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41. I172816: Mary ADAMS ( - ) _Jacob BLECKER daniel Henry BLECKER _Barbara AnnSCHRIVER _ INDEX. Notes. !NAME PRICE FAMILY, PG. 468. Janet quillen. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0100/g0000062.htm | |
42. I134466: Merle BOHN (2 OCT 1902 - APR 1982) _Charles quillen _ Ruth quillen _Jacob GLOTFELTY _ _Anna GLOTFELTY _Margaret HEWITT _ daniel WALTER. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0023/g0000038.htm | |
43. Untitled 07.64 59 63 Noil, Ryan Olathe North 1910.52 60 64 Lynde, Aaron SM South 1915.0861 65 Griffith, James Leavenworth 1921.32 62 66 quillen, daniel Olathe South http://www.freestaterunning.com/SFLR V boys.htm | |
44. Vietnam Veterans' War Stories!: Vietnam War Memorial, "QUAGLIERI To QUITMEYER" EARL THOMAS PFC E3 A 19480725 19690317 HOHENWALD TN 29W 062 quillen JOHN EDWARDJR PFC E2 M 19490411 19680420 ISLIP NY 51E 012 quillen LLOYD daniel SGT E5 M http://www.war-stories.com/wall-q.htm | |
45. Air Force Memorial Foundation SMSgt Joseph L. Quebedeaux USAF (Ret). Col Bruce Queen. daniel Queen. Col DonaldJ. Queen. CMSgt Alan D. Quille. Billy E. quillen. Mr. Dallas R. quillen. http://www.airforcememorial.org/ch_sponsors/index_results.asp?last_name=q |
46. Letcher County Obituaries He is survived by his wife Martha Jane Hall quillen whom he married July 24, 1923and the following children Monroe and daniel quillen of Neon; Maggie Hughes http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyletch/obituaries/obit2.htm | |
47. Qualls - Quintrell quillen, John, Rebecca LAWSON. quillen, Julia (Qualin), daniel SPILLARS.quillen, Kate, RB BUNDREN. quillen, Laura Ellen, 9 Jun 1853, 9Jun-43, http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnclaibo/pioneer/names/q/q1.htm | |
48. A. D. Bell: Ring Theorists By Name M-R Q. quillen, daniel G. MathSciNet Entry daniel G. quillen (quillen@maths.ac.uk)University of Oxford, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences; http://www.uwm.edu/People/adbell/RT/alphaMR.html | |
49. A. D. Bell: Ring Theorists By Location N-Z quillen, daniel G. MathSciNet Entry daniel G. quillen (quillen@maths.ac.uk). Universityof Sheffield, School of Mathematics and Statistics Pure Mathematics http://www.uwm.edu/People/adbell/RT/locationNZ.html | |
50. The Scott County Militia -- The 124th Virginia Milita And The 185th Virginia Mil quillen, TM RAMEY, daniel RAMEY, HARVEY RAMEY, MILTON RAMEY, PATTON RAMEY, STEPHENRAMEY, THOMAS RAMEY, WILLIAM RAMSEY, DA READ, GEORGE REED, AMOS REED http://members.aol.com/jweaver300/grayson/scottmil.htm | |
51. Warren Descendants 3 Hattie quillen d Unknown .. 4 daniel quillen dUnknown in Philadelphia, PA ..Margaret http://members.aol.com/cblack7830/warren.html | |
52. Dan Grayson's Curriculum Vitae Higher algebraic Ktheory II after daniel quillen, Algebraic K-theory, Evanston1976, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Lecture Notes in Mathematics http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~dan/cv.html | |
53. [math/0210037] Andre-Quillen Homology Of Algebra Retracts MSCclass 13D03; 14B25 (Primary), 13H10; 14M10 (Secondary) Given a homomorphismof commutative noetherian rings $\phi R \to S$, daniel quillen conjectured in http://arxiv.org/abs/math.AC/0210037 | |
54. ALERT MEMORANDUM Christopher Allen Petry; Justin R. Pickett (with Honors); Crystal Lynn Potts; KirkA. Poucher (with High Honors); Andrea SaRena quillen; daniel Thomas Rainwater http://www.coweta.k12.ga.us/grad/2002GradNGHS.htm | |
55. SEARCHQ quillen,JOHN EDWARD JR, ISLIP, NY, Marine Corp. quillen,LLOYD daniel,NEW YORK, NY, Marine Corp. quillen,ROGER DELL, ST JOSEPH, TN, Army. http://www.viethero.com/SEARCHQ/SEARCHQ_1Page2.html | |
56. Uni Göttingen, Mathematisches Institut: Homepage Ina Kersten Translate this page In den 70er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts sind dann durch daniel quillen die höherenK-Gruppen K n (R) entdeckt worden, und die algebraische K-Theorie hat http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/bunke/foseminar.html | |
57. Sci.math: Frequently Asked Questions [2/3] France 1978 Fefferman, Charles Washington DC USA 29 Princeton U USA 1978 Margulis,Gregori Moscow USSR 32 InstPrblmInfTrans USSR 1978 quillen, daniel Orange NJ http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/FAQ/msg00022.html | |
58. Matches For MR=492895 MathSciNet bibliographic data. 49 2895 18F25 quillen, daniel. Higher algebraic$K$theory. I. Algebraic $K$-theory, I Higher $K$-theories (Proc. http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=49:2895 |
59. Past Health Care Heroes 1994, McConnell, MD, FG, Indian Path Medical Center, 1994, Merrick, MD, R daniel,quillen College of Medicine, 1994, Olive, MD, Kenneth E, quillen College of Medicine, http://www.bjournal.com/link_stories/Past_HCH_winners.htm | |
60. A Partial Index To Some Land Records Of Kent County George Sarah Denning, John Wilds, 206 207. daniel Nancy Short, JohnWilliams, 207 208. Rebecca quillen, admx of Thomas quillen, petition,212. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~carolines/land_record_index_kent_de.htm | |
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