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41. Biography-center - Letter M Mathematicians/MacLane.html; maclaurin, colin wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/maclaurin.html;Maclean, Bryan http://www.biography-center.com/m.html | |
42. Colin MacLaurin-Jones - President 1974-75 colin maclaurinJones * President 1974-75. http://www.manannan.org.im/aosa/history/1974_75_colin_maclaurin_jones.htm | |
43. Bibliography Pp. 240, 253. O'Connor, JJ, and Robertson, EF colin maclaurin. UpdatedNov. 1999. 2002). Weisstein, Eric. maclaurin, colin (16981746) . http://www.frc.mass.edu/smabrouk/calculus_III/History_Student_Web_Pages/Laws_Rag | |
44. Biography Back to Main Page. The Life of colin maclaurin. colin maclaurin wasa Scottish mathematician who lived from 1698 to 1746. He was born http://www.frc.mass.edu/smabrouk/calculus_III/History_Student_Web_Pages/Laws_Rag | |
45. History Of Astronomy: Persons (M) German Flag Deutsche Fassung. Mac Laurin, colin see maclaurin, colin; MacDonnell,William John (18421910) Short biographical data and archival sources. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_m.html | |
46. Bibliothèque ICF Translate this page 1827. maclaurin (colin). - An 8- maclaurin (colin). - An Account of SirIsaac Newton's philosophical discoveries, in four books. - London http://www.cluny.ensam.fr/E1-Ecomusee/Eco002.html | |
47. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1742 AD, maclaurin, C. colin maclaurin discovers his uniformly rotatingselfgravitating spheroids. maclaurin, colin Died 6/14/1746, 1746 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Maclaurin |
48. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1742 AD, maclaurin, C. colin maclaurin discovers his uniformly rotatingselfgravitating spheroids. maclaurin, colin Died 6/14/1746, 1746 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=8 |
49. Appendices: References Library of Congress information about this book. maclaurin, colin. 1742. ATreatise on Fluxions. Library of Congress information about this book. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/astro/H_Book.current/Appendices/references.text.shtml | |
50. H_Book: Library Of Congress Info Author maclaurin, colin, 16981746. Title A treatise of fluxions. By colinmaclaurin Published Edinburg, Printed by TW T. Ruddimans, 1742. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/astro/H_Book.current/Appendices/Biographies/LC.info.shtm | |
51. Maclaurin, Colin encyclopediaEncyclopedia maclaurin, colin, muklôr'in, lär'in PronunciationKey. maclaurin, colin , 16981746, Scottish mathematician http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0830990.html | |
52. Xah: Special Plane Curves: Trisectrix Of Maclaurin .A curve used by colin maclaurin (1698-1746) to trisect an angle. Formulas....... This is a curve colin maclaurin (16981746) used to trisect an angle. http://www.xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/TriOfMaclaurin_dir/triOfMaclaurin.h | |
53. Maclaurin Translate this page maclaurin (ou Mac-Laurin) colin écossais, 1698-1746 Egalement écritMac-Laurin. Brillant élève de Simson et de Newton , il obtint http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Maclaurin.html | |
54. GO BRITANNIA! Scotland: Great Scots Of Note Scots Who Made A Difference M maclaurin, colin (16981746) When the citizens ofEdinburgh hastily threw up barricades and dug ditches to defend their city http://www.britannia.com/celtic/scotland/greatscots/m3.html | |
55. Biography.com Mackintosh, Sir Cameron (Anthony), 1946 . Mackmurdo, Arthur Heygate,1851 1942. maclaurin, colin, 1698 1746. Maclay, William, 1765 1825. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=M&num=100 |
56. MLENNAN, JOHN FERGUSON maclaurin, colin (16981746), Scottish mathematician, was the sonof a clergyman, and born at Kilmodan, Argylishire. In 1709 he http://14.1911encyclopedia.org/M/ML/M_LENNAN_JOHN_FERGUSON.htm | |
57. Algoritmi Per Funzioni Trigonometriche Translate this page maclaurin (colin), matematico scozzese (Kilmoddan 1698 - Edimburgo1746). Fu uno dei più insigni discepoli di Newton. Si dedicò http://www.vialattea.net/esperti/mat/taylor/ | |
58. Index To Guide J.) Gaelic MSS H28 Mackenzie (Sir James) 6 Mackenzie (Kenneth) 11 C3 MacKinlays Birnie Ltd H24 MacKinnon MSS Gaelic H28 maclaurin (colin) 5 Macmurray http://datalib.ed.ac.uk/projects/scimss/webguide/guideindex.html | |
59. Maclaurin Trisectrix -- From MathWorld maclaurin Trisectrix, A curve first studied by colin maclaurin in 1742.It was studied to provide a solution to one of the geometric http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MaclaurinTrisectrix.html | |
60. Edinburgh University Library: Resources: Collections: Special Collections: Manus MSS Gaelic H28; maclaurin (colin) 5; Macmurray (John) H35; MalayMSS G5; Matthew (Sir Robert) 13; Medals (Russian) H21; Medieval MSS http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/about/pubs/lg51/guide/index.shtml | |
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