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Mercator Gerardus: more books (18) | |||
21. Mercator, Gerardus encyclopediaEncyclopedia mercator, gerardus, jurär'dus mûrkA'turPronunciation Key. mercator, gerardus , Latin form of his real http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0832741.html | |
22. Mercator, Gerardus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. mercator, gerardus.(j rär´d s mûrk ´t r) (KEY) , Latin form of his real name http://www.bartleby.com/65/me/MercatG.html | |
23. Kremer, Gerhard. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. Kremer, Gerhard. see mercator, gerardus. The Columbia Encyclopedia,Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2002 Columbia University Press. http://www.bartleby.com/65/x-/X-Kremer-G.html | |
24. Gerardus Mercator gerardus mercator. Il est considéré comme le père de la cartogarphie moderne. http://www.cerveracentre.com/fnimerc.htm |
25. Encyclopædia Britannica mercator, gerardus Flemish cartographer whose most important innovation was amap, embodying what was later known as the mercator projection, on which http://www.britannica.com/search?query=projection&ct=&fuzzy=N |
26. Navis.gr - Mercator, Gerardus mercator, gerardus (151294). The Nautical projection. Such maps are named aftergerardus mercator, the foremost geographer of the 16th century. He http://www.navis.gr/men/mercator.htm | |
27. MERCATOR mercator, gerardus. (Gerhard Kremer)1996. 3. Martin, Geoffrey John. mercator, gerardus. Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995. http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/renaissance/mercator.html | |
28. MERCATOR, GERARDUS mercator, gerardus latinized form of GERHARD KREMER (15121594), Flemish mathematicianand geographer, was born at Rupelmonde, in Flanders, on the 5th of http://53.1911encyclopedia.org/M/ME/MERCATOR_GERARDUS.htm | |
29. Mercator, Gerardus. Latinized Form Of Gerhard Kremer mercator, gerardus. Latinized form of Gerhard Kremer (15121594).mercator, gerardus , Latin form of his real name, Gerhard Kremer http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/Mercator/1.htm | |
30. Gerardus Mercator Artworks And Fine Art At Arthistorynet.com gerardus mercator art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings,sculpture, photography Map Upper Burgundy, 16th century Text to an Atlas Maps http://wwar.com/masters/m/mercator-gerardus.html | |
31. Mercator, Gerardus mercator, gerardus 151294, Flemish geographer, mathematician, andcartographer. He studied in mercator, gerardus. 1512-94, Flemish http://www.slider.com/enc/34000/Mercator_Gerardus.htm | |
32. Kremer, Gerhard Trellian WebPage. Slider Search The Web, Index. Help. Encyclopaedia. Kremer, Gerhard.see mercator, gerardus. mercator, gerardus Beer is good. http://www.slider.com/enc/29000/Kremer_Gerhard.htm | |
33. Mercator | Gerardus | 1512-1594 | Mathematician And Cartographer mercator gerardus 15121594 mathematician and cartographer. Tractata et DictaHuddenis Amsterodami, Maio 1693 (1693); Solutio Probl Astri mercatoris (sd). http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/m/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P1130/ | |
34. Mercator, Gerardus encyclopediaEncyclopedia mercator, gerardus, jurär'dus mûrkA'turPronunciation Key. mercator, gerardus , Latin form of his real http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0832741.html | |
35. Mercator mercator, gerardus. (15121594). Vehlasný vlámský kartograf aastronom. Vlastním jménem Gerard de Cremere. Pro císare Karla http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Mercator_Gerardus.html | |
36. Mercator, Gerardus mercator, gerardus. Flemish mapmaker who devised mercator's projection inwhich the parallels and meridians on maps are drawn uniformly at 90. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0004765.html | |
37. Mercator Projection - Wikipedia mercator projection. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The mercatorprojection is a map projection devised by gerardus mercator in 1569. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection | |
38. Gerardus Mercator gerardus mercator 15121594. gerardus mercator was a geographer, cartographerand mathematician born in Flanders. He is best known http://www.artelino.com/articles/gerardus_mercator.asp | |
39. Historical Maps Netherlands gerardus mercator 15121594. gerardus mercator is something like the father ofmodern map making. gerardus mercator was the first to use the word atlas. http://www.artelino.com/articles/historical_maps_netherlands.asp | |
40. Enciclopédica Geodésica Mercator Translate this page Gerhard Kremer (mercator). mercator, gerardus, (Gerhard Kremer, *5.3.1512em Rumpelmonde/Flándria, 2.12.1594 em Duisburg), flamenco-alemão,. http://geodesia.ufsc.br/lexicon/m/Mercator.htm |
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