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21. Biography-center - Letter P pell, anna wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Wheeler.html;pell, John www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/pell.html; http://www.biography-center.com/p.html | |
22. Kent, MI Marriages, The Dibean Collections, Parker - Reeves NICOLAS pell, MAGGIE HAZENBERG, ABT 1879, PETER YONKERS pell, anna HERREMA, ABT1894, WILLIAM pell, anna LANINGA, 11 SEP 1890, ARLLESSA PERKINS, ABRAM COLE, 02FEB 1862, http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/kent/marriages/kentparker-reeves.htm | |
23. Anna Wheeler Pelis. anna JOHNSON pell WHEELER (1883 1966). L doctoral. Al 1907, enpell es va reunir amb ella i es varen casar. L'anna tenia 24 anys. http://ciberdones.chi.es/DonesRem/Wheeler.html | |
24. Genealogy Data pell, William Thomas Gender Male pell, James Ralph pell, Dellie Laura Gender Femalepell, Nellie Lillie Gender Female pell, anna Elizabeth Gender Female http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dwmsr42/dat268.htm | |
25. The Crouch Family - Crog03.htm - Generated By Personal Ancestral File 9. anna Belle CROACH Annie (William N. , William ) was born 1 on 04 MAR 1886in Hemorrhage and was buried 4, 5 on 17 DEC 1939 in pell Cemetery, Brookport http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~crouch/crouch/crog03.htm | |
26. Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler anna Johnson pell Wheeler. Interesting Facts. She was in the 1921 edition of AmericanMen of Science, The Extension of Galois Theory to Differential Equations. http://cory-rawson.k12.oh.us/msgifted/anna_johnson_pell_wheeler.htm | |
27. Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler anna Johnson pell Wheeler. Written by a 9th Grade Student at the High School ofCommerce. anna Johnson pell Wheeler was born Calliope, Iowa May 5,th 1883. http://www.sps.springfield.ma.us/generalInfo/grants/nsf/math-bio-student.html | |
28. Farmàcia Santa Anna - Consell pell normal. Mantenir l'equilibri de la pell aportant cada dia aigüa, nutrició iprotecció. Protegir la pell de la fatiga i dels radicals lliures. pell seca. http://www.encasodeduda.com/staanna/consell.htm | |
29. Farmàcia Santa Anna - Informació Estem especialitzats en la cura i manteniment de la salut de la pell. Avène. Tractamentde la pell sensible, cara i cos. Preparats cosmètics amb retinol. Roc. http://www.encasodeduda.com/staanna/info.htm | |
30. Hinton Genealogy Research - Pell Cemetery pell Cemetery. Brookport, Massac County, Illinois. CROACH, anna P. ( nee POTTER) 18641942 CROACH, Charles B. 1867-1953 CROACH, Ellis Mann 1893-1970 CROACH http://www.hinton-gen.com/pell_cem.html | |
31. Hinton Genealogy Research - Cemetery Master Index S 1974 Seven Mile Baptist Cemetery SLEETER, William Henry 1864 1947 Seven Mile BaptistChurch Cemetery SMITH, anna Belle 4Mar1886 14Dec1939 pell Cemetery (nee http://www.hinton-gen.com/cem_dexs.html | |
32. U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo FY 2002, $7.3 billion, $18.2 billion, $10.9 billion. Cutting pell Grantsfor Needy Students President 2002. Bush Budget Cuts Maximum pell Grants http://www.house.gov/eshoo/timely/timely_ed_reform_chart.html | |
33. U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo America. The President has also proposed cutting back pell Grants andeliminating the Federal Perkins Loan Program completely. Without http://www.house.gov/eshoo/timely/timely_ed_reform.html | |
34. (Elise Ann MUMMERT - Kenneth Hollinger MUMMERT ) 19 OCT 1970) PEIRANO ( ) Edward Ottis PELFREY (Jr.) ( - ) anna Amelia PELISER( - ) Victoria PELKEY (15 FEB 1899 - MAR 1990) Anne pell ( - ) Barbara Jean http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/index/ind1913.htm | |
35. I210544: Frank BALLINGER (26 JAN 1914 - 19 NOV 1994) _Jacob Milton DARR _ anna Mae DARR _Hallie CONRAD_ INDEX This person is presumed living. pell Jamison WHITE. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0095/g0000030.htm | |
36. Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler Translate this page Nel 1908 anna pell ritornò a Gottingen dove completò il lavoro per il suo dottoratoma, dopo un disaccordo con Hilbert, si spostò a Chicago, dove suo marito http://www.geocities.com/palestra_matematica/matematici/wheeler.html | |
37. The PELL Family They had Mary pell, b. 1832, m. Matthias H. PETTY Harriet pell, b. 1835, m. MauriceHANN anna pell, b. 1842, m. MH POST Emily pell, b. 1847, m. John LEE. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1069/Hanover/pell.htm | |
38. Wheeler In 1908 anna pell returned to Göttingen where she completed the work for her doctoratebut, after a disagreement with Hilbert, she returned to Chicago, where http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/Wheeler.htm | |
39. Steve's GenDex Index: (Marion Elizabeth MOTT - Anna Catharina POSTHEN ) 1661 AFT 1735 ) Tryntje PEELE ( - ) Ann pell (1635 - ) Joseph pell (ABT 1603 HarrietLavinia PORTER (30 JUN 1836 - 24 DEC 1912 ) anna Catharina POSTHEN ( - ) http://www2.crown.net/sspicer/html/ind0006.htm | |
40. I1354: Anna DALE (Oct 1800 - 25 Mar 1878) Ad anna DALE. Oct 1800 25 Mar 1878. BIRTH Oct 1800; DEATH 25 Mar 082435PM !!!First Boot!!!. Amanda pell. 28 Feb 1826 - 16 Jan 1891. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kerley/d0000/g0000086.html | |
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