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Marchenko Vladimir: more detail | ||||||
41. Belarus Magic News Archives, May 1997 The five were named as Andrei marchenko, vladimir Khlud, Alexei Krushevich,Ruslan Doroshevich and Fyodor Mager. It was not immediately http://idc.cis.lead.org/idc/bmn/97-05-20-1.html | |
42. Linux Counter: Information About Minsk Vitaly marchenko, http//vitmar.mailru.com, vladimir, vladimir M, vladimirShahov, vladimir Sinelnikov, XStranger, http//linux.hitech.by. http://counter.li.org/reports/place.php?place=BY::Minsk |
43. V.A.Marchenko (Towards 80-th Anniversary) Jubilee Questionnaire. Full Name vladimir Alexandrovich marchenko.Position Principal researcher, Mathematical Division,. Institute http://kharkov.vbelous.net/english/vam/ | |
44. Photo 2. Brothers Marchenko Brothers marchenko. From left to right Dmitry, vladimir, Sergey. Rambler'sTop100 Home, Welcome to Kharkov City Government Strolling http://kharkov.vbelous.net/english/vam/brothers.htm | |
45. Vladimir Grigoriev. Facts Of The War History. Maravar Company. Alexandr lance-corporal marchenko Vjacheslav, lance-corporal Musika Vasiliy, privatesoldier Mustafin Nail, private soldier Boychuk vladimir, private soldier http://www.afghanwar.spb.ru/stories/2_e.htm | |
46. Prog10fev00 Translate this page marchenko, vladimir M. IRCCyN, Belarussian St. Techn. Univ. Belarus, vmar@user.unibel.by.MARQUEZ MARTINEZ, Luis Alejandro, IRCCyN, marquez@irccyn.ec-nantes.fr. http://www.ec-lille.fr/sar/participants10fev00.html | |
47. Federal Service Security Previous Chief was marchenko, vladimir, MajGen, (Segodnya, 21 May 98, p 1). marchenkotransferred to this post from that of deputy chief of the Russian FSB | |
48. Russian Chemical Reviews, Author Index: M Mukhamadeeva RM, Zhbankov RG, Sopin vladimir F, marchenko GN Lowfrequency IR spectroscopyin the study of the structures of cellulose and cellulose nitrates http://www.turpion.org/php/aindex.phtml?jrnid=rc&letter=m |
49. DOI 10.1070/rm1998v053n02ABEH000014 Citation , Vladimir vladimir Aleksandrovich marchenko (on his 75th birthday). Citation, , vladimirAleksandrovich marchenko (on his 75th birthday) , Russ. Math. http://www.turpion.org/php/paper.phtml?journal_id=rm&paper_id=14 |
50. Gymn Forum: 1973 University Games - Men's Team/AA/EF 6, vladimir, marchenko, URS, 8.90, 9.05, 9.30, 9.25, 9.20, 9.50, 55.20, 55.50,110.700. 7, Fumio, Honma, JPN, 9.25, 9.00, 9.30, 8.90, 9.10, 9.50, 55.05,54.65, 109.700. http://www.gymn-forum.com/results/UniGame/muni-73aa_1.html | |
51. Gymn Forum: 1976 Moscow News Report vladimir marchenko took the lead after the third event and made sure hekept it. Steadiness on all the elements distinguishes his style. http://www.gymn-forum.com/Articles/MN-Comp76.html | |
52. ? ? 25002/46.9, Andrey Goppe, Station, Galbshtadt. 25002/46.10, vladimir marchenko,Eagle Station, Topchiha. 25002/46.11, Rostislav Shamsetdinov, Silver Wings, Sibirskiy. http://www.novoalt.barnaul.ru/fidonet46.php | |
53. Novosti Izvestye Nam Segodnya. Mir Gal'perin, Leonid Gel'fand, Grigorij Gordin, Iosif Dolgoj, Dina Kagan, GlebKesel'man, YAkov Kogan, Lyuba Lejbzon, vladimir marchenko, Viktor Mishurov http://www.neystadt.org/vol/ksp/news/News.html | |
54. AES Silk Road Group Marakhovsky Yuri marchenko Natela marchenko Sergei marchenko Yuri Marganishvili ZinaidaMasakbaev Serik Masalimov Manarbek Masalov vladimir Maschenko Galina http://www.aes.kz/eng/culture/ourteam/default.asp?Letter=M |
55. Art Of War. Vladimir Grigoriev. Facts Of The War History. Maravar Company vladimir Grigoriev Facts Of The War History. Maravar Company. They were as followsGavrash, Kukharchuk, Vakuljuk, marchenko, Musika, Mustafin, and Boitchuk. http://www.artofwar.ru/english/vladimir_grigoriev/publ_vova_e_1.html | |
56. Publications Of Vladimir Retakh Notices AMS, 45,(1998), n 1,7983. Nonabelian integrable systems, quasideterminants,and marchenko lemma. Return to vladimir Retakh's home page. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~vretakh/publications.htm | |
57. "Nash Dom - Rossiya" V Sovete Federacii. 1996-... 1996) Korshunov Lev Aleksandrovich (23 yanvarya 25 dekabrya 1996) marchenko PetrPetrovich 23 yanvarya 1996 - 22 aprelya 1998) Petrov vladimir Ivanovich (23 http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/fs/sf2fndr.html | |
58. Nefrakcionnye Deputaty V GosDume III Sozyva Sergeevich (N 54Stavropol'skii krai; vydv.izb.) marchenko Evgenii vladimirovich(N0 N 76Voronezhskaya oblast'; vydv.izb.) Ryzhkov vladimir Aleksandrovich (N 34 http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/fs/gd3fn.html | |
59. Members Of ISDGRus Lutsenko Michael, vita@kreps.spb.ru. Malafeyev Oleg, Oleg.Malafeyev@paloma.spbu.ru.marchenko Irina, ppmarch@infopro.spb.su. Matveev vladimir, matv@pskov.teia.org. http://www.isdgrus.ru/eng/members.phtml |
60. M Maksimov, vladimir (Institute of SolarTerrestrial Physics, Irkutsk) VMaksimov; marchenko, Gennady Petrovich (Astronomical obs. Kharkov St. http://spd.aas.org/SolarMail/M.html | |
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