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21. Turing-Berechenbarkeit Translate this page Interessanter sind Turing-Maschinen, die irgendwann einmal anhalten. 1982 dachtesich der ungarische Mathematiker tibor rado das busy beaver Problem aus http://www.informatik.fh-hamburg.de/~voeller/th/thinf/node16.html | |
22. Index For The Letter R rado, tibor; Radzik,Tomasz; Ragde, Prabhakar; Raghavachari, Balaji; Raghavan, Prabhakar; http://sigact.acm.org/genealogy/index-R.html | |
23. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of R Radner, Michael, University of MinnesotaMinneapolis, 1968. Radnitz, Alan, Universityof California, Los Angeles, 1970. rado, tibor, University of Szeged, 1922. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=R&fShow=1 |
24. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of R Radnitz, Alan, University of California, Los Angeles, 1970. rado, tibor, Universityof Szeged, 1922. rado, Richard, Universität Berlin, Cambridge University, 1933. http://genealogy.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/html/letter.phtml?letter=R&fShow=1 |
25. Les 23 Problèmes De Hilbert Translate this page nécessairement analytiques. Rép résolu positivement, S. N. Bernsteinet tibor rado,1929, complété par IG Petrovski, 1939. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/anx1/pb23_hilbert.html | |
26. Plateau Translate this page C. Ce problème ardu fut résolu en 1931 par l'américain Jesse Douglas(première médaille Fields, 1936) et tibor rado. Notion http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/plateau.html | |
27. Busy Beaver Turing Machine tibor rado, a professor at the Ohio State University, thought of a simple noncomputablefunction besides the standard halting problem for Turing machines. http://grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/bb.html | |
28. Turing Machine On A Spreadsheet tibor rado, a professor at the Ohio State University, asked in 1962 Find Turingmachine programs that, starting with a blank tape, will produce the most http://members.tripod.com/mumnet/tools/tools002.htm | |
29. Turing Machines This problem was first studied by tibor rado in 1962. States, B(n), sigma(n),Who. java, 2, 4, 6, Shen Lin / tibor rado. java, 3, 6, 13, Shen Lin / tiborrado. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~peteg/CompSci/TuringMachines/ | |
30. Rado Ebben az évben halt meg Fábry Zoltán, Fekete István, Fülep Lajos, Révay József(író, mûfordító), Szabó Pál, Szántó tibor, Szöllõsy Klára http://www.c3.hu/scripta/beszelo/98/01/rado.htm | |
31. Rado awarded to tibor Radó (Click a link below for the full list of mathematicians honouredin this way). AMS Colloquium Lecturer, 1945. ICHB 2002 By GSK, rado.html. http://math.ichb.ro/History/Mathematicians/Rado.html |
32. The Linux 1999-February Archive By Author linux Problem Miro Bobovsky; linux LDP rado Bonk; linux linux OKI Page4w Jan Kudlicka; linux Elektronika Jan Kudlicka; linux monkey rh5 tibor Kurina; http://lists.linux.sk/pipermail/linux/1999-February/author.html | |
33. The Linux 1999-February Archive By Thread linux Jadro 2.2.1; unix2dos Peter Paluch. linux LDP tibor Kurina linux LDPVlado Vaclavek; linux LDP Vlado Vaclavek; linux LDP rado Bonk. linux SECURITY http://lists.linux.sk/pipermail/linux/1999-February/thread.html | |
34. EducETH - Informatik - Programmieren Lernen Mit Kara Translate this page Von tibor rado (1962) stammt ein Beispiel einer einfachen nicht-berechenbarenFunktion. Für eine gegebene Anzahl n betrachtet man http://www.educeth.ch/informatik/karatojava/kara/karafuerprofis.html | |
35. Search Result For Rona Machlin tibor rado, a professor at the Ohio State University, thought of a simple noncomputablefunction besides the standard halting problem Google http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/m/Machlin:Rona.html | |
36. Laura Fermi: Illustrious Immigrants - Hungarian 111. Paul Erdös and Cornelius Lanczos hold degrees from the University of Budapest;George Polya, tibor rado, Otto Szasz, and Gabor Szegö; studied at the http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu/ha/emigracio/fermi3.html | |
37. New Page 1 16. Roman Milan, 135 SNEHULÁKÚ, 19, 18, 37. 17. Sofka tibor, THC ADIDAS, 24,12, 36. 18. Richter rado, TROCHY, 20, 15, 35. 19. Hetera Patrik, HC VALAI,18, 16, 34. 20. http://www.hk36.sk/hokejbal/stat_celkom.asp | |
38. Red Bull Music Academy :: THE ACADEMY :: CONTACTS (east), , Peter Juhasz peter@redbullmusicacademy.com. , rado Okrucky rado@redbullmusicacademy.com.(west), , tibor Holoda tibor@redbullmusicacademy.com. http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/statics/contacts_europe.html | |
39. RALLY Preov 2002 - Zoznam Prihlásených Posádok Polo VW, 5, 25, Jefta SOS Motorsport (SK), rado CIKOR, SK, Nissan, N, Lubo LÁVKA,SK, Sunny, 3, Martin SYN, SK, 206XS, 7, 28, tibor Kovacs(SK), tibor KOVACS, SK, koda,A, http://www.rallyracing.sk/pages/rally_PO2002_entryList.php | |
40. Mail Index From rado Zoltan rado@zeus.banki.hu . Re aqual 200 lityis fémvázas aki Zsolt majorzs@engineer.com . aqua-l teknosbeka From Bicsak tibor el_gh@nextra http://listserv.externet.hu/lists/aquarium/0001/ | |
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