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Savasorda: more detail | |||
1. Earliest Uses Of Symbols From Geometry He is sometimes known as savasorda, a corruption of an Arabic term indicating that he held some civic office in the http://members.aol.com/jeff570/geometry.html | |
2. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians Abraham bar Hiyya haNasi (savasorda) (c. 1125) *SB http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
3. History Of Mathematics - Al'Khwarizmi & Al Jabr of these methods. In 1145, savasorda published Liber embadorum thatgave the complete solution of the quadratic equations. In 1494 http://members.aol.com/bbyars1/algebra.html | |
4. Judeus Medievais - Matemática Translate this page Monumental matemático e astrônomo judeu, conhecido no mundo não judaicocom o nome de Abraão savasorda ou oficialmente de Sahib es-Sorta. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/jud.html |
5. Abraham In the Hebrew of his time 'HaNasi' meant 'the leader' but he is also known by theLatin name savasorda which comes from his 'job description' showing that he http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Abraham.html | |
6. S Index 724) Sargent, Winifred (1339) Sasaki, Shigeo (1066*) Saurin, Joseph (210) Savage,Leonard (299*), Savart, Felix (106) Savary, Félix (153) savasorda (A bar Hiyya http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/S.html | |
8. Quadratic Etc Equations bar Hiyya HaNasi, often known by the Latin name savasorda, is famed for his book Liber embadorum published in 1145 http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Quadratic_etc_equations.h | |
9. THAIS.IT - Drawings Of Italian Painters dEste, was obsessed by geometry and less satisfied by the paintbrush.The text begins from the Book of the areas by savasorda lEbreo http://www.thais.it/speciali/disegni/scheda0102.htm | |
10. Www.igl.ku.dk/~fsp/tables/tt-extras/pr06-idx.txt 165r175r Abraham Avenezra, De mundo vel saec 101b 23 for Toulouse, connected withAbraham bar Hiyya ( savasorda , 13v 101b 35 not located, attributable to http://www.igl.ku.dk/~fsp/tables/tt-extras/pr06-idx.txt | |
11. Www.igl.ku.dk/~fsp/tables/tab-lst.txt {Ov} . CE15 savasorda, Toulouse, AD 1109(20)1369, March. {Ch} . (^B188) {Eh OuCo, Fj} . QB41 savasorda , degrees, table 1y10, 10-100, 200. (^%ir) {Ch} . http://www.igl.ku.dk/~fsp/tables/tab-lst.txt |
12. Seforim Online Hegayon HaNefesh äâéåï äðôù, R' Avraham Bar Chiya savasorda -ø' àáøäí áø çééà, Leipzig, 1860 - ìééôöéâ, úøë ä. http://www.seforimonline.org/seforim3.html | |
13. Untitled Translate this page A titre de comparaison, quelques exemples seront tirés des oeuvres d'Al Khwarizmi,de savasorda ou d'Abû Bekr pour donner à voir l'éclairage que la science http://palissy.humana.univ-nantes.fr/CETE/TXT/boysset/2pch4.htm | |
14. P. Portet - B. Boysset. Sources Translate this page Vivait de 1232 à 1316. Liber de nova et compendiosa geometria, écrità Paris en 1299. En latin. savasorda. Liber embadorum. Edition http://palissy.humana.univ-nantes.fr/CETE/TXT/boysset/sources.htm | |
15. Calendar Controversy The most direct source of Maimonides Sanctification was the work of Abraham benHiyyah, known as savasorda of Barcelona (b. 1065) who wrote Sefer haibbur http://www.biblestudy.org/gands/hdaybook/calcont.html | |
16. Geojudeus Translate this page O judeu que sistematizou a geografia em hebraico foi Abraão Bar Chyya, tambémconhecido pelo apelido de Abraão Judeu e savasorda ( Sahib es-Sorta). http://www.geocities.com/neituberlandia/geojudeus.html | |
17. 20 Matematicos Celebres - Francisco Vera Translate this page romano y las Etimologías del arzobispo de Sevilla eran las únicas fuentes de conocimientosmatemáticos, superadas en el siglo XII por savasorda en España http://www.geocities.com/veintematematicoscelebres/cap10.html | |
18. SAVASORDA www.savasorda.org. Was registered by. Register Your domain Now! Register yourDomain Name (Web Address). www. .com, .net, .org, .cc, .biz, .info. .bz, ALL, http://www.savasorda.org/default.asp | |
19. SAVASORDA www.savasorda.net. Was registered by. Register Your domain Now! Register yourDomain Name (Web Address). www. .com, .net, .org, .cc, .biz, .info. .bz, ALL, http://www.savasorda.net/ | |
20. TIMELINE 11th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE Arabic works on the subject. DE Smith, p.206 The foremost of these Jewish scholarsAbraham bar Chiia Abraham Judaeus, commonly known as savasorda c.1070c http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline11.html | |
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