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61. (with Gian-Carlo Rota, Joel Stein) Q-Hopf Algebras (with Qing-Hu ³ÂÓÀ´¨½ÌÊÚÒѾ·¢±íµÄÂÛÎÄ (with GianCarloRota, Joel Stein) q-Hopf Algebras. (with Qing-Hu Hou, Alain Lascoux http://www.yongchuan.org/paper.html | |
62. Rota's Mathematical World Indiscrete Thoughts. By giancarlo rota, forewords by Reuben Hersh andRobert Sokolowski, edited and with an epilogue by Fabrizio Palombi. http://www.yongchuan.org/xsdw/rota's world.html | |
63. Untitled Document R. rota, giancarlo - Died in 1999, gian-carlo rota was Professorof Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. rota http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/mind/topics/00000032past.htm | |
64. The Umbral Transfer-Matrix Method: I. Foundations Copyright(c)2000 by Academic Press (available from IDEAL). Written March 30,2000. In Fond Mermory of giancarlo rota (April 27, 1932- April 18, 1999). http://www.math.temple.edu/~zeilberg/mamarim/mamarimhtml/umbI.html | |
65. Enseñanza Translate this page gian-carlo rota, profesor de matemáticas aplicadas y filosofía en el InstitutoTecnológico de Massachusetts, en los Estados Unidos, publicó recientemente http://www.smf.mx/boletin/Jul-97/ense/ensena.html | |
66. Phenomenology And Cognitive Science Collects resources on the intersection between phenomenology of Husserlian kind or origin and the Category Society Philosophy Current Movements Phenomenology...... JTB journal, 2002. R. rota, giancarlo - Died in 1999, gian-carlo rota wasProfessor of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/mind/topics/00000032.htm | |
67. Www.clifford.org/anonftp/clf-alg/conferences/1999/99gwdaw.txt alg/conferences.html Subject In memory of gian-carlo rota (third announcement http://www.clifford.org/anonftp/clf-alg/conferences/1999/99gwdaw.txt | |
68. G G. C. rota. gian-carlo rotaon Analysis, Convexity, and Probability. Selected Papers and Commentaries. http://www.svt-ebs.co.jp/subjects/SV-leaf/0-8176-4275-7.HTM | |
69. Zwoje (The Scrolls) 3 (16), 1999 Andrzej Kobos MYSLI O WOJNIE BALKANSKIEJ; giancarlo rota STANULAM; Andrzej Kobos MEDRZEC WIEKSZY NIZ ZYCIE - STANISLAW ULAM; http://www.zwoje.com/zwoje16/ | |
70. Zwoje (The Scrolls) 3 (16), 1999 BARIERA ZNACZENIA. giancarlo rota. gian-carlo rota Indiscrete Thoughts, BirkhäuserBoston, 1997, pp. 55-59. Przeklad (Translated by) Andrzej M. Kobos. http://www.zwoje.com/zwoje16/text04.htm | |
71. Rota.htm Front row Wungkum Fong, Yong Chen, Mark Skandera, Arvind Sankar, giancarlorota, Li He, Chak Chow, Yong Cheng. Ole Nielsen, gian-carlo rota. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~mskan/pix/rota/rota.htm | |
72. Alessandro Di Bucchianico: List Of Publications In B. Sagan and RP Stanley (eds.), Mathematical Essays in Honor of giancarlo rota, pp. 213-238, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1998. A tribute to gian-carlo rota, pp. http://www.win.tue.nl/~sandro/publications.html | |
73. Newsbulletin Remembrance service set for giancarlo rota. A remembrance celebrationof gian-carlo rota's life will be held from 7 to 9 pm Saturday http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/pa/News/050599text.html | |
74. Indiscrete Thoughts Indiscrete Thoughts. giancarlo rota F. Palombi, Editor. If you'reabout to buy this book, you're in for a treat, says Rueben Hersh http://www.maa.org/pubs/books/inth.html | |
75. FOM: Rota's United Front Versus F.o.m. In my FOM posting of 13 Oct 1998 003215, I reported on the first15 chapters of giancarlo rota's book `Indiscrete Thoughts'. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1998-November/002462.html | |
76. Ordinary Differential Equations $59.75. Birkhoff, Garrett and rota, giancarlo. Ordinary Differential Equations. 318p. Now out in newer ed. Birkhoff, Garrett and rota, gian-carlo. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/OrdinaryDifferentialEquations.h | |
77. New Books 1/00: Mathematics And Applied Mathematics: Subject Guides: MIT Librari Monographs on statistics and applied probability Chapman Hall/CRC,Boca Raton SBKS. QA3.R73 1995 - rota, gian-carlo. gian-carlo http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/subjects/math/nb001.html | |
78. SIAM AG On Orthogonal Polynomials And Special Functions In honor of giancarlo rota's 64th birthday, the rotaFest conference was organizedby Richard Stanley, Neil White and Richard Ehrenborg at the Massachusetts http://gams.nist.gov/opsf/reports/umbral.html | |
79. Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught Ten Lessons I wish I had been Taught. giancarlo rota MIT, April 20 , 1996 on theoccasion of the rotafest. Allow me to begin by allaying one of your worries. http://www.media.mit.edu/~cahn/life/gian-carlo-rota-10-lessons.html | |
80. Tips And Tricks M. Göschka; Four requirements of a good lecture (giancarlo rota);Ten Lessons I wish I Had Been Taught (gian-carlo rota); How to http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/staff/slany/teaching-material/ | |
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