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61. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 1905 - 1981) Mazurkiewicz, Stefan (1888 - 1945) Meissel, Daniel (1826 - 1895) Mellin,Robert (1854 - 1933) menabrea, luigi (1809 - 1896) Menaichmos (um 380 http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
62. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Mellin, Robert (1854 - 1933). menabrea, luigi (1809 - 1896). Menaichmos(um 380 - um 320 v. Chr.). Menelaos von Alexandria (um 70 - um 130). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
63. 1809 Translate this page menabrea, luigi Federico (Chambéry 1809-Saint-Cassin, Chambery 1896) uomopolitico e scienziato italiano 1839-48, ufficiale del genio e insegnante di http://www.viandante.it/sito24/XIX secolo/1809.htm | |
64. Charles Babbage In 1842, Ada was invited to translate and then expanded upon a mathematical paperby luigi menabrea (later to be Prime Minister of the newly united Italy) on http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/maths/research/stats/Babbage.html | |
65. Ada Byron Lovelace contribution to mathematics. These lectures were writtenup by a youngItalian military engineer, luigi menabrea. He had them published http://www.sonoma.edu/Math/faculty/falbo/AdaByron.html | |
66. Byron, Augusta Ada (1815-1852) She became involved with Charles Babbage's Analytical Machine and translated andannotated luigi Federico menabrea's description of it ( Notions sur la machine http://www.xs4all.nl/~androom/biography/p004288.htm | |
67. Parenté De Lord Byron Translate this page En 1840, un célèbre ingénieur italien, le général luigi menabrea qui devaitdevenir plus tard premier ministre d'Italie, publia un article en français http://perso.club-internet.fr/acuop/byron/ParByron.html | |
68. TechTV | Ada Lovelace, Countess Of Controversy Babbage presented his plans at a conference in Turin, Italy, in 1842, his machinecaught the eye of an Italian engineer named luigi menabrea, who published a http://www.techtv.com/news/print/0,23102,3316503,00.html | |
69. The Amazing Adding Subtracting Composing Creating Do-Everything Machine: Ada Lov The following year, luigi Federico menabrea, an Italian mathematician, wrotea summary of the presentation and published an article in French. http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/2003-01/lovelace.html | |
70. Cocoavii.html 1840) luigi menabrea, french paper at the Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve(1842) ÒNotions sur la machine analytique de MC BabbageÓ Translated http://cocoa.dima.unige.it/conference/cocoavii/school/TomasCoCoA1/cocoavii11.htm | |
71. Georgia On My Mind By Charles Sheffield In that year an Italian mathematician, luigi Federico menabrea, heardBabbage talk in Turin about the new machine that he was building. http://www.sff.net/people/sheffield/books/georgia/chap1.htm | |
72. STA Agenzia Per La Mobilità Del Comune Di Roma Translate this page v.le Manzoni via Francesco menabrea via Merulana via Pietro Micca via NapoleoneIII via Giuseppe luigi Passalacqua via Guglielmo Pepe via Ettore Perrone via http://www.sta.roma.it/servizi/esquilino.html | |
73. Re: BIRRA MENABREA Translate this page la birra menabrea viene venduta a livello nazionale dalla over di milano in via Viligrosdi Vedano al Lambro tel 039-491121 oppure Cabiari luigi di Seregno http://www.birra.it/forumold/_forum/00000174.htm | |
74. M Index McDuff, Margaret (1297*) McShane, Edward (808*) Meissel, Ernst (140*) Mellin, Hjalmar(568*) menabrea, luigi (131*) Menaechmus (1104) Menelaus of Alexandria http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/M.html |
75. Ada Byron E I Numeri Di Bernoulli Translate this page francese, sulla macchina analitica. Larticolo era firmato dal trentunenneconte luigi Federico menabrea. (che un ventennio dopo http://istitutogiovannipaolo2.it/Seminari/ada\Ada Byron e i numeri di Bernoulli | |
76. Le Donne E La Scienza Charles Babbage Translate this page Precedentemente per scriverne in maniera esauriente egli stesso aveva incaricatoil generale e matematico piemontese luigi Filippo menabrea. http://sisf.comune.fi.it/iti-ipiaLeonardodaVinci/rapp-esterni/sett-cultura/nona/ | |
77. Livia Giacardi-pubblicazioni Translate this page Prouhet a luigi Cremona (1861-1867), in AAVV.? La corrispondenza di luigi Cremona(1830-1903 1999 Voci LF menabrea, A. Genocchi, B. Erba, F. Faà di Bruno, E http://www2.dm.unito.it/paginepersonali/giacardi/pubbli.htm | |
78. Nigrizia.it - Il Sito Dell'africa E Del Mondo Nero Translate this page Bettino Ricasoli fu premier e ministro degli Esteri dal 1861 al 1862, Alfonso LaMarmora dal 1864 al 1866, luigi menabrea dal 1877 al 1878, Agostino De Pretis http://www.nigrizia.it/doc.asp?ID=3196 |
79. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 03/09/1971 - Nascimento de Émerson de Souza Ferreti (goleiro brasileiro) 04/09/1809- Nascimento de luigi Federico menabrea (matemático francês) 04/09/1815 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad7.php?w=1&pg=114 |
80. Computer: Looking.back - December 1996 work, she provided the first readable description of the Analytical Engine viaher translation of, and annotations to, luigi menabrea's Italian publication http://www.computer.org/history/looking/rz0008.htm | |
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