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21. The Institute Of Ismaili Studies: Publication Bibliography Of The Advent Of The Ibn Idhari, AbulAbbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-marrakushi,al-Bayan al-mughrib fi akhbar al-Andalus wal-Maghrib. Vol. 1 http://www.iis.ac.uk/research/academic_publications/advent_fatimids/bibliography | |
22. The Institute Of Ismaili Studies: Publication Bibliography Of A Short History Of Paris, 1964. Ibn Idhari almarrakushi, Abul- Abbas Ahmad h- Muhammad. al-Bayanal-mughrib, ed. GS Colin and E. Levi-Provencal. New edn, Leiden, 1948-51. http://www.iis.ac.uk/research/academic_publications/history_ismailis/bibliograph | |
23. Encyclopædia Britannica Elements. almarrakushi ibn al-Banna University of St.Andrews, ScotlandBrief note on the life and works of this Moroccan mathematician. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=khatm al-anbiya'&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&s |
24. Foundation Of Al-Mahdiya Ibn Idhari almarrakushi composed a poem in 308/921 in Bayan al-Maghrib (Leiden,1948, 1st vol., p. 184) for al-Mahdi to celebrate his arrival in the new http://ismaili.net/histoire/history05/history516.html | |
25. A01 almeon (12. Century) almarrakushi Marokeschi (ca. 1262) alpetragius(12. Century al-marrakushi Marokeschi (ca. 1262) al-marrakushi http://www.plicht.de/chris/a01.htm | |
26. Lunar Craters 81.0 alfraganus 5.4S 19.0E 20.0 alhazen 15.9N 71.8E 32.0 aliacensis 30.6S 5.2E 79.0alKhwarizmi 7.1N 106.4E 65.0 almanon 16.8S 15.2E 49.0 al-marrakushi 10.4S http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/lunarform/cratall.html | |
27. Near-side Craters E 3.0 alexander 40.3N 13.5E 81.0 alfraganus 5.4S 19.0E 20.0 alhazen 15.9N 71.8E32.0 aliacensis 30.6S 5.2E 79.0 almanon 16.8S 15.2E 49.0 almarrakushi 10.4S http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/lunarform/cratnear.html | |
28. ARABIC LITERATURE TRANSLATIONS INTO GERMAN (in MARION) Translate this page ARABIC LITERATURE TRANSLATIONS INTO GERMAN. Records 1 to 15 of 160.`Abd al-Wahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. Des Marockaners Abdulvaheb http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION?S=ARABIC LITERATURE TRANSLATIONS INTO GER |
29. ARABIC LANGUAGE TEXTS (in MARION) Translate this page Holdings CLEVELAND/John G. White Coll. CalL NUMBER 297.4 Ab315g2 Reference NonCirculating. `Abd al-Wahid al-marrakushi, b. 1185. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION?S=ARABIC LANGUAGE TEXTS |
30. A Index 665*) Airy, George (313*) Aitken, alec (825*) Ajima, Naonobu (144) Akhiezer, NaumIl'ich (248*) alBaghdadi, Abu (947) al-Banna, al-marrakushi (861) al-Battani http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/A.html |
31. Contents Continue Abbassid and Fatimid Empires Bar Hebraeus Baghdad (1100) Obadyah NorthAfrica and Andalusia al Maliki Ibn alAthir Ibn Abdun al-marrakushi Under the http://mypage.bluewin.ch/ameland/Contents.html | |
32. BIENVENIDOS AL REINO DE MARRUECOS Translate this page Así, encontramos en numerosos historiadores como Ibn Sahib Assalat, al marrakushi,Ibn Abi Zar, Ibn Khaldün y al Qalqachandi , textos ignorados por los http://www.maec.gov.ma/madrid/Pages/Politique/HisDipMar.htm | |
33. Craters (A) o N, 92.5 o E. almarrakushi 10.4 o S, 55.8 o E albategnius 11.2o S, 4.1 o E aldrin 1.4 o N, 22.1 o E. alexander 40.3 o N http://www.astrosurf.com/cidadao/a_craters.htm | |
34. Craters (section No.48) CRATERS (section no.48). almarrakushi 10.4 o S, 55.8 o E Amontons5.3 o S, 46.8 o E Bellot 12.4 o S, 48.2 o E. Crozier 13.5 http://www.astrosurf.com/cidadao/craters_section_48.htm | |
35. Current Newsletter Roser Puig (Spain), La saphea (safiha) dalZarqalli daprés le K. Djami c al-mabadiwa-l-gayat fi c ilm al-miqat dAbu-l-Hasan al-marrakushi (s. XIII http://www.ou.edu/islamsci/Current Newsletter-list3.htm | |
36. Alibris - Find Your Favorite Authors And Books At Alibris. Abd al Wahab. Abd al Wahhab. Abd al Wahhab Muhammad Rashad. Abd al Wahid. Abdal Wahid al marrakushi. Abd al Wali. Abd al Wasi. Abd al Zahir. Abd alafi. Abdalami. http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0005.html | |
37. Alibris - Find Your Favorite Authors And Books At Alibris. Translate this page Abu Mansur. Abu Mari. Abu marrakushi. Abu Marzoug. Abu Marzouki. Abu Mashar. AbuMostafa. Abu Muammar. Abu Mughli. Abu Muhammad Abd al Haqq. Abu Muhammadi. AbuMulham. http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0006.html |
38. World Beat, Mar/Apr 1996 a thousand years to the times when scholars such as alBitruji (known as alpetragiusin the West), Ibn-Rushd (Averroes), al-marrakushi, and al- Qusuntini lived http://www.aspsky.org/mercury/mercury/9602/algeria.html | |
39. Descripciones De La Tarifa Musulmana Translate this page En el siglo XIII otro autor árabe, en este caso el marroquí And al-Wahid al-marrakushi,en la descripción geográfica anexa a su obra histórica, vuelve a http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2002/188/temas/tarifa_musulmana.htm | |
40. Máslama, De Madrid Translate this page Kirmani, Ibn-Khaldun, al-Zahrawi, como también los distinguidos continuadoresde su obra Djabir Ibn Aflah, Abu-l-Hassan al marrakushi, al Zarkali, al http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2001/09_01/Articulos 09_01/Máslama_Madrid.htm | |
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