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41. Copérnico nueve años, hasta que en mayo de 1539 llegó georg joachim rheticus, un joven http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3840/copernico.html | |
42. February 16 - Today In Science History study of bodies of water. georg joachim rheticus. (source), Born 16 Feb1514; died 5 Dec 1576. Austrianborn astronomer and mathematician http://www.todayinsci.com/2/2_16.htm | |
43. Who2 Loop: Publish And Perish publish his theories for fear of antagonizing the Catholic church, it wasn't until1543, at the urging of the mathematician rheticus (georg joachim von Lauchen http://www.who2.com/publishandperish.html | |
44. Book Review The American Historical Review, 107.5 The Howell has looked at secondary actors as well; for example, on the Protestant sidewere the mathematician georg joachim rheticus, who helped pry Copernicus's http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/107.5/br_119.html | |
45. HLuHB Darmstadt Translate this page Gelehrter, der Kopernikus viele Anregungen auf kartographischem Gebiet zu verdankenhatte, war der Mathematiker und Geograph georg joachim rheticus (1514-1574 http://elib.tu-darmstadt.de/lhb/ausstellungen/preussen/erstenPreussen-Karten.htm | |
46. Uni Halle, FB Math./Inf., Virtual Museum Erasmus Reinhold (1511-1553); georg joachim rheticus (1514-1574). http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/history/ | |
47. Uni Halle, FB Math./Inf., Virtual Museum Translate this page 1536-1542, georg joachim von Leuchen (gen. rheticus oder Rhaeticus)(1514-1574) 1535 Magister in Wittenberg, 1536 Prof. der Niederen http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/history/allgemein/prof_wb.html | |
48. Astronomia Na História Translate this page circulou apenas entre seus alunos e amigos, dentre os quais encontrava-se o matemáticoe astrônomo austríaco georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus) (1514-1576 http://www.astronomia21.hpg.com.br/ | |
49. So Biografias: Nomes Com Inicial R Translate this page Haüy René-Robert Cavelier, mais tarde senhor de La Salle René Théophile HyacintheLaënnec Rhaeticus ou rheticus, georg joachim von Lauchen Rhazes, Abu http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraR.html | |
50. Ali Je Imel Kopernik Prav? Leta 1538 se je pri Koperniku mudil georg joachim von Landen rheticus (15141576),25-letni profesor matematike iz Wittenberga, ki se je zanimal za delo http://projekti.svarog.org/kopernik/01_kopernik/kopernik_06.htm | |
51. Timeline - Scientific Revolution: Chronological Timeline: Copernicus To Newton - 1540 georg joachim rheticus (15141574), a friend of Copernicus and the presumedauthor, provides an account of the heliocentric hypothesis in his Narratio http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/05-sr-lng-tim | |
52. Nicholas Copernicus Translate this page Em 1539 chegou em Frauenburgo um jovem astrônomo, georg joachim (1514-1574),mas conhecido como rheticus, por ser originário de Rhaetia. http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/cop/ | |
53. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Nicolaus Copernicus A young scholar georg joachim rheticus, who lived with Copernicus for a periodbetween 1539 and 1542, was integral in moving the project forward. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/copernicus.html | |
54. Veranstaltungskalender Fachbereich Mathematik Translate this page 1700, georg joachim rheticus Mathematiker, Astronom und Arzt Abschlussfeier füralle Absolventen des WS 2002/03 Ort Schloßgartenstraße 9 (Institut für http://wwwbib.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Events/ausgabe.php?lang=de |
55. A Magyar Terkepeszet Az Evszazadok Tukreben A korabeli térképészeti módszerek igen korai összefoglalását adta a wittenbergimatematika professzor, georg joachim rheticus (15141574) Korográfia c http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/dolgozo/klingh/kiveszp.htm | |
56. Kronológia 1541, georg joachim rheticus összefoglalja a térképezési módszereket.1551, Martin Cortés leírja a portolántérképek szerkesztési módját. http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/digkonyv/kptkonyv/kii5.htm | |
57. Quételet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques (1796-1874) Translate this page BSHM Brest R3712. rheticus, georg joachim von Lauchen (1514-1576). ¶¶¶» Voir Kepler, Prodomus, 1621. Riccati, Vincent (1707-1775). http://www.maths.univ-rennes1.fr/~escofier/inventaire/progQR.html | |
58. Untitled Translate this page seine Lehre aber erst durch die Narratio prima, den ersten Bericht seines begeistertenSchülers, des Wittenberger Professors georg joachim rheticus (1514-1576 http://www.tu-bs.de/institute/geophysik/geschichte/koperni.htm | |
59. O ¾ivljenju In Delu Nikolaja Kopernika georg joachim von Lauchen (poznan tudi kot rheticus) ga je vseeno uspel prepricati,da je zacel pripravljati vecje in bolj podrobno delo, ki je kasneje http://www.kvarkadabra.net/zgodovina/teksti/kopernik_zivljenjepis.htm | |
60. December 5 December 5, 1576. Death of georg joachim rheticus in Kassa, Hungary(born in Feldkirch, Austria). rheticus was an astronomer and http://webcampus3.stthomas.edu/paschons/language_http/calendar/dec5.html | |
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