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Mori Shigefumi: more detail |
41. Bulletin mori, shigefumi shigefumi mori is working on the birational geometryof algebraic varieties of higher dimension. One of his main http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kenkyubu/what-rims.html | |
42. Math Archive: Search Results Kazuyoshi mori, Kenichi Abe. 39 pages. OC. 5. Abs PS PDF, alggeom/9508012Quotients by Groupoids. Sean Keel, shigefumi mori. AG. Articles 1 to 5 out of 5. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/mori | |
43. Math Archive: Search Results 16 pages. AG. 23. Abs PS PDF, alggeom/9508012 Quotients by Groupoids.Sean Keel, shigefumi mori. AG. Articles 1 to 23 out of 23. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/Keel-S* | |
44. Hajimu Mori - ResearchIndex Document Query of Canonical QFano 3-Folds - Kollár, Miyaoka, mori, Takagi (Correct) J 'AnosKoll 'Ar, Yoichi Miyaoka, shigefumi mori And Hiromichi Takagi Abstract. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=Hajimu Mori |
45. CWI Library: Acquisitions mori, shigefumi / Miyaoka, Yoichi Higher dimensional birational geometry Tokyo Mathematical Society of Japan, 2002 (Advanced studies in pure mathematics ASPM http://www.cwi.nl/library/general/acquisitions/AW53_1112.html | |
46. FITAS DE VÍDEO mori, shigefumi, speaker. Birational classification of algebraicthreefolds /gravação de vídeo/. Kyoto, MSJ, c1990. Inglês. http://www.ime.usp.br/bib/fitas.html | |
47. Photos Of 1999 World Championships from the left in the front row, mori, shigefumi HORII, Kazumi ONODERA, Chiharu SAURA,Hiroyuki GENOHZONO, Hitoshi FUJIMOTO, Yasunori, The Team of JAPAN, from the http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~jcsf/photos1999wm.htm |
48. Sci.math: Frequently Asked Questions [2/3] USA 1990 Drinfeld, Vladimir Kharkov USSR 36 Phys.Inst.Kharkov USSR 1990 Jones, VaughanGisborne N Zealand 38 UC Berkeley USA 1990 mori, shigefumi Nagoya Japan http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/FAQ/msg00022.html | |
49. List Of VTR Archives In Math. Dept. Univ. Texas Austin, USA; 5. Birational Classification of Algebraic Threefolds68min. mori, shigefumi/RIMS Kyoto Univ., Japan; 6. Elliptic http://www.sci.toyama-u.ac.jp/math/hot/vtr.html | |
50. Matemáticos De Nuestro Tiempo (3) Translate this page Belgica) oo0oo- shigefumi mori Geometría Algebráica, Clasificaciónde Variedades Algebráicas. De Nagoya, Japón. Se http://personales.ya.com/casanchi/ref/matematicos03.htm | |
51. Members Of The School Of Mathematics MORETBAILLY, Laurent, 1981-82, 1993-94. MORGAN, Frank, 1990-91. MORGAN, John,1996-97. mori, shigefumi, 1981-82. moriKAWA, Hisasi, 1958-60. moriN, Bernard,1966-68. http://www.math.ias.edu/mnames.html | |
52. American Scientists Bookshelf: November-December 2000: Spencer applied mathematics, Gregory Margulis on rigidity theory, Barry Mazur on padicvariation, Dusa McDuff on symplectic geometry and shigefumi mori on algebraic http://www.americanscientist.org/bookshelf/Leads00/Spencer.html | |
53. Www.arthurhu.com/2001/10/field.txt 1986 Freedman, Michael Los Angeles USA 35 1990 Drinfeld, Vladimir Kharkov USSR 361990 Jones, Vaughan Gisborne N Zealand 38 J 1990 mori, shigefumi Nagoya Japan http://www.arthurhu.com/2001/10/field.txt | |
54. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen Thurston, William 1986 Donaldson, Simon 1986 Faltings, Gerd 1986 Freedman, Michael1990 Drinfeld, Vladimir 1990 Jones, Vaughan 1990 mori, shigefumi 1990 Witten http://w1.371.telia.com/~u37103753/Scientists/ | |
55. [alg-geom/9508012] Quotients By Groupoids Authors Sean Keel, shigefumi mori Comments AMSTeX Subjclass Algebraic GeometryWe show that if a flat group scheme acts properly, with finite stabilizers http://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9508012 | |
56. February 23 - Today In Science History FEBRUARY 23 BIRTHS. shigefumi mori. (source), Born 23 Feb 1951 Japanese mathematicianwho has made important contributions to the field of algebraic geometry. http://www.todayinsci.com/2/2_23.htm | |
57. ¼öÇлç¶û Q & A (¿ª»ç, ¿ë¾î, À¯·¡) 1990, Drinfeld, Vladimir, USSR, 36. Jones, Vaughan, New Zealand, 38. mori,shigefumi, Japan, 39. Witten, Edward, USA, 38. 1994, Lions, PierreLouis,France, 38. http://www.mathlove.org/pds/mathqa/faq/history/history29.html | |
58. Mathematical And Computer Sciences Library: New Books Received In November 2002 CALL QA76.58 I554 2002. AUTHOR mori, shigefumi. TITLE Higher dimensionalbirational geometry / edited by shigefumi mori and Yoichi Miyaoka. http://library.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/newbooks/NBNov02.html | |
60. ASTERISQUE Translate this page functions, 1988. 166, Clemens, C. Herbert (Ed.) / Kollar, Janos (Ed.)/ mori, shigefumi (Ed.), Higher dimensional complex geometry, 1988. 167, http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/SMF/node1.html | |
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