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Peurbach Georg: more detail | ||||
21. Catalogue Five O-Z CLICK FOR FULL VIEW. 70. Sacro Bosco, Joannes de (fl. 1230); Regiomontanus,Joannes (14361476); peurbach, georg von (1423-1461). http://www.liberantiquus.com/cat5/o-z.html | |
22. FIBONACCI Translate this page georg von peurbach,. Matemático e astrônomo austríaco nascido em peurbach(perto de Viena), em 30de maio de 1423 e faleceu em 8 de abril de 1461. http://www.geocities.com/jscmat/geor.htm | |
23. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Julius (133*) Peterson, Karl (211*) Petit, Aléxis (120) Petrovsky, Ivan (327*) Petryshyn,Volodymyr (282*) Petzval, Józeph (421*) peurbach, georg (202) Pfaff http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
24. Index, Bell Catalog - Ps Translate this page Peucer, Kaspar. Peuchet, J. (Jacques). peurbach, georg von, 1423-1461. Peutinger,Konrad, 1465-1546 or 7. Peutinger table. Peyssonel, Claude Charles de. http://bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/ind_p.html | |
25. Timeline - Scientific Revolution: Chronological Timeline: Copernicus To Newton - 1462 One of the major publications of Renaissance natural philosophy, the Epitomeof Ptolemy's Almagest appears; the authors, georg peurbach (14231461) and http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/05-sr-lng-tim | |
26. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Petit, Aléxis Quine, Willard Rocard, Yves-André Petrovsky, Ivan Rohn, Karl Petzval,Józeph Rademacher, Hans Rolle, Michel peurbach, georg Radó, Tibor http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
27. Untitled vs. Ptolemy; georg peurbach (or Purbach) New Theory of the Planets,Epitome of Ptolemy (with Regiomontanus); Regiomontanus (Johannes http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~hsmith/Topics2_s02.htm | |
28. Untitled Ptolemy. 47. georg peurbach (or Purbach) New Theory of the Planets,Epitome of Ptolemy (with Regiomontanus). 48. Regiomontanus http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~hsmith/TopicList3043.html | |
29. Greek Astronomy Vat. ar. 319 fols. 29 recto 28 verso math19 NS.15. georg peurbach and JohannesRegiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest. In Latin, Late fifteenth century http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Greek_astro.ht | |
30. Overview Of Objects And Topics Tusi, Tadhkira; georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitomeof the Almagest; Ptolemy, Geography. Music Music Room One Etienne http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/overview.html | |
31. UniHH: FB Mathematik: Publikationen Von Gudrun Wolfschmidt Translate this page Leipzig/Mannheim Bibliographisches Institut FA Brockhaus AG 1999, S. 158-161.Wissenschaftshistorische Veröffentlichungen 1998. peurbach, georg (von). http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/wolfschmidt/publikat.htm | |
32. INCUNABLE CATALOGUE 1 1230); Regiomontanus, Joannes (14361476); peurbach, georg von. (1423-1461). Alsoincluded in this edition is georg peurbachs Theoricae Novae Planetarum. http://www.graybooksellers.com/incunabula/incunableTHREE.html | |
33. Microfilm Translate this page georg von peurbach, Theorica planetarum, Venezia, arte et diligentiaErhardi Ratdolt Augustensis, 1482. (T.6.5) FA.4B.2. 4251. http://www.bibliotecavigano.it/microfilm.htm | |
34. Regiomontanus Biography georg peurbach or Peuerbach (14231461), Regiomontanus' astronomical mentor, wasalso a Master at Vienna, and the two men collaborated by, among other things http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/regiomontanus.html | |
35. Regiomontanus And Books The first work issued by his press was the Theoricae novae planetarum of his formermaster georg peurbach, which rapidly became one of the standard texts of http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/regiobooks.html | |
36. Copernican System In the fifteenth century, the reform of European astronomy was begun by theastronomer/humanist georg peurbach (14231461) and his student Johannes http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Things/copernican_system.html | |
37. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Petit (Pierre), Français (1674-1750). peurbach (georg), Autrichien (1423-1461).Pfaff (Johann Friedrich), Allemand (1765-1825). Picard (Emile), Français (1856-1941). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
38. May 30 - Today In Science History energy and psychic tension. georg von peurbach. (source), Born 30May 1423; died 8 Apr 1461. Austrian mathematician and astronomer http://www.todayinsci.com/5/5_30.htm | |
39. Text Manuscripts/new Items The work is close to but does not seem to be identical to the Epitome of theAlmagest written between 1460 and 1463 by georg peurbach (14231461?) and http://www.textmanuscripts.com/home/THEME/themesciencedescritpion.php?m=76 |
40. December Centre Meeting century astronomers. georg peurbach, an Austrian scholar, publisheda book called New Theories of the Planets in 1454. Johann Muller http://ottawa.rasc.ca/observers/2000/an0001pa.html | |
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