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61. OnTab Online: Tabel 51 Briggs, Henry, 1561 1630. Kepler, Johannes, 1571 - 1630. oughtred,william, ca. 1574 - 1660. Bachet, Claude-Casper, de Mezirac, 1581 - 1638. http://www.casia.nl/OnTab/tabel51.html | |
62. History 1615 The slide rule is invented by william oughtred (15751660). 1617 1621william oughtred invents the circular slide rule. 1623 http://www.digidome.nl/history.htm | |
63. Oughtred The society is named after william oughtred, who is generally regarded to be theinventor of the circular slide rule in 1622 and the rectangular slide rule in http://home.att.net/~philcannon/oughtred.htm | |
64. Doug Coward's Analog Computer Museum 70 BC, Antikythera mechanism losted in shipwreck off the island of Antikythera.1621, william oughtred invents the slide rule. william oughtred. http://dcoward.best.vwh.net/analog/analog1.htm | |
65. Oughtred O For . oughtred, william (15751660). The British Mathematician wasborn in Buckinghamshire, UK and studied at Cambridge University. http://www.moe.edu.sg/schools/siling/onlineqns/Maths/Project/oughtred.htm | |
66. Today In Technology History - Mar 5 March 5. Today we celebrate the slide rule and its inventor. On March5, 1574, william oughtred (pronounced AWtred) was born in England. http://www.tecsoc.org/pubs/history/2001/mar5.htm | |
67. Selected Early Works: O socii 1690. (inscription). oughtred, william, 15751660. The descriptionand use of the dovble horizontall dyall. Whereby not onely http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/early_o.htm | |
68. Oughtred Society The oughtred Society. The oughtred Society is named after william oughtred,the inventor of the Slide Rule. The oughtred Society +1 (925) 7549337. http://www.sliderules.clara.net/other-resources/oughtred.htm | |
69. UK.SearchEngine.com - Finds It Fast! Peter Reimers. oughtred, william (15741660) - Best known for theinvention of an early form of the slide rule. Peirce, Benjamin http://uk.searchengine.com/Top/Science/Math/Mathematicians/Famous_People/ | |
70. LINKS Translate this page WWW.oughtred.ORG Dedicated to the history and collection of slide rules,- named after the inventor of the modern slide rule william oughtred. http://hometown.aol.com/einschienenbahn/page4.html | |
71. Mathem_abbrev Noether, Emmy. Ockham, william of Oka, Kiyoshi, Omar Khayyam Ortega,Juan de, Ostrogradski, Mikhail oughtred, william. Pacioli, Luca http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
72. SUBJECT INDEX EAIA CHRONICLE Vol 41-46 L - R Osgood, J. Lester, brace patent, 45, 1, 6*. Otis, WS, steamshovel patent,42, 1, 18*. oughtred, william, calculating rule, 41, 2, 24*. oxyoke, 45,1, 11*. http://www.eaiainfo.org/csubl_r.htm | |
73. The Red Tape opportunity to play at lunchtime! Past Comments. Christopher oughtred william Jackson and Son Plc, Hull. I have listened to The http://www.theredtape.co.uk/feedback.shtml | |
74. Simbolos Translate this page El símbolo fue introducido por william oughtred en su libro ClavisMathematicae (1631). oughtred escribía las proporciones asi abcd. http://personal.redestb.es/javfuetub/Varios/Cajon/Simbolos.html | |
75. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page de Mellin, Hjalmar Mouton, Gabriel Osgood, william Menabrea, Luigi Muir, Thomas Ostrogradski,Mikhail Menaechmus Mydorge, Claude oughtred, william Menelaus of http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
76. History Of Calculators - William Seward Burroughs In 1632, the circular and rectangular sliderule was invented by W. oughtred (15741660).Illustration Adding Machine. Calculators william Seward Burroughs Born http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcalculator.htm | |
77. So Biografias: Nomes WILLIAM william Osler, Sir william oughtred Owtred william Parry Murphy william Penn williamPepper william Petty william Prout william Ramsey, Sir william Richard http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/WILLIAM.html | |
78. NAPIER, John, A Description Of The Admirable Table Of Logarithmes The second issue comprises the sheets of the 1616 first, with a canceltitle, and an added sixteen pages of Appendix by william oughtred. http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks/2556.html |
79. Biography.com Otway, Thomas, 1652 1685. Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter, 1890 1963. oughtred,william, 1575 1660. Ouida, 1839 1908. Ouimet, Francis (Desales), 1893 1967. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=O&num=275 |
80. À¯¸íÇÑ ¼öÇÐÀÚ BC355?) ?(?/1906~1983) ? Euler, Leonhard (1707.4.15~1783.9.18) oughtred, william (1574.3.5~1660.6.30) Wightman http://user.chollian.net/~jjang88/mathman/mathman.htm |
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