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61. RZMCODELIST.page Translate this page M7/4 August Müller KG., Solingen-Merscheid M7/5 Carl julius Krebs, Solingen M7/6H M7/61 Carl Tillmans Sohn KG., Solingen M7/62 Friedrich plucker Jr, Solingen http://www.militaryedgedweapons.com/RZMCODELIST.html | |
62. Histoire Translate this page 1859 julius plucker (le mathématicien et physicien allemand) faitune expérience avec les rayons cathodiques invisibles. 1861 http://student.dcu.ie/~copains/fr129_02/television/histoire.html | |
63. Lexikon A11 Translate this page Die Kathodenstrahlen, die zum ersten Mal im Jahre 1858 von julius plucker (18011868)untersucht wurden, können im Vakuum durch die Anziehungskraft einer http://www.space-odyssey.de/al11.htm | |
64. DigiCamHistory Cathode rays were first identified in 1859 by julius plucker, a German mathematicianand physicist, but it was not until 1878 before William Crookes, a British http://www.digicamhistory.com/ | |
65. Tube à Rayons Cathodiques, TRC Cathod Ray Tubes - CRT [ Accès Translate this page a été mis au point en 1897 par Karl F. Braun dans la foulée du travail effectuéauparavant par julius plucker, William Crook et Ambrose Fleming. http://www.comm.uqam.ca/~GRAM/C/term/tcm/tcmt139.html | |
66. Lampworking Final Project for less. 1858 AD Heinrich Geissler and julius plucker create thepredecessor of the neon sign, Geissler tubes. . -1868 AD Corning http://www.sewanee.edu/chem/Chem&Art/Detail_Pages/Projects_2001/G.H.&H.K.GLASS/G | |
67. Histoire Translate this page 1897 L'électron est découvert julius plucker, physicien allemand, observe un phénomènecurieux en 1858 au passage d'un courant électrique, une étrange http://www.ac-nantes.fr/peda/disc/scphy/dochtml/4ieme/histatom/ | |
68. Regulus! Papers. 1857 James Clerk Maxwell, nature of Saturns rings 1858 Wallace and Darwin, naturalselection of species 1859 julius plucker, cathode rays 1859 Bunsen and http://www.regulusastro.com/regulus/papers/timeline/ | |
69. La Découverte De L'atome Translate this page L'électron identifié 1897 julius plucker, physicien allemand, observe un phénomènetrès curieux en 1858 au passage d'un courant électrique, une http://phys.free.fr/decatomer.htm | |
70. Omnitone Records Hailed by Down Beat magazine as the most exciting and original jazz plucker to emergein Of 3. Malinkes Dance 4. Line on Love 5. Pigskin (julius Hemphill) 6 http://www.jazzhalo.com/omnitone.html | |
71. GELATI With julius plucker, in 1852, he ascertained the maximum density of water to beat 3~8° C. He also determined the coefficient of expansion for ice between http://67.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GELATI.htm | |
72. Untitled Translate this page Quobserve julius plucker ? http://www.ac-nancy-metz.fr/enseign/physique/TICE/EiffelQuestionnaireAtome.htm | |
73. Werewolf Engines - Seminárka Z Fyziky// Aby se zbavili techto neádoucích efektu, zhotovili nemectí vynálezci JohannGeissler a julius plucker v roce 1858 vzduchoprázdnou nádobu, do ní http://www.werewolf.wz.cz/skola/seminar.htm | |
74. Plücker Translate this page PLÜCKER julius allemand, 1801-1868 Ce mathématicien géomètre professaaux universités de Bonn et de Berlin et fut un spécialiste http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Plucker.html | |
75. Encyclopædia Britannica Plücker, julius. Encyclopædia Britannica Article MLA style "Plücker, julius." 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium APA style "Plücker, julius" Retrieved February 14, 2003, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=61979 |
76. Our Mathematical Ancestors julius PluckerFelix Klein Adolph Hurwitz) David Hilbert Erhard Schmidt Salomon Bochner. http://www.math.upenn.edu/History/ancestors.html | |
77. AIM25: University College London: London Mathematical Society Archive In Memoriam D Chelini, ed Luigi Cremona (Milan, 1881); edited The Mechanical Theoryof Heat (London, 1867), translated from Rudolf julius Emmanuel Clausius's http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=5031&inst_id=13 |
78. I7463: Michel APPELDORN (30 Jan 1861 - ____) Katharina Fokken HARDERS. Janna JuliusJANSSEN INDEX. John plucker. . http://www.indyrad.iupui.edu/public/appldorn/geneal/appldorn/d0003/g0000071.html | |
79. RLE - Changing The Image Of Broadcast Technology: Currents Vol. 10 No. 1 Cathode rays were first identified in 1859 by German mathematician and physicistJulius plucker, and British chemist William Crookes confirmed their existence http://rleweb.mit.edu/Publications/currents/cur10-1.htm | |
80. Biography-center - Letter P Pizzonia, Antonio www.grandprix.com/gpe/drvpizant.html; Plücker, Juliuswww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/plucker.html; http://www.biography-center.com/p.html | |
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