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61. Table Of Contents Translate this page 217. . ARTICLE, Juvet, G. Opérateurs de Dirac et équations de Maxwell. 225. .ARTICLE, nevanlinna, rolf Ueber die Randwerte von analytischen Funktionen. 236.. | |
62. Table Of Contents Translate this page und des Kontinuums. 88. . ARTICLE, nevanlinna, rolf Ein Satz überdie konforme Abbildung Riemannscher Flächen. 95. . ARTICLE, Gonseth | |
63. RIEMANN SURFACES (in MARION) nevanlinna, rolf Herman, 1895 Eindeutige analytische Funktionen. nevanlinna,rolf Herman, 1895- Uniformisierung. Berlin, Springer, 1953. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION?S=RIEMANN SURFACES |
64. ¼Æ¾Ç¸ê°Tºô-¬¡°Ê¡G¼Æ¾Ç¼ú Fields Medals and rolf nevanlinna Prize 1994 1994. Fields Medals and rolf nevanlinna Prize ?. http://infomath.nctu.edu.tw/Activity/award.html | |
65. Appendix I. Laine rolf nevanlinna sata vuotta. Karjalainen 5.6.1995. I. Laine rolf nevanlinnaColloquia 19641995, rolf nevanlinna, W. de Gruyter, 1995, pp. http://www.joensuu.fi/mathematics/anrep/1995/appendix.html | |
66. Turun Sanomat tohtorille Marjo Lipposelle, 28, ojennettiin tiistaina Turun tietotekniikan tutkimuskeskuksessaTUCSs sa vuotuinen rolf nevanlinna palkinto parhaasta http://users.utu.fi/marlip/TSartikkeli.html | |
67. Www.netlib.org/na-digest/88/v88n46 Date Tue, 15 Nov 88 092342 EET Subject Year on Numerical Analysis in FinlandTHE YEAR ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS IN FINLAND The rolf nevanlinna Institute will http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/88/v88n46 | |
68. Fields Medalists / Nevanlinna Price Winner Japan Stephen Smale Math. City University, Hong Kong, China. rolf NevanlinnaPrize Committee for 1998. David Mumford Brown University http://www.emis.ams.org/mirror/ICM98/prices/ | |
69. Yliopistolainen 9/2000. Yliopistolaisen Tietovisa Yksi syöksyhammas voi painaa jopa. a. 50. b. 100. c. 250 kiloa. 4. Matemaattisluonnontieteellisessätiedekunnassa toimii rolf nevanlinna -instituutti. http://yliopistolainen.helsinki.fi/yol2000_09/yolvisa.htm | |
70. Yliopistolainen 4/99. Almanakka Sisällysluettelo. rolf nevanlinnainstituutilta täsmäapua Viikkiin.Matemaattisten tieteiden tutkimuslaitos rolf nevanlinna-instituutti http://yliopistolainen.helsinki.fi/yol99_4/yolalm.htm | |
71. EMIS Conference Announcements full list. Title XIX rolf nevanlinna Colloquium Date June 1014,2003 Site University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland. Topic http://www.emis.de/conf/item/34.html | |
72. ComBi: Courses, Spring 1999 Models and Multiple Alignment for Biological Sequences a Tutorial and Some OpenProblems Professor Timo Koski, rolf nevanlinna institute, 9.12. kl. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/combi/program_spring_1999.html | |
73. Finnish Inverse Problems Society: Theses On Inverse Problems rolf nevanlinna Institute research reports C25. Licentiate's thesis, Universityof Helsinki, 1995. rolf nevanlinna Institute research reports C34. http://venda.uku.fi/research/FIPS/theses.html | |
74. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index Neumann, John von, 37, 139,140 .on pure mathematics, 15657. nevanlinna,rolf, 48. New 87. nevanlinna, rolf, 48 Nobel, Alfred, 91n. http://www.marco-learningsystems.com/pages/kline/prof/profteachindex.html | |
75. Notiziario UMI Agosto-Settembre 2002: Notizie Varie The rolf nevanlinna Prize in mathematical aspects of information science was establishedby the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union IMU http://www.dm.unibo.it/umi/italiano/Varie/2002/varie0809.html | |
76. MS 2002-08-24 Väisälä, Matti Vuorinen. University of Helsinki, rolf nevanlinna InstituteElja Arjas, Lasse Holmström, Jukka Sarvas. University of http://mark.math.helsinki.fi/GradSchool/Faculty/main.html | |
77. Postituslistat laitos; Juha Alho/Tilastotieteen laitos/Joensuun yliopisto; EljaArjas/rolf nevanlinna Instituutti/Helsingin yliopisto; Barbro Back http://www.csc.fi/selvitykset2001/datamining/lista.html | |
78. ICMS News 10 2000/2001 University of Potsdam Kress, Rainer, University of Gottingen Kurylev, Yaroslav, LoughboroughUniversity Lassas, Matti, rolf nevanlinna Institute Lesnic, Daniel http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/icms/publications/2001news/inverse.html | |
79. The 7th Inverse Days, Helsinki, 2001 are from the inverse problems research groups from the Institute of Mathematics atthe Helsinki University of Technology, the rolf nevanlinna Institute at the http://www.math.hut.fi/research/inverse/inversedays2001/ | |
80. [MATEMAC] Otro Dowloable Book Lectures and Ceremonies (662 pages)=20 a.. Ceremonies (p. 1198)=20 b.. The Workof the Fields Medalists and the rolf nevanlinna Prize = Winner (p. 99-142)=20 c http://listas.rcp.net.pe/pipermail/matemac/2001-December/000005.html | |
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