA), Professor sir james lighthill (Deceased). Professor T. Beppu(Japan), Professor MD Lilly (Deceased). sir Austin Bide (UK), Dr. CR Lowe (UK). http://www.ukc.ac.uk/bio/iibmircen/contacts.htm | |
68. Academic Secretariat 1986, Teddy Kollek, Moshe Porath. Leo Picard, Bernard Pullman. 1987, Victor Brailovsky,sir james lighthill. Ilona Feher, George P. Schultz. Martin D. Kamen, Meir Shamgar. http://www.weizmann.ac.il/acadsec/Scientific_Activities/current/Academic_Secreta | |
69. The Times: Obituaries:SIR JAMES LIGHTHILL Extracted by WSK from The Times of London web pages (www.thetimes.co.uk).July 20 1998, OBITUARIES. sir james lighthill. sir james http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/~kessler/more-interesting/lighthill-obit.html | |
70. DGLR E.V. Translate this page Dr.rer.nat. Dr.-Ing.Eh, Gauting. 1983, lighthill, sir james, FRS, Provost, London,UK. 1984, Goethert, Bernhard H., Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dean Emeritus, Tullahoma, USA. http://www.dglr.de/ehrungen/preistraeger.html | |
71. Historical Manuscripts Commission | Publications | Major Accessions To Repositor Room sir Michael james lighthill (192498), mathematician and provost of UniversityCollege London corresp, working papers and personal papers (lighthill). http://www.hmc.gov.uk/accessions/2001/01digests/science.htm | |
72. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers 19421999) educationalist (1) Lightfoot, Robert Henry (1883-1953) Theologian (2)lighthill, sir Michael james (1924-1998) Knight Mathematician (2) Lightowler http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personLI.htm | |
73. Nager à Bruxelles Translate this page NatationFinlandeExpériences - SantéExpériences ISBN 952900396 Auteur lighthill,MJ, sir Titre Mathematical biofluiddynamics / sir james lighthill. http://users.swing.be/nager/page9.html | |
74. Towards More Balanced Inquiry And Response In Psychological Health The 1986 apology came through the late sir james lighthill, who took over the Lucasianchair in applied mathematics at Cambridge from Paul Dirac in 1969, http://www.goodshare.org/restore.htm | |
75. Lighthill Mathematical Biofluiddynamics (CBMSNSF Regional Conference Series in AppliedMathematics) J. lighthill, sir james lighthill, MJ lighthill. http://www.atrium.com/People/Lighthill/ | |
76. Squeaky-Clean Limerick Entries For July '98 The poet comments, sir james lighthill was applying his own theory to a swim aroundthe Channel Island of Sark last Friday when he didn't quite make it (all http://www.webcom.com/~erique/limerick/1998/nice798.html | |
77. FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS On SOUND And VIBRATION Berlin, Germany Finn Jacobsen, Lyngby, Denmark Govindappa Krishnappa, Ottawa, CanadaConny Larsson, Uppsala, Sweden sir james lighthill, London, England Leonid http://www.ipme.ru/ipme/conf/congress/congress.html | |
78. Fluid Mechanics 738 p. $49.95. lighthill, M. james sir. An Informal Introduction to TheoreticalFluid Mechanics. Oxford, England Oxford University Press, 1986. 504 p. $45. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/FluidMechanics.html | |
79. ICTAM 2000 - CB1 Paper CB1Monday, 28 Aug 2000, at 1630. Microbiological fluiddynamics A tribute to sir james lighthill. John R. Blake School http://www.tam.uiuc.edu/ICTAM2000/Program/Abstracts/CB1.html | |
80. New Page 1 International workshop on Biofluiddynamics ( in memory of sir james lighthill). Internationalworkshop on Biofluiddynamics ( in memory of sir james lighthill). http://www.technion.ac.il/~dweihs/conf.html | |
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