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61. Matteo Ricci: A Missão Conforme O Vaticano II, No Século XVI Translate this page Evangelização - Inculturação matteo ricci a missão conforme o VaticanoII, no século XVI. Alberto Garuti. matteo ricci eo cristianismo na Coréia. http://www.pime.org.br/pimenet/mundoemissao/evanmatteo.htm | |
62. Matteo Ricci: A Missão Conforme O Vaticano II No Século XVI matteo ricci a missão conforme o VaticanoII, no século XVI. Alberto Garuti. matteo ricci eo cristianismo na Coréia. http://www.pime.org.br/pimenet/mundoemissao/historiaricci.htm | |
63. Matteo Ricci With A Chinese Convert matteo ricci with a Chinese convert. UPDATE 12.1.2001. My supervisor had justreturned from a teaching spell in Beijing, and guess what she told me? http://www.fengshuinetwork.net/brochure/expos_seminars_workshops/fsn_annual_conf | |
64. Matteo Ricci, The Grand Design, And The Disaster Of The 'Rites Controversy' 9, 2001 of Executive Intelligence Review. matteo ricci, the Grand Design,and the Disaster of the 'Rites Controversy'. by Michael Billington1 http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2843m_ricci.html | |
65. John Paul II Praises Matteo Ricci In Quest For Dialogue With China 9, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. John Paul II Praises MatteoRicci In Quest For Dialogue With China. by Elisabeth Hellenbroich On Oct. http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2843pope_intro.html | |
66. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci The Memory Palace of matteo ricci. http://hallbiographies.com/leaders/175.shtml | |
67. Logiciel Pour Apprendre: Matteo Ricci Translate this page Section 1. Des logiciels pour apprendre le chinois 1.8 matteo ricci(PC et MAC), Voyage au pays de la mémoire. Une fabuleuse aventure http://www.lechinois.com/logiciel/logiciel18ricci.html | |
68. Matteo Ricci's Palace Building the Palace. In 1596 matteo ricci taught the Chinese how to build a memorypalace. The Memory Palace of matteo ricci Jonathan D. Spence Viking, 1994. http://tolearn.net/hypertext/matteo.htm | |
69. Modern History Sourcebook: Hsu Kuang-chi: Memorial To Fra Matteo Ricci, 1617 Back to Modern History SourceBook. Modern History Sourcebook Hsu KuangchiMemorial to Fra matteo ricci, 1617. Su Kwangki, guardian http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1617hsukuang.html | |
70. Pregled Knjiga Izdanih U Hrvatskoj Po Tematskim Kategorijama Jadranka Cigelj sijecanj 2002. 17 Apostol Kine p. matteo ricci (1552.-1610.).Otello Gentili. Naslov Apostol Kine - p. matteo ricci (1552.-1610.). http://knjiga.hr/03.asp?cmbTema=9&ID=9163 |
71. 20-04-02 - Padre Matteo Ricci Translate this page Emissione di un francobollo commemorativo di Padre matteo ricci, nel 450° anniversariodella nascita. Data di emissione. 20 aprile 2002. Valore. 0,41. http://www.comunicazioni.it/it/index.php?IdPag=443 |
72. MINDATLAS.COM - Matteo Ricci An Italian Priest In China matteo ricci An Italian Priest in China By CeiCai Yip. The expansion heathens'.matteo ricci was one those who answered the call. matteo http://www.healthekids.net/course.phtml?course_id=363 |
73. The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci The Memory Palace of matteo ricci. matteo ricci (15521616), an Italian Jesuit, enteredChina in 1583 to spread Catholicism in the largely Confucian country. http://www.historyuniverse.com/bookstore1/0140080988AMUS125000.shtml | |
74. Matteo Ricci, Una Vocación Cartográfica Translate this page 2002-02, HISTORIA. matteo ricci, una vocación cartográfica. Escrito MapaCompleto del Mundo, recopilado por matteo ricci en 1608. Tumba http://www.china-pictorial.com/chpic/htdocs/rmhb/X/200202/3-1.htm | |
75. MATTEO RICCI Translate this page matteo ricci. IT per Periti Aziendali e Corrispondenti Lingue Esteree per Geometri. intestazione, matteo ricci. ordine, TECNICO. http://www.rcvr.org/scuole/bussola/s_000010.htm | |
76. Matteo Ricci Translate this page Nom matteo ricci. Cycle cycle 3. Editeur JERIKO. Domaine disciplinairelangue chinoise, géographie, documentaire. Descriptif (Source http://www.ac-toulouse.fr/ariege-education/logitheque/fichescd/matte.htm | |
77. La Mappa Completa Del Mondo Di Matteo Ricci Translate this page Cina una storia di 5000 anni. La Mappa Completa del Mondo di matteo ricci. Testodi Chen Ying. La Mappa Completa del Mondo, compilata da matteo ricci nel 1608. http://www.rmhb.com.cn/chpic/htdocs/rmhb/itlia/200202/3-1.htm | |
78. Fiche Livre: Matteo Ricci, Le Lettré D'Occident Translate this page Revue de Presse. Imprimer la fiche. Acheter en ligne. matteo ricci, le lettré d'Occident.auteur(s) Étienne Ducornet. matteo ricci est un amoureux de la Chine. http://www.editionsducerf.fr/html/fiche/fichelivre.asp?N_LIV_CERF=1770 |
79. Matteo Ricci Translate this page http://www.ac-guadeloupe.fr/Cati971/Matn/004.htm |
80. Ricci Ancestors matteo ricci A Jesuit mathematician who learned fluent Chinese and establishedthe first successful mission in China after others had failed and been expelled http://www.r-3.com/ancestor.htm | |
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