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61. I06196: Albert F. "Bert" BLACK (3 SEP 1883 - MAY 1972) john pell SUTTON. BIRTH 4 FEB 1782, Somers, Westchester Co., New York. Father johnpell SUTTON Mother Winifred Wyntie MONTROSS Family 1 Elizabeth ARCHER http://www.gendex.com/users/rtwgen/mwheeler/d0047/g0000061.html | |
62. I38793: Michael ANDREWS (BEF. 20 JAN 1730 - ____) HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6FreeBSD (May 16 2000) on Sat Jul20 142925 2002 GMT. john pell SUTTON. NI63085 1747 - 1807. http://www.gendex.com/users/rtwgen/mwheeler/d0063/g0000069.html | |
63. J23 Online Bookshop Pope john Paul II to be archbishop of Melbourne and then Sydney. The Vatican hasbeen critical of the laxness of Australian Catholicism. pell's unprecedented http://www.j23.com.au/ | |
64. New English Missal: Archbishop Pell To Chair International Vox Clara Committee of the Faith Michael Gilchrist New English Missal Archbishop pell to chair takescourage - Chrism Mass homily - Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett How john Paul II's http://www.ad2000.com.au/articles/2002/jun2002p3_1023.html | |
65. John Paul II Clarifies Vatican II Teaching On Lay And Priestly Roles straight Archbishop George pell Tablet article prompts critical response from Archbishoppell - Michael Gilchrist George Weigel the impact of john Paul II's http://www.ad2000.com.au/articles/2002/jul2002p20_1082.html | |
66. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica Peter Oldenburg, Henry Oughtred, William Ovid Ozanam, James Pappus Paracelsus Pardies,Ignatius Gaston Parent, Anthony Pascal, Blaise pell, john Peter, the http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/15277.ctl | |
67. RIVERBOAT CAPTAINS STARTING WITH P 12, STATE OF MISSOURI 1.Name pell, William Area Ohio and Miss on FALLS CITY, thenchief mate on CITY OF WHEELING 1855 60, mate on PERSIA, john C FREEMONT http://members.tripod.com/~Write4801/captains/p.html | |
68. Testimony Of Dr. John L. Henderson I want to join my HBCU colleagues, Dr. john Garland of Central State University,our sister institution, and Dr. Pettus of Cheney ASSURED pell GRANT FUNDING http://edworkforce.house.gov/hearings/107th/sed/hbcu71601/henderson.htm | |
69. THE JOSEPH G. E. HOPKINS PAPERS: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED Box 1 Fold 83 pell, john HG DATE SPAN 10/22/1956 10/24/1956 DESCRIPTION1 TLS from john HG pell to JGEH, with 1 carbon from JGEH to pell, mostly http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f171}2.htm | |
70. TRB Directory - D. Grant Mickle Award Lane Highways. 1975 KYNRIC M. pell, john E. NYDAHL, VIC A. CUNDY, GEORGETWITCHELL, and MARK WEBER, Thermal Response of Bridges. 1973 http://www4.trb.org/trb/homepage.nsf/web/dir_awards_mickle?OpenDocument |
71. Autocrat's Solution by Dagonell the Juggler Tune of When johnny Comes Marching Home ( More or less) The tourney's cancelled due to rain, WE'LL BLAME IT ON john THE pell! http://www-cs.canisius.edu/~salley/Bard.book/solution.html | |
72. Catholic Archdiocese Of Sydney Home On July 16th, 1996, Pope john Paul II announced Dr. pell's appointmentas seventh Metropolitan Archbishop of Melbourne. He was installed http://www.sydney.catholic.org.au/html/biography.htm | |
73. Ancestors Of John Boynton Boynton, john. Death Bef 1671, Rowley, Mass. Marriage Information johnmarried Ellen pell. (Ellen pell died on 5 Aug 1689 in Rowley, Mass..). http://www.softcom.net/users/unicorn/47.htm | |
74. Ancestors Of Ellen Pell pell, Ellen (1689). Family Links. Spouses/Children 1. Jewett, Maximillian2. Boynton, john 3. Warner, Daniel Sr. pell, Ellen. Married http://www.softcom.net/users/unicorn/46.htm | |
75. John F. Kennedy University - Financial Aid Office The maximum pell Grant awarded in 19981999 was $3,125. john F. Kennedy UniversityScholarships are funded by the University and are available to students with http://www.jfku.edu/finaid/ | |
76. TV Guide Online - [Movie Database] Louis D. Lighton Director Henry Hathaway Writer Sy Bartlett (based on a story byBartlett, from DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS (1923) by john LE pell) john Lee Mahin http://www.tvguide.com/movies/database/ShowMovie.asp?MI=15249 |
77. Peg Woffington -- Pember, Phoebe Yates: In Cornell University's Making Of Americ pell, john H., A Byway of History. The Galaxy, vol. 3, issue 6 (March 15, 1867).pell, john H., Lone's Metempsychoses. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/p.54.html | |
78. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With P PAYNE, BETTY MAY PAYNE, DONALD DEAN PAYNE, EARL E. PAYNE, john EARL PAYNE PEEK, SAMUELPEEK, SARAH PEERS, SALLIE JEANNE PEIRCE, VERL pell, BRENTON POMEROY pell http://www.mindspring.com/~braniff/idxp.html | |
79. Extra Regiments Moore, Hugh. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. Plattsburgh OR Cook, 1834.pell, john. Ethan Allen. Boston Riverside Press, 1929. Wing http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/reference/revbib/extra.htm | |
80. 'George Pell' Title Page The Church in Sydney is headed back to the Middle Ages. Australian Vatican expertDesmond O'Grady suggested that Pope john Paul II chose pell not necessarily http://www.duffyandsnellgrove.com.au/titles/george_pell.htm | |
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