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Luzin Nikolai: more detail | ||||
41. RFE/RL Russian Federation Report entrance into the race, the reelection of incumbent Governor nikolai Volkov is Thisdecision arose because of the death of Gennadii luzin (independent) who had http://www.rferl.org/russianreport/2000/02/7-160200.html | |
42. Theyre In The Army Now doesnt fall under the armys usual responsibilities, admits nikolai Reznik,the One son of the regiment Sasha luzin, 15, remembers little of his http://www.msnbc.com/news/877309.asp | |
43. Russian Academy Of Sciences / History / Restoration Of The Russian Academy Of Sc and his school into the theory of numbers, as well as research into the theoryof functions carried out by the school of nikolai N. luzin gained wide http://www.pran.ru/eng/history/20021211023155history.html | |
44. The Life Of A Great Mathematician at Moscow State University, she was involved with a group called the Luzitania.(Soublis) The group was named after its leader nikolai Nikolaevich luzin. http://www.sienahts.edu/~sj103441/SophSem/ninalife.htm | |
45. THE WORK OF NINA KARLOVNA BARI Bari also spent a great amount of time in editing a book and assortmentof works for a close friend, nikolai Nikolaevich luzin. http://www.sienahts.edu/~sj103441/SophSem/ninawork.htm | |
46. Virtual Gallery Vent D'Est Roman Anikoushin The Birds 1994 - 3 mn; nikolai Anokhin Mixs volume 1 AlexanderLugin Transparent Fixer 1 - 1991 - 8mn30; Arkady luzin Mandala Danses - 1993 http://uchcom.botik.ru/ARTS/contemporary/Vde/VCATA.htm | |
47. HALMAZ98\EA01 további fontos szerepet játszó matematikusok David Hilbert (18621943), ErnstZermelo (1871-1952), Felix Hausdorff (1869-1942), nikolai luzin (1883-1950 http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/courses/halmaz98/antinom.htm | |
48. HALMAZ98\EA01 Néhány nevet kiemelünk a hosszú sorból David Hilbert (18621943), Henry LéonLebesgue (1875-1941), Felix Hausdorff (1869-1942), nikolai luzin (1883-1950 http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/courses/halmaz99/antinom.htm | |
49. Äripäev Online - > Uudised 08.06.2001 Talrandi ainuomanik oli pikka aega Vassili luzin, kes on loovutanud väikese osaluseGrigori Leflerile ja nikolai Salnikovile (kummalegi 2%). Kadaka turgu http://www.aripaev.ee/1943/uud_uudidx_194301.html | |
50. Muzykal'naya Pravda - Eh, Zaletnye - "Acid Umbrellas" Ostalis' Dovol'ny Poezdkoi Sostav original'nyi, rasskazyvaet o proekte WAND nikolai, - imenno v etom Lidergruppy KedryVydry Mihail luzin v konce iyunya stal bakalavrom politologii http://www.urc.ac.ru:8006/music/pravda/inter/20010716.html | |
51. Bilder Mengenlehre Translate this page Waclaw Sierpinski (1882 Warschau - 1969 Warschau). nikolai luzin (1883 Irkutsk- 1950 Moskau). Thoralf Skolem (1887 Sandsvaer, Norwegen - 1963 Oslo). http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~deiser/bd.html | |
52. Chapter II The Russian mathematician nikolai Nilolaevich luzin used to say in his lecturesthat the advantages of the decimal system are zoological, not mathematical. http://kr.cs.ait.ac.th/~radok/math/mat4/m42.htm | |
54. VAÖW¶£\ Gregory Crowe, The Life and Work of nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky A Study of the luzin, Nikolaj nikolaivich(18831950) Aleksei E. Levin, Anatomy of a http://www.histec.me.titech.ac.jp/~masanori/russian-bunken.htm | |
55. Team nikolai N. Isakov (instrument responsible) nik@nf.jinr.ru; Dimitry E. Burilichevburil@nf.jinr.ru; Tatyana I. Ivankina iti@nf.jinr.ru; Wladimir W. luzin luzin http://www.gwdg.de/~kulleme/team.html | |
56. Psephos.adam-carr.net/russia/oblasts2.txt Duma member elected nikolai Votka (Medved member elected Gennadiy luzin MURMANSK OBLAST http://psephos.adam-carr.net/russia/oblasts2.txt |
57. MY MATHEMATICAL GENEOLOGY Nicolay Bugaev (1866, he had two advisors) Dimitri Fedorowitsch Egorov (1901) nikolai Nikolayevich luzin (1915) Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov (1925 http://www.math.ucla.edu/~rcooper/geneology.html | |
58. Alec Mihailovs' Mathematical Ancestors nikolai Nikolayevich luzin Ph.D. Moscow State University 1915, Dissertation TheIntegral and Trigonometric Series. Hassler Whitney Ph.D. Harvard University 1932, http://webpages.shepherd.edu/amihailo/ancestors.htm | |
59. City/ Region Company Name Description Short Description Of The 1560, 2,5 y, Mr. Podshivalov Vitaliy Nikolaevich, Dir Mr. luzin Yury Nikolaevich 14800,4,2 y, Mr. Timoshenko nikolai Vasilievich, Dir Ms. Sergeeva Loubov Danilovna http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/isa/020425jrxls.htm | |
60. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] On One Feature Of Cantor's Di You might be interested in some of nikolai Nikolaevich luzin's speculationson the CDM. He argued that the hypothesis of an enumeration http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0107.html | |
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