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41. Georges Sarton INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE VOL II /1 Encyclopaedia. D). M. Steinschneider Abraham Judaeus. savasorda undIbn Esra. Zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften im 12. http://www.jct.ac.il/judaica/marocco/ezra.html | |
42. Page About Freemasonry, Essays: Pythagoras And Mystic Science Rabbi Abraham barChiya (known in science books as savasorda) of Barcelona, who wroteand published in Hebrew the encyclopedia entitled Source of Intelligence http://web.mit.edu/dryfoo/Masonry/Essays/pythagoras.html | |
43. Le Kiosque Des Sciences Translate this page Vers 1124. · Abraham savasorda, philosophe et savant juif d'Espagne (1065-1136)complète la première encyclopédie scientifique en hébreu. http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/kiosque/chronomonde04_moyen-age1.html | |
44. Www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~mhl/LeoBib5862GtoL.txt Translate this page n 9418 a Galluzzi, Paolo y 1982 t Leonardo, Pacioli e savasorda j Leonardo dopo Milanog 87-91 n 9419 a Galluzzi, Paolo y 1987 t The career of a technologist j http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~mhl/LeoBib5862GtoL.txt |
45. VEDA Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, vetinou uvádený pod latinským jménem savasorda,napsal v roce 1145 knihu Liber embadorum , která byla první prací v http://pes.eunet.cz/veda/clanky/1659_0_0_0.html | |
46. ARABIC INFLUENCES IN AND AROUND DANTE Also worthy of note is the fact that the savasorda whom Haskins (p. 243) namestogether with John of Spain and Avraham Ibn Ezra as being among the first http://www.emery.archive.mcmail.com/public_html/occas2/occas16.html | |
47. Almanac.1521-4-2000 Translate this page Intorno al 1100, il matematico ebreo di Barcellona, Abraham bar-Hiyya ha-Nasi, notoanche come savasorda, inizia a tradurre alcuni trattati scientifici arabi http://web.infinito.it/utenti/e/enigmagalgano/almanacco_XII_secolo/1100-2000/alm | |
48. S Index Translate this page 471*) Sankara, Narayana (724) Sasaki, Shigeo (1066*) Saurin, Joseph (210) Savage,Leonard (299*), Savart, Felix (106) Savary, Félix (153) savasorda (A bar Hiyya http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/S.html |
49. WHEN IS THE FIRST OF ABIB new calendar calculated rather than decided upon by a meeting of the Sanhedrinwas not alone truly continuous but, again according to savasorda Abraham b http://www.alphalink.com.au/~sanhub/1stAbib.htm | |
50. MEDIEVAL SCIENCES: THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION OF THE RENAISSANCE: Medievalhistory.ne in Spain itself were Dominicus Gondisalvi, Hugh of Santalla, and a group of Jewishscholars including Petrus Alphonsi, John of Seville, savasorda, and Abraham http://www.medievalhistory.net/islamica.htm | |
51. DIARI AVUI - Suplement Cultura que podrem llegir a El Mirall són Costa i Llobera perfils d'un poeta id'unspoemes, de Bernat Cifré, Dues novel·les 'Abraham savasorda' i 'Territori http://www.avui.es/avui/diari/01/oct/11/k30211.htm | |
52. INSCRIPT o dif. referring to a geometry book by Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda in libraryof San Marco, Florence; bottom left corner, collection mark of Sir Thomas http://is.gseis.ucla.edu/impact/f95/Cdwa/INSCRIPT.HTML |
53. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Jewish Philosophy While Christianity and Islam met each other on the battlefield, Abraham bar Hiyya,called by his fellow Jews the prince, and by nonJews savasorda, took a http://radicalacademy.com/adiphiljewish1.htm | |
54. »Ê¤å¡þ¼Ð°O o dif. referring to a geometry book by Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda in library ofSan Marco, Florence;?Thomas Lawrence?L http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~metadata/CDWA/inscript.htm | |
55. PRESENCIA JUDÍA EN LA FILOSOFÍA Translate this page Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda de Barcelona (se destaca hacia el año 1130) Se le reconocemás como matemático y astrónomo, pero es el primer filósofo judío http://www.cis.cl/articulos/filosofia.htm | |
56. Mathematicians John of Seville (c. 1125). Domingo Gundisalvo (c. 1125). Abraham bar HiyyahaNasi (savasorda) (c. 1125) *SB. Plato of Tivoli (c. 1125) *SB. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
57. BSHM: Abstracts -- H the sum of its four sides and the areafrom its first appearance in an Old Babyloniantext (C18), through alKhwarizmi, Abu Bakr, savasorda, Leonardo of http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/abstracts/H.html | |
58. Mathem_abbrev Samawal, Ibn al savasorda (A bar Hiyya) Schoenberg, Isaac Schrödinger, Erwin Schwartz,Laurent Schwarz, Stefan Scott, Sheila (Macintyre) Selberg, Atle Serenus http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
59. Skeleton DRAFT Of Selective Bibliography Works on Individual Mathematicians. Abraham bar\d Hiyya. 447 Levey, Martin. \arsavasorda, Abraham and His Algorithm A Study in Early European Logistic. http://poncelet.math.nthu.edu.tw/chuan/history/out.html | |
60. Excmo Translate this page interés que puedan tener para los amantes de la historia de la ciencia a orillasdel Mediterráneo, no podemos dejar de citar a Pedro Alfonso ya savasorda. http://topologia.geomet.uv.es/naveira/DISCURSO.html |
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