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Mercator Nicolaus: more detail | ||||||
61. Nomenclator Index Translate this page Connanus, Franciscus E1v Constantinus Imperator M1r Copernicus, nicolaus I1v Cornarius Melanchthon,Philippus D2r, L1v, L2v, Melito C4r mercator, Gerardus L2v http://bc.leidenuniv.nl/nomenclator/index-authors.htm | |
62. AGENDA 21 NRW - Zukunftsrat - MItglieder Translate this page 1974 Ruf auf den Lehrstuhl für Internationale und Vergleichende Politik an der Gerhard-mercator-UniversitätDuisburg. nicolaus Schneider Vizepräses der ev. http://www.agenda21.nrw.de/content/zukunftsrat/mitglieder.htm | |
63. CATALOGO DE FONDOS DIGITALIZADOS Translate this page mercator, 1497 mercator, Guido Aristóteles 384-322 aC Crítica e interpretaciónUCM.FOA. x53194257x Ver imagenes. Falcutius, nicolaus Sermones medicinales http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/diosc/030301_xv.htm | |
64. Kandace Presents . . . African History - SunSpot.net Talk nicolaus of Damascus (late first century BC) observed Aithiopians have a particular mosthistorically persistent map image of Africa, the mercator Map, is http://www.sunspot.net/threads/Forum18/HTML/025933.html |
65. Publikationsliste - Kirsti Andersen matematik; Fermat, Pierre de; fluxionsregning; lHospital,Guillaume François Antoine de; mercator, nicolaus; Mohr, Georg http://www.ivh.au.dk/personale/kirsti_andersen/publikationsliste.dk.html | |
66. BIBLIOGRAPHY Appelbaum, Wilbur, A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts of nicolaus mercator,FRS (162087) in Sheffield University Library, Notes and Records of http://duke.usask.ca/~pekacz/Bibliography.htm |
67. Forgeb-2-test nicolaus, Manfred; Schulte-Göcking, Walter WestdeutscherHandwerkskammertag/Gerhard-mercator-Universität Duisburg, 1997. http://technologie.uni-duisburg.de/tdt/forschun/forgeb-2.htm |
68. Early Maps - 'D9' Samples English edition The mercator Atlas of Europe (Pleasant Hill, Oregon WalkingTree Press, 1997).. Anderson, Hugh LANE. Angielus, nicolaus BRICHZIN. http://www.ihrinfo.ac.uk/maps/d9smples.html | |
69. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles Bernoulli's Power Sum Problem; The Euler Number. Newton's Exponential Series;nicolaus mercator's Logarithmic Series; Newton's Sine and Cosine Series; http://www.cut-the-knot.com/books/dorrie/content.shtml | |
70. Ptolemy's Geographia - Bell Library: Maps And Mapmakers the discovery of which has been credited to this same nicolaus Germanus (Karrow Eventhe famous Gerard mercator prepared an edition of the Geographia in 1578 http://bell.lib.umn.edu/map/PTO/GEO/trans.html | |
71. The Science Bookstore - Chronology Copernicus, nicolaus Born 2/19/1473 Died 5/24/1543, 1473 AD, Tubingen, FoundedBorn 8/9/1477, 1477 AD, mercator, Gerardus Born 3/5/1512 Died 12/2/1594, 1512 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=2 |
72. R&D - Surveying - Cartography P. Netzgeometrie und Abbildungskonzept der Karte des nicolaus von Cues P. GermaniaeUniversalis Untersuchungen zur Netzgeometrie der mercatorKarte aus http://www.uni-essen.de/fet&ww/fue/eng/fb11/kartogr.htm | |
73. Great Scientists The Galileo Project. Luther Burbank. nicolaus Copernicus. Jacques Cousteau. DmitriIvanovich Mendeleyev. Gerardus mercator. Samuel FB Morse. Sir Isaac Newton. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listscientisj.html | |
74. Cartographica Neerlandica Background For Ortelius Map No. 4 Great Britain after mercator's 1564 Great Britain map. Jacob Homem Lusitanus printedin Venice, Ioannes Dominicus Methoneus of Venice, nicolaus Nicolay printed http://www.orteliusmaps.com/book/ort4.html | |
75. Cartographica Neerlandica Background For Ortelius Map No. 5 Great Britain after mercator's 1564 Great Britain map. printed in Venice, JodocusHondius, Ioannes Dominicus Methoneus of Venice, nicolaus Nicolay printed in http://www.orteliusmaps.com/book/ort5.html | |
76. Die Sicht Der Anderen Translate this page Von Ptolomäus zu mercator, Seite 1. sogar bereits um 1437/39 schuf der in Kues ander Mosel geborene Kardinal und Kirchenpolitiker nicolaus Cusanus (14011464 http://www.geog.fu-berlin.de/2bik/Kap2/kap2_2-01.php3 | |
77. Verzeichnis Der Bertuchschen Verlagsschriften Translate this page Baptist Tavernier, S. 3-24. Dec. 2 XI. Gerhard mercator. XII. Sir Francis Drake.XIII. Thomas Cavendish. XIV. nicolaus Sanson. XV. Johann Baptista Homann. http://ora-web.weimar-klassik.de/pls/bertuch_vz_online/bertuch_vs.vollanzeige?id |
78. Uni...M Translate this page 1993, Sp. 492/1448f./1827/1990. nicolaus mercator (Kauffman). In Neue DeutscheBiographie. Bd 17, Berlin 1994, S. 115-116. Copernicus als Mathematiker. http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/technikhist/uni/unim.htm | |
79. Further Info - Maps Of Scotland 1560-1928 - Digital Library - NLS on the maps of Frederick de Wit, JeanBaptiste Nolin, nicolaus Visscher, and alsoheavily influenced by Gordon's map, as well as by the mercator-derived map of http://www.nls.uk/digitallibrary/map/early/info.html | |
80. Astrologie Bei Gerhard Mercator Translate this page Gerhard mercator besaß sie zusammen mit den Winkeltafeln 4 (tabulae directionum). NicolausSimus Ephemeriden, Venedig 1554. Johannes Stöffler - er setzt die http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/Astrol/Astrolog.htm | |
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