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Mazurkiewicz Stefan: more detail | ||||
41. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Louis Ohm, Georg Simon Mayer, Tobias Morin, Arthur Oka, Kiyoshi Mazur, StanislawMorse, Marston Olivier, Théodore mazurkiewicz, stefan Mostowski, Andrzej http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
43. Surnames M1 - Polish Order Of The Virtuti Militari Recipients ( Wincenty mazurkiewicz, Walenty mazurkiewicz, Jan mazurkiewicz, Wladyslaw mazurkiewicz,Aleksander mazurkiewicz, Roman mazurkiewicz, stefan mazurkiewicz, Tomasz http://feefhs.org/pl/vm/vm-m1.html |
44. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics mazurkiewicz, stefan, 18881945, Travaux de topologie et ses applications, 1, QA611 M37, Killam. McDaniel, Wayne, 1931-, Collected papers, 1, QA 3 Q 38 v. 122,Chase. http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
45. Matematikusok William Wallace. Max Wilhelm Dehn. Henri Léon Lebesgue. stefan mazurkiewicz.Giuseppe Vitali. stefan Banach. Kurt August Hirsch. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. http://www.sulinet.hu/tananyag/97407/on/GEOM/tudos.htm | |
46. MIMUW - Ryszard Engelking Engelking, Ryszard mazurkiewicz, stefan Travaux de topologie et ses applications,Comité de rédaction K. Borsuk, R. Engelking, B. Knaster, K. Kuratowski, J http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/english/research/imat-publications/engelki.html | |
47. Math 6021 Take a look at a brief biography of stefan mazurkiewicz, one of those forwhom the celebrated KnasterKuratowski-mazurkiewicz Theorem is named. http://www.math.gatech.edu/~cain/summer00/m6021.html | |
48. GTG Sp. Z O.o. Zbigniew Kwik Roman Laskowski Tomasz Lass stefan De Laveaux Barbara Matusiewicz JacekMatusiewicz Janina Matuszczyk Andrzej mazurkiewicz Andrzej mazurkiewicz http://www.gtg.pl/spis.htm | |
49. Absolwenci Zamoy'a 1917-1939 Malecki Jerzy; mazurkiewicz Mieczyslaw; Miedzwicki Tadeusz; Olech Eugeniusz;Olszewski stefan; Pietruszewski stefan; Przegalinski Kazimierz; http://www.2lo.lublin.pl/pollat/absolwent/abs17_39.htm |
50. PAN, Wydzial IV - Komitety Narodowe rzecz. PAN Leon LUKASZEWICZ; prof. Jan MADEY; prof. Antoni mazurkiewicz; dr hab.Tadeusz MORZY; prof. rzecz. PAN stefan WEGRZYN; prof. Józef WINKOWSKI; prof. http://www.w4.pan.pl/w4knar.html |
51. Space-filling Curve continuous curves. A characterization of all such spaces was given byHans Hahn (18791934) and by stefan mazurkiewicz (1888-1945) Hahn http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~fiedorow/math655/Peano.html | |
52. Polska Szko³a Matematyczna doktorska Zygmunt Janiszewski (18881920), aw 1913 roku u Sierpinskiego doktoryzowalsie (na podstawie pracy z topologii) stefan mazurkiewicz (1888-1945). http://www.mt.com.pl/num/09_00/matma.htm | |
53. University Of Warsaw mention here scholars of international fame such as mathematicians Waclaw Sierpinski,Jan Lukasiewicz, Kazimierz Kuratowski, stefan mazurkiewicz, and Witold http://www.ciesin.ci.uw.edu.pl/poland/warsawuniv.html | |
54. Kazimierz Dolny - Kronika Wydarzen - Archiwum Maria Kuncewiczowa, Jerzy Kuncewicz, Kuncewiczówka, stefan Kurzawinski, Aleksander Mankowski,Bogdan Markowski, Barbara mazurkiewicz, Witold mazurkiewicz http://www.kazimierz-dolny.pl/archiwum.html | |
55. PAF Pictures With Questions (Probably on the picture are also Mazurek, Sochacki and mazurkiewicz. Tadeusz Blicharzwho identified people and place Standing from left W/C stefan Janus, F http://polishwings.bravepages.com/ | |
56. The German Enigma Cipher Machine - History Of Solving At the same time, stefan mazurkiewicz, another Polish Mathematician was workingfor the Second Department of the General Staff of the Polish Army at Warsaw. http://home.us.net/~encore/Enigma/chronology.html | |
57. Untitled Matson, A. Matuszewski*, Constance Maute, Joseph Mazurek, Emil mazurkiewicz,Wanda Melnyk, Cecylia Meyers, Franciszka Micek, stefan Michniewicz, Edward http://www.polishsingersalliance.dnswh.com/custom4.html | |
58. Ludomir Lewandowski - Lata 1948-1952 stefan Kucinski; Ludomir Lewandowski; Robert Lewandowski; Zdzislaw Lubranski;Janusz mazurkiewicz; stefan Marody, dziennikarz; Tomasz Mejro; Wieslaw Mokrzycki; http://www.math.niu.edu/~behr/Polish/Gottwald/anegdoty/llewandowski011109.html | |
59. 1 Biographie De Stefan Banach Translate this page Les jeunes étaient stefan Banach et Otto Nikodim. éditoriale de Steinhaus depuisKnaster, Banach depuis Lvov et Kuratowski, mazurkiewicz et Sierpinski depuis http://julien.mary.free.fr/maths/membanach/node2.html | |
60. Sierpinski Carpet So the Sierpinski carpet was actually invented by stefan mazurkiewicz, who in 1913wrote his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Sierpinski on curves filling http://ecademy.agnesscott.edu/~lriddle/ifs/carpet/carpet.htm | |
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