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21. Greek Trigonometry . century. BC) e menelaus of alexandria (III century BC), both authorsof the volumes known under the title of Sphaerica. But the http://www.math.unifi.it/archimede/archimede_inglese/trigonometria/trigonometria | |
22. Read This: Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage of Miletus, Pythagoras, Plato, Archytas, Euclid, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Nicomedes,Apollonius, Heron of Alexandria, menelaus of alexandria, Claudius Ptolemy http://www.maa.org/reviews/holmegeom.html | |
23. Cut The Knot! menelaus of alexandria worked in the 1 st century AD Giovanni Ceva (16481734)was an Italian engineer and geometer who lived some 16 centuries later. http://www.maa.org/editorial/knot/CevaPlus.html | |
24. Menelaus And Ceva menelaus of alexandria (circa 100 AD) was among the first to clearly recognize geodesicson a curved surface as the natural analogs of straight lines on a flat http://www.mathpages.com/rr/s3-09/3-09.htm | |
25. History Of Geometry Mechanics. menelaus of alexandria (70130 AD) developed sphericalgeometry in his only surviving work Sphaerica (3 Books). In http://geometryalgorithms.com/history.htm | |
26. Mathematicians 100 CE. Balbus (fl. c. 100) *SB. menelaus of alexandria (c. 100 CE) *mt *SB. Nicomachusof Gerasa (c. 100) *SB. Zhang Heng (78139). Theon of Smyrna (c. 125). http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
27. Mathematiker Mit Mm Translate this page Maxwell James Clerk (1831 - 1879, Edinburgh). menelaus of alexandria (70- 130, Alexandria). Mersenne Marin (1588 - 1648, Paris). Minkowski http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/m.html | |
28. History Of Astronomy: Persons (M) menelaus of alexandria Menelaos von Alexandria (ca. 70 ca. 130)Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.); Find more http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_m.html | |
29. The Beginnings Of Trigonometry Both Pappus and Proclus call him menelaus of alexandria (Heath 260), so we may assumethat he spent some of his time in Rome, and much of his time in Alexandria http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/436/436-s00/Papers2000/hunt.html | |
30. Ceva's Theorem: A Matter Of Appreciation menelaus of alexandria worked in the 1 st century AD, Giovanni Ceva (16481734)was an Italian engineer and geometer who lived some 16 centuries later. http://www.cut-the-knot.com/Generalization/CevaPlus.shtml | |
31. - Great Books - Ptolemy compared his catalogue with those of Aristil, Timocharis, Hipparchus andthe observations of Agrippa and menelaus of alexandria from the early 1st http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_639.asp | |
32. Dr. Matrix' Discussion Of Mathematics methods were developed for solving problems involving plane triangles, and a theoremnamedafter the astronomer menelaus of alexandria was established for http://scientium.com/drmatrix/sciences/mathref.htm | |
33. Webpage which is a work on the geometry of the sphere by Autolycus, Apollonius's Conics,and the later contributions by Heron of Alexandria and menelaus of alexandria. http://www.k12.nf.ca/discovery/curriculum/math/famous/pageone.htm | |
34. Innuendo Cornecopria.com - Sagacious Interpretations Of Tool methods were developed for solving problems involving plane triangles, and a theoremnamedafter the astronomer menelaus of alexandriawas established for http://www.innuendocornecopria.com/finger_deep_within_the_borderline/mathematics | |
35. ONE BOOK, 1393 YEARS - A History Of The Almagest philosophical standpoint. His geometrical methods came from Euclid.His spherical geometry was from menelaus of alexandria. He drew http://www.star-names.freeserve.co.uk/almagest.html | |
36. The Foundations Of Christianity menelaus of alexandria wrote on mathematics. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) wrotethe astronomical masterpiece the Almagest (the Greatest) in Alexandria. http://members.iinet.net.au/~quentinj/Christianity/No-History.html | |
37. Names Lobachevsky; Lady Lovelace; Colin Maclaurin; menelaus of alexandria; JohnNapier; Isaac Newton; Emmy Noether; Pappus; Henri Poincare; Pythagorous; http://www.jcu.edu/math/faculty/djh/listprov.htm | |
38. APO Contents Table of Papyri. I. Theoretical and Instructional Texts. 4133 menelaus of alexandria(?), Treatise on planetary theory; 4134 Procedure text for planet? http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~ajones/oxy/papindex.html | |
39. Mathem_abbrev Nicolas, Mandelbrot, Benoit Mansur ibn Ali, Abu Margulis, Gregori Mauchly, JohnMaxwell, James Clerk Menaechmus menelaus of alexandria Menshov, Dmitrii Milnor http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
40. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Gabriel Osgood, William Menabrea, Luigi Muir, Thomas Ostrogradski, Mikhail MenaechmusMydorge, Claude Oughtred, William menelaus of alexandria Ozanam, Jacques http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
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