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41. A posidonius . Diogène,qui venait de quitter son pays pour rhodes à la venue de l http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Instruments_travail/Dict_philosophes/Notices_WWW.html | |
42. PHANARIOTES such as prevailed at rhodes; when misfortune threatened rhodes the brazen be distinguishedfrom another Phanias, a Stoic philosopher, disciple of posidonius. http://29.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PH/PHANARIOTES.htm | |
43. NIMA:(U)Technical Report 80-003(Unclassified) He noted that a certain star was hidden from view in most parts of Greece but thatit just grazed the horizon at rhodes. posidonius measured the elevation of http://www.nima.mil/GandG/geolay/TR80003A.HTM | |
44. CLASSICS 2362B Middle Stoa Panaetius of rhodes, posidonius) and for convenience philosophersof the Late Stoa (Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius) will be referred to as http://www.dal.ca/~claswww/2361-3400-Chronology.htm | |
45. The Classical Quarterly, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1997 Harris pp. 452454. posidonius and the Timaeus off to rhodes andback to Plato? G Reydams-Schils pp. 455-476. Romans and pirates http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/hdb/Volume_47/Issue_02/ |
46. The Round Earth And Christopher Columbus that the Greek posidonius used the greatest height of the bright star Canopus abovethe horizon, as seen from Egypt and from the island of rhodes further north http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/stargaze/Scolumb.htm | |
47. Sources Littéraires - Collections Anglaises Et Américaines Translate this page 14a et b). posidonius The Translation of the Fragments. Volume III, ed. KiddIG, 1999, 414 p. (nr. 00). CR BMClR. Apollonius of rhodes. Argonautica. http://www.fusl.ac.be/Files/General/BCS/SLAngl.html | |
48. The Literature Of The The Copernican Revolution: The Antikythera Mechanism discovery of the New World). posidonius was from rhodes, where the Antikytheramechanism is thought to originate. Links of Interest http://home.nycap.rr.com/mismedia/amtext.htm | |
49. Augustonemetum BDE Lettres Classiques Translate this page théteur Démétrius. De là, il passa en Asie, puis à rhodes, oùil retrouva le grand philosophe stoïcien posidonius. C'est http://www.ifrance.com/augustonemetum/Cicerongenerale.htm | |
50. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Stoics And Stoic Philosophy (Catholic Encyclopedia)Category Society Religion and Spirituality S...... under the influence of Scipio's friend, Panætius (185112), who lived in Rome,and of posidonius, (135-40) who transferred the school to rhodes, the quasi http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14299a.htm | |
51. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Eclecticism (Catholic Encyclopedia)Category Society Religion and Spirituality E...... is represented among the Epicureans by Asclepiades of Bithynia; among the Stoicsby Boethus, Panetius of rhodes, (about 180110 BC), posidonius (about 50 BC http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05276a.htm | |
52. De RES HISTORIAEANTIQUA of, say, rhodes. This reading of longtitudinal degrees and minutes, should theneither be multiplied by 1.16% for the geodesic time base of posidonius, or by http://www.reshistoriaeantiqua.co.uk/Ptolcommhisp.htm | |
53. De RES HISTORIAE ANTIQUA based on the calculation of posidonius. This would make an average of four hundredstadia for one degree of longitude along the latitude of rhodes which, he http://www.reshistoriaeantiqua.co.uk/PtolcommI2.htm | |
54. Cartography marked off where the lines of longitude crossed the parallel of rhodes, taking 400 Howeverhe used the later value computed by posidonius around 100 BC which http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/HistTopics/Cartography.html | |
55. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: La Vie De Pompée - 3e Partie Translate this page De là passant à rhodes, il y entendit discourir tous les sophistes et leur donnaà chacun un talent. posidonius a laissé par écrit le discours qu'il http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Pompee--La_vie_de_Pompee_-_3e_partie_pa | |
56. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: La Vie De Cicéron - 1e Partie Translate this page Magnésie et Ménippe le Carien. A rhodes, il s'attacha aux philosophesApollonius Molon et posidonius. Apollonius, qui ne savait pas http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Ciceron--La_vie_de_Ciceron_-_1e_partie_ | |
57. Cicéron en 78-77, à rhodes, il suit ceux du stoïcien posidonius (Poseidonios dans http://fleche.org/lutece/progterm/ciceron/ciceron0.html | |
58. The Practical Surveyor - Research Eratosthenes, Egypt, 230 BC, 3795.8, 4608.9. posidonius, Egypt and rhodes,100 BC, 4389.4. Abelseda, Arabia, 827, 3804.6, Albazen, Arabia, 1100,3774.4, http://www.orbitals.com/books/tps/research.html | |
59. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 95.09.02 text has a reference to the important Peripatetic Andronicus of rhodes in angle Iwould note that the phrase is also used frequently by posidonius, and it is http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1995/95.09.02.html | |
60. Books Written In Greek, Modern (1453- ) rhodes, PJ (Peter John) Norman Okla. University of Oklahoma Press, 1986. xx,266 p. ; 23 cm. PA4399.P2 v. 1 posidonius. Edited by L. Edelstein and IG Kidd. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/lang/lang_gre.html | |
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