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Saks Stanislaw: more detail | ||||||
81. AFROCENTRIC NEWS Network Zimmer, composers); Ragtime, The Musical, Jay David saks, producer; (Lynn 9, KeithO. Johnson, engineer (stanislaw Skrowaczewski, conductor); Mahler Sym. http://www.afrocentricnews.com/html/grammy_list99.html | |
82. Misura Translate this page La questione venne ripresa da stanislaw saks (1897- 1942) che propose, nel1937, un primo modello di teoria astratta della misura e dell'integrale. http://www.unict.it/mathesis/conferenze_1997/misura.htm |
83. Definc Z Translate this page Zaremba, stanislaw, Entre sus publicaciones figura una obra sobre funciones analíticasen colaboración con S. saks, Varsovia, 1938, y numerosas monografías http://ing.unne.edu.ar/Matem_diccion/p327_letra_z_definic.htm | |
85. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing Czech & Polish et al. S1234 London Routledge, 1994 RID 9333400 ITEM bla00011 517.8Saks, stanislaw, 1897- S158f Funkcje analityczne, wyklady uniwersyteckie. http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/czechdeh.htm | |
86. Marsh Plaza - Honor Roll Of Donors Dr. Homayoon Thomas Saghafi Mr. Greg Zvi saks Ms. Judith B. saks Mr. Robert J StanislawMs. Pearl Starbird Ms. Margaret C. StarkRoberts Mrs. Millicent C. Starr http://www.bu.edu/marshplaza/donors/s.html | |
87. VEDA V roce 1943 byl nacisty zavraden jeden z vynikajících Sierpinského studentuStanislaw saks, který byl asistentem na Varavské univerzite a stal se http://pes.eunet.cz/veda/clanky/16529_48_0_0.html | |
88. Alumni Job Listings Takas Michelle Scavone Leslie Schloz Burke, Buyer, HSN Improvements Jennifer StanislawLeslie Stanton Shook Buyer, 1993 Design Karen Barbiere, Designer saks Inc. http://dept.kent.edu/fashion/alumni_list.htm | |
89. Moscow International Film Festival / History: 1935-2000 / 1983 Zavattini, screenwriter (Italy) Jacques DuqeauRupp, producer (France) StanislawMikulski, actor Mady saks) MIRIS DUNJA / THE SMELL OF QUINCES (Yugoslavia, dir http://www.miff.ru/eng/history/1983.html | |
90. Untitled Stypendium Saksa dla mlodych matematykow przyznawane jest od 1993 roku przez FundacjeStypendialna Matematykow Wroclawskich pl. Grunwaldzki 2/4, 50384 Wroclaw http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/~tjan/Saks/Saks.html | |
91. U SAFFORD, JOSEPH H, MIA, 2/13/51. SAGISI, ELPIDIO MALOY, MIA, 12/2/50. saks, HANSPAUL JR, MIA, 10/7/52. SALAZAR, FRANK RALPH, MIA, 12/31/51. SALAZAR, SASTINES, MIA,11/27/50. http://www.oldglorytraditions.com/koreanwar_s.htm | |
92. Saul Gorn Memorial Library Determinants and Matrices Oliver Boyd Ltd. 1949 Alagic Arbib Design of WellStructured and Correct Programs, The Springer-Verlag 1978 Albert, A.A. Determination of the Integers of all Cubic Fields, A Annals of Mathematics 1930 Albert, A.A. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/sgml/collection.doc | |