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81. No. 885: Mercator's Maps them. gerardus mercator was born Gerhard Kremer in the Netherlandsin 1512. He Latinized his name when he entered the University. http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi885.htm | |
82. Science Timeline Menzel, Donald Howard, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1930. mercator, gerardus, 1569.Mereschovsky, Konstantin S., 1910. MerleauPonty, Maurice, 1945. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_m.htm | |
83. Rupelmonde, Het Zonnewijzer Dorp Aan deze samenvloeiing, waar het afvalwater van Vlaanderen met dat van Brabant enLimburg wordt vermengd, zag op een dag in maart gerardus mercator in 1512 het http://users.pandora.be/veerle.heyman/zonnewijzers/ | |
84. Mercatorfonds Translate this page gerardus mercator RUPELMUNDANUS - M. Watelet 448 pages - 34 x 26 cm- 450 illustrations dont 350 en couleurs - Relié toile fers http://www.fondsmercator.be/fr/boeken/zoek/getbook.asp?ID=29 |
85. Mercator_Gerardus gerardus mercator. Born 5 March Cleve (now Germany). Show birthplacelocation. gerardus mercator's original name was Gerard de Cremere. http://www-cassini.univ-mrs.fr/divers/Mercator_Gerardus.html | |
86. 5 De Março Translate this page PROJETO VIP - 5 de março, E-mail edufra.trp@terra.com.br. Anterior Página Principal Seguinte NASCIMENTOS. gerardus mercator. http://planeta.terra.com.br/educacao/projetovip/0305.htm | |
87. Frequently Asked Questions About The Mercator Web Crawler To learn more about web crawlers, refer to Martijn Koster's web robots pages.Why did you choose the name mercator ? gerardus mercator, 15121594. http://research.compaq.com/SRC/mercator/faq.html | |
88. Offshore Technology - Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Gerardus Expanded image Jan De Nul Group of Companies - GerardusMercator trailing suction hopper dredger. http://www.offshore-technology.com/contractors/dredging/jandenul/jandenul2.html |
89. FGB V8n1 MERCATOR Une Initiative Canadienne Translate this page mercator une initiative canadienne. Nous croyons que ces efforts seront toutautant révolutionnaires que le furent ceux de mercator à son époque. http://cgdi.gc.ca/iacg/bulletin/fgbv8n1/v8n1p1f.html | |
90. Einladung Zur Mercatorfeier Translate this page mercator-Gymnasiums. aus Anlaß des 450. Geburtsjahres von, GERARDUSmercator, 3. Begrüßung, Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Pape Anm.1. für die, http://www.uni-duisburg.de/SCHULEN/MGD/1962/einlad.htm | |
91. Mercator's Projection mercator's Projection. The mercator projection was invented by Gerardusmercator, a Flemish mapmaker. This is his famous world map of 1569. http://www.math.ubc.ca/~israel/m103/mercator/mercator.html | |
92. Mercator mercator , et qui est-il, ce Gérard Kremer ? -1594. http://www.bryc.be/mercator.htm | |
93. Mercator Ortelio Bene vale mi Chariss. D. Orteli. Duysburgi 8 Aug. 1579. Tuus perpetuo Gerardusmercator Amico singulari C. Abrahamo Ortelio mercator Ortelio sal. Notes. http://www.uvm.edu/~jbailly/commentaries/letters/mercator.html | |
94. Boutique, Globes Anciens Translate this page Les douze fuseaux de papier ont été imprimés d'après les originaux de Gerardusmercator, l'inventeur de la projection mercator qui fut adoptée à partir http://www.stewart-museum.org/servi2c.htm | |
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