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81. Wszech¶wiat PL jednak z jego wydaniem; ukazalo sie ono dopiero dziesiec lat pózniej, gdy jegosympatyk, georg joachim zwany Retykiem (rheticus), sporzadzil wyciag z http://www.wszechswiat.tc.pl/koprnik.html | |
82. TLW's 1510s (1510-1519) Timeline Dosso Dossi paints Circe and Her Lovers in a Landscape. Births Austrian mysticand pupil of Copernicus rheticus (georg joachim von Lauchen) (d. 1574). http://www.tlwinslow.com/timeline/time151x.html | |
83. Hamlet And Infinite Universe In 1541, shortly before the death of Copernicus, georg joachim (known as rheticus)completed his studies under Copernicus and brought back to the university in http://www.rps.psu.edu/sep97/hamlet.html |
84. Frombork Museum georg joachim Rheticusim Druck, in welchen er die Theorie von Nicolaus Copernicus propagiert. http://www.frombork.art.pl/Nie08.htm | |
85. Zur Bedeutung Der Beiden E. Reinhold Die erwähnten Astronomen und Mathematiker Erasmus Reinhold d. Ä. (15111553) undGeorg joachim von Jauchen, genannt rheticus (1514 bis etwa 1575) wirkten in http://www.erg.slf.th.schule.de/reinhold/buch.htm | |
86. The Science Bookstore - Chronology AD, rheticus, georg Born 2/15/1514, 1514 AD, rheticus, georg JoachimDied 12/4/1576, 1514 AD, Gesner, Conrad Born 3/26/1516, 1516 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=2 |
87. User:H. Jonat - Wikipedia University Heidelberg; Bernhard von Reesen*Regiomontan *georg JoachimRheticus *Riesenburg *Riga *Robert Abercromby; Salian *Samland http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:H._Jonat | |
88. The Owl -- Library & Department News -- Vol. 12, No. 9 -- November, 1997 (The fundamental work on dynamics and gravitation.). rheticus GeorgJoachim von Lauchen, 15141576 Narratio Prima. Dazig Rhodus, 1540. http://library.louisville.edu/owl/1997-11/news.htm | |
89. îÏ×ÁÑ áÓÔÒÏÌÏÇÉÞÅÓËÁÑ üÎÃÉËÌÏÐÅÄÉÑ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://encyclopedia.astrologer.ru/cgi-bin/guard/R/Rheticus.html |
90. Astrohistoire Translate this page En 1541, un professeur de mathématiques et d'astronomie de Wittenberg, georg JoachimRheticus, grand admirateur de son travail, réussit à le convaincre de http://perso.wanadoo.fr/planetica/astrohistoire/copernic.html | |
91. Dr.C.Pinter: Artikel Online Translate this page Wiener Zeitung, 22. Jän. 1999. Der erste Kopernikaner. Wie der Vorarlberger GeorgJoachim rheticus zum einzigen Schüler des Domherren Nikolaus Kopernikus wurde. http://members.eunet.at/pinter/artikel/artiwz.htm | |
92. Did The Reformers Reject Copernicus? - Christian History Giese then asked Copernicus's first and only disciple, the Lutheran scholar GeorgJoachim rheticus, to insert in the copies not yet sold a short apologia by http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/2002/004/7.22.html | |
93. ROMALILAR DÖNEMÝ'NDE BÝLÝM - FORSNET YENIÇAG'DA BILIM. Astronomi. Bu dönemde en önemli gelismeastronomi alaninda olmustur. Kopernik, Yunan Dönemi'nden beri http://www.bilimtarihi.gen.tr/yenicag/yenidendogus/biyoloji.html | |
94. Lehrstuhl Für Geschichte Der Naturwissenschaft - Archiv U. Datenbank: Die Deuts http://www.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de/wug/gnw/coped.shtml | |
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