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Home - Scientists - Livsic Moshe |
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1. Show_User Prof. livsic moshe Born 1920, Ukraine Department of Mathematics ProfessorResearch Interests Research Projects Keywords Operator Theory. Phones http://profiler.bgu.ac.il/site/public_site/Show_User.cfm?user_id=475 |
2. References For Livsic References for moshe livsic. Books I Gohberg (ed.), Topics in operatortheory Essays dedicated to MS livsic on the occasion of http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Livsic.html | |
3. Operator Theory, System Theory And Related Topics: The Moshe Livsic Anniversary Operator Theory, System Theory and Related Topics The moshe livsic Anniversary Volume (Operator Theory Advances and Applications, 123) http://www.optimalhosting.com/operator_theory_system_theory_and_related_topics_t | |
4. Biography-center - Letter L Littlewood, John E (2267*). livsic, moshe (626*). Llull, Ramon (348) http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
5. Mathem_abbrev Littlewood, Dudley. livsic, moshe. Lorentz, Hendrik. Lovelace, Augusta Ada http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
6. Livsic moshe livsic's family moved to Odessa when he was four years old since hisfather had been appointed professor of mathematics at the Academy there. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Livsic.html | |
7. Livsic Biography of moshe livsic (19170BC) moshe livsic's family moved to Odessa when he was four years old since his father had been appointed professor of http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Livsic.html | |
8. Livsic Portrait Portrait of moshe livsic moshe livsic. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Livsic.html | |
9. Natural Sciences - Faculty Members - Mathematics & Computer Science And Physics Translate this page Paul A. Gertsbakh, Ilya Goldshtein, Vladimir Goldstein, Michael Gudes, Ehud Kedem,Klara Kornatzky, Yoram Lin, Michael livsic, moshe Lomonosov, Michael Markus http://www.bgu.ac.il/academinfo/pages/faculties/natural_science/faculty_members( | |
10. Natural Sciences - Faculty Members - Mathematics & Computer Science And Physics Kornatzky, Yoram. Lin, Michael. livsic, moshe. Lomonosov, Michael. Markus, Alexander http://www.bgu.ac.il/academinfo/pages/faculties/natural_science/faculty_members% | |
11. The Department Of Mathematics And Computer Science Goldshtein, Vladimir Gudes, Ehud Hersonsky, Sa'arDavid Katz, Matya Kedem, KlaraKojman, Menachem Lin, Michael livsic, moshe (emeritus) Lomonosov, Michael, http://www.bgu.ac.il/academinfo/pages/faculties/natural_science/mathematics_cs.h | |
12. Untitled theory, system theory, and related topics the moshe livsic anniversary volume Author livsic, moshe S. Publisher http://lib-www.lanl.gov/libinfo/newbooks/20010816.txt |
13. Projet Miaou - Références in Conference in Operator Theory in Honor of moshe livsic (juillet, Israël), EuropeanConference on Control (juillet, Bruxelles), CMFT'97 (octobre, Chypre) , http://www.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA97/miaou/References.html | |
14. Projet Miaou - Diffusion Des Résultats Translate this page A. Gombani, J. Leblond et F. Wielonsky, ont présenté des exposés à la Conferencein Operator Theory in Honor of moshe livsic, 29 juin- 4 juillet, Israël. http://www.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA97/miaou/Diffusion_des.html | |
15. MathComp Database - Browse - List 1, LIVORNI, EL (ELVIRA LAURA), 1951. 3, livsic, MS (MIKHAIL SAMUILOVICH) See livsic,moshe S. 3, livsic, moshe S. 1, LJUNG, LENNART. 2, LLIBRE, JAUME. 1, LLOYD, ALAN. http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/SCAN-F/0248944 | |
16. MathComp Database - Browse - List 1, LIVINGSTON, CHARLES. 1, LIVORNI, EL (ELVIRA LAURA), 1951. 3, livsic,MS (MIKHAIL SAMUILOVICH) See livsic, moshe S. 3, livsic, moshe S. http://ram0.huji.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/JSL/JMC/JMC/SCAN-F/0248704 | |
17. Retired Faculty Name, EMail. Prof. Eliyahu Gertsbakh, eliahu@math.bgu.ac.il. Prof. moshe livsic,livsic@math.bgu.ac.il. Prof. Rathindra Nath Sen, rsen@math.bgu.ac.il. Prof. http://www.math.bgu.ac.il/people/faculty/retFaculty.html | |
18. Research Areas Prof. Michael Lin, ergodic theory; Markov operator. Prof. moshe livsic,Operator theory, Deteminantal Courves System theory. Prof. http://www.math.bgu.ac.il/people/faculty/research.html | |
19. Rules For The Computer Simplification Of The Formulas In Operator Theory And Lin models. Operator model theory originated with moshe livsic and subsequentlybecame one of the main branches of operator theory. In http://math.ucsd.edu/~helton/WAVRIK.html | |
20. Www.math.technion.ac.il/~techm/oldmessages/2564 %CONFERENCE IN HONOUR OF PROFESSOR moshe livsic'S 80TH BIRTHDAY %Latex fileof Program. %A simple non TeX version was also just sent out on Techmath2. http://www.math.technion.ac.il/~techm/oldmessages/2564 |
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